
Chapter 823: Worries

In fact, Hugo had a conversation with Kazuo Ishiguro in less than two minutes. Hugo did not pursue it, because he knew that today was the premiere of "Money Empire", and this was not his stage. , It’s not a good thing to steal the protagonist's style.

So after the topic was finished, Hugo shook hands with Kazuo Ishiguro politely, and then calmly continued to walk away, leaving Kazuo Ishiguro standing there and his face could no longer remain the same, black as Bottom of the pot.

In the conversation just now, Hugo always had the upper hand. Kazuo Ishiguro, who lacked the means to deal with reporters, could only suffer a sullen loss, and the most damning thing was that Hugo still showed a big belly and calm etiquette when he left. In contrast, Kazuo Ishiguro, who spoke bad things behind his back and then spoke bad words, was completely embarrassed.

Kazuo Ishiguro hadn't expected such a situation before, but it happened that he wanted to get something back, but it was too late. This kind of aggrieved feeling made Ishiguro Kazuo very depressed. If it weren’t for the highly anticipated red carpet here, or if today’s protagonist is not a "pulp fiction" but an innocent "money empire", Ishiguro Kazuo would think directly. Turned around and left.

Therefore, looking at the expectant reporter in front of him at this time, Ishiguro Kazuo couldn't change his breath, and was extremely entangled.

Nicholas didn’t care about Kazuo Ishiguro’s state. It was obviously the end of the battle that he provoked, but he directly carried the load, trot all the way and followed Hugo to the front. After about a dozen steps, Nicholas called Hugo again. Lived, Hugo looked at Nicholas with a smile, "Didn't you run out of your interview share today?"

Faced with Hugo’s irony, Nicholas was more adaptable than Ishiguro Kazuo. Without blinking his eyes, he answered directly, “Then use tomorrow’s first.” The answer was very smooth.” I said, don’t you worry that he hates you behind his back? You know, he is a judge."

Several reporters were standing next to him at this time, but Nicholas had no scruples at all, as he said in a big way.

Hugo was a little bit dumbfounded, "You didn't cause it, so why didn't you think about it?"

Nicholas curled his lips, "If you ask a reporter to consider it for you, doesn't it mean you are selling yourself." He was not ashamed at all, and he confessed directly, making Hugo very helpless.

Kazuo Ishiguro is one of the members of the judging panel. The entire judging panel has only ten people. It can be said that the impact is very huge. To be more serious, Hugo's "provocation" today is likely to ruin the prospect of "Pulp Fiction" at the Cannes Film Festival.

However, Hugo knows very well that it can be heard from Ishiguro Kazuo’s first answer. He originally had no favor or even disdain for "Pulp Fiction", so did Hugo stimulate Ishiguro Kazuo? , There is not much impact at all, even if Hugo bows his head to accompany him, it is estimated that Kazuo Ishiguro will still not choose "Pulp Fiction", so it is better to fight back.

Besides, Hugo knows that neither he nor Quentin are the kind of people who are willing to compromise in order to win prizes. At the beginning, Hugo and Quentin were able to talk happily and finally reached a cooperation, because they were very angry about what happened to the "American Past", which gave the two people a common topic. Therefore, when meeting people who despise "Pulp Fiction", Hugo will definitely fight for it, even if the other party is a judge at the Cannes Film Festival.

Nicholas was also very familiar with Hugo, so he didn't hesitate any more, and directly asked, "Are you planning to leave Cannes tomorrow?"

"The source is well-informed." Hugo raised his eyebrows. Nicholas didn't laugh. In fact, he agreed with Hugo's statement. Hugo nodded his chin. "Yes, I will take off from Nice tomorrow night. "

Participating in film festivals is generally like this. After attending the premiere and cooperating with the publicity, many people will leave the city early. After all, the whole city is going crazy for the film festival, and their publicity work has been completed. There is no need to stay.

"But, don’t you plan to attend the awards ceremony? Don’t you look forward to the prize for'Pulp Fiction'?" Although Nicholas did not continue to say more, his subtext is actually to remind Hugo, because "blue, white, red, three The voices of these two films, "The Red of Trilogy" and "Queen Margot" are very high. Therefore, the media currently generally believe that it is difficult for "Pulp Fiction" to compete with Palme d’Or. This has led to Hugo’s great competition in terms of movie kings. Chance.

Hugo did not answer. Instead, he laughed at Nicholas, then waved his hand, "Everyone has the right to dream." After speaking, he stepped forward and left. The subtext is that Nicholas is talking about dreams. And he didn't care about the matter at all.

