
Chapter 834: First game

In fact, Hugo has not yet fully entered the state. After all, he has just experienced an international long-distance flight. Although he has been asleep on the plane for a long time, the whole person is still in a state of fatigue. Of course, the most important thing is that there have been no major changes in the past two months, so Hugo has not adapted to the fact that his agent has been replaced by Rick.

Now, after hearing Rick's words, Hugo reacted. Now Rick is his manager, and Joseph is his manager. Therefore, the first communication between him and Rick is extremely important. This is the basis for all future cooperation, just like Henry and the band. Say everything the same before signing.

"I mean, what's your plan for the movie?" Rick asked. He had been paying close attention to Hugo's state. He also noticed Hugo's concentration, so he went on to say, "Before I When I was handing over work with Joe, I actually had several scripts on hand. Since this time, more than a dozen scripts have come to my door, including action movies, literary movies, comedy movies... all kinds of them, I I want to hear what you mean and make a plan for the future work.\"

In fact, if it is not necessary, Rick does not want to have this conversation today. He knows that Hugo must be in bad condition after the long-distance flight. But the problem is that Hugo will be on tour next, and the current situation of Endeavour Elite Company cannot be delayed. He must communicate with Hugo as soon as possible to get Hugo's work started, so he can only catch the ducks on the shelves. .

Hugo actually discussed this topic with Joseph before, but the two did not come up with a clear idea. Now the cooperation with Rick is a brand new start, and they still have to face the same problems.

In fact, Joseph did not fully adapt to the change of his status at this time. Although he was Hugo’s manager for the past two months, because Hugo has never taken over a new job, Joseph has never been able to complete the job. Conversion. When he heard Rick’s question, his first reaction was to think: He should use his contacts to find out what projects in the circle are suitable for Hugo!

But immediately, Joseph heard Hugo say, "Tell me what you think," and he reacted. Now he is not an agent, but a manager. Inquiring about projects and collecting information should be done by brokers, and as a manager, you have to be Hugo's first gatekeeper and build a bridge between Rick and Hugo. Therefore, for Joseph, the most important thing for him is to understand Hugo's ideas and pass them to Rick. Then, it is very important to understand Rick's position.

When Rick heard Hugo's simple rhetorical question, he calmed down instead. If Rick wants to please Hugo, he can say "It's all up to you to make the decision", but the capable and ambitious agent will put forward his own ideas and make choices for Hugo. Rick is obviously the latter.

"In fact, I think the new work can be temporarily released. It's only a little more than two months since the completion of the "Speed ​​of Life and Death". I think you need time to rest and adjust, and you need time to invest in the band's tour." What's smart about Rick is that he is consistent with Hugo in the general direction. This is what he learned from Henry. "Moreover, Schindler's list won the prize, but it is a serious Literature and art film;'Pulp Fiction' also won the award, but this is another low-cost independent film. I think that most of the scripts that come to the door at present will be mainly acting. I hope you can further develop your acting talent; and Or go to extremes and want to rely on your appeal to become a writer in popcorn movies."

Rick obviously has worked hard. His analysis is not only methodical but also clear. This also makes Joseph listen quietly. This ability is the keenness and wisdom precipitated by experience. "I feel that instead of making a decision in a hurry, It is better to wait for this wave of waves to pass, and then choose your work from the script.\"

"Then what work do you think is suitable for me?" Hugo said with interest. In fact, this matter is also his constant confusion. There is no fixed standard for his selection of works at present, it is all based on interest. Challenge acting is a good choice, but acting in action movies is also very interesting, Hugo does not reject it.

This is obviously a very broad and profound subject. Hugo is not a pure newcomer now, and Rick can't just plan Hugo's actor path according to his own ideas, so he must deliberate and communicate slowly. "I think you should not limit your choices, you should open your heart and make more different choices."

Rick obviously had a draft for this, and he was full of confidence when he said it, "Look at your six choices in the past two years. "Scent of a Woman" is considered a literary and artistic sketch, and "Yihai Xiongfeng" is a show. Commercial films with artistic temperament, "Night in Seattle" is a chick film, "Schindler's List" is a serious historical work, "Pulp Fiction" is a black humorous independent film, but "Speed ​​of Life and Death" is a popcorn action Movies. That is to say, you have never limited your play, you can be competent for different types of works, different types of roles, and digest according to your abilities. This is very rare for actors."o .

From Rick's point of view-or from the point of view of the entire movie circle, the truly outstanding actor