Nicholas stayed where he was, but he curled his lips unconvinced, but after all he did not catch up.

In Nicholas's opinion, 1994 was definitely a year of strong rise for Hugo. Not long ago, the outstanding performance in "Schindler's List" won Hugo the recognition of Best Supporting Actor Oscar. In the first half of the year, the glory-to-death performances in the music market were particularly prominent, and now "Pulp Fiction" is gaining momentum at the Cannes Film Festival.

Although the demand for "Pulp Fiction" to get Palme d'Or is not high, the possibility of Hugo getting the actor is on the rise. If Hugo can aspire to the Cannes actor, it means that Hugo has won the Oscar and the Cannes Film Festival two heavyweight acting awards in just two months. Such a momentum must not be ignored.

Especially when everyone was not optimistic about "Pulp Fiction" before, if Hugo could get the actor, it would be wonderful. Compared to Palme d’Or, Nicholas is even more looking forward to the best actor being able to win Hugo. It will be a great pleasure to see the faces of those media who are clamoring about Hugo’s “stupid choice”.

At this time, Nicholas was already looking forward to the final product of "Life and Death Speed" that was not optimistic, and what kind of sensation the "Pulp Fiction" would cause when it was released in North America. Under such circumstances, Nicholas will inevitably have more expectations, even more than Hugo himself.

Hugo doesn't know what Nicholas thinks. Even if he knows, he won't take it seriously, and he can't be too greedy.

After leaving the red carpet, Hugo quickly saw the two directors of the "Money Empire", Joel Cohen (.) and Ethan Cohen (ethan.), the famous Cohen brothers in the world's independent film industry are worthy of The existence of legend is called "Blood Labyrinth" to "Barton-Fink", from "Ice Blood Storm ( to "Old Nothing (n0...oldn, from "burn.after." "To "Truth Thunder (true., the two brothers have almost made no mistakes in the film industry for 30 years, which is full of admiration.

Hugo originally booked today's ticket to leave Cannes, but after learning that "Money Empire" was released today, he couldn't wait to postpone the ticket by one day, just to be able to chat with the Coen brothers in person, and then sit in the cinema. Watch "Money Empire" in here. After all, such opportunities are not always available.

Now when Hugo sees those legendary characters, his mood has changed. If it used to be more like the feeling of fans seeing an idol, and was so excited that he couldn't speak; then now it is more like meeting a confidant. Or if you have met an authoritative person in your industry, you can't wait to talk, or brainstorm to spark sparks.

In fact, Hugo has never seen "Money Empire" because there are so many famous works by the Coen brothers. He can only say that he has seen some of them, but "Money Empire" still maintains the shooting technique of the brothers. The exaggeration and absurdity and black humor, and "Pulp Fiction" is also the best in black humor, which makes Hugo and the Coen brothers obviously have many common topics in communication.

Then Hugo saw Tim Robbins, the hero of the "Money Empire". The meeting between the two was filled with modesty and politeness. This is all because Tim "stolen" the opportunity to star in "Shawshank's Redemption".

In fact, Hugo knows that this is just a miss, and there is no such thing as "snatching"; but Tim is a humble and low-key character. He has been in Hollywood for more than 30 years, and there is almost no negative news, it is absolute. It’s a good sir, so he is still a little guilty about Hugo.

In this case, Tim remained humble, and then expressed his apologies to Hugo, and at the same time praised the excellence of "Pulp Fiction" there; Hugo had to be humble again and He prefers Tim's previous "life intersection" and "behind-the-scenes player".

The two people’s humility and courtesy scene made the straightforward Ethan Cohen look down on him, so he interrupted the conversation, "Isn’t it just a movie, what's the point of being courteous all the time, next time there is something suitable? When the opportunity arises, Tim will introduce Hugo to Hugo, and it will not be over." He waved his hand impatiently after speaking.

Ethan’s words made Hugo laugh directly, and Tim smiled shyly, Hugo stopped rejecting it, and simply said, "If it’s your director’s work, I’m willing to accept this. Proposal." In one sentence, he aimed the gun at the Coen brothers, and everyone couldn't help laughing, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

"It seems that you have already chatted before I appear, and the atmosphere is so pleasant, which makes me a little envious." A calm and full of magnetism sounded with a faint smile, even if he did not see him. Just by hearing it, you can feel the gentleness and casualness of this man.

As soon as I turned around, I saw the movie legend-Paul Newman. (To be renewed. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Kazakhstan to read and vote for the work to vote for a monthly pass. Your support is the biggest motivation for me to continue to create!)


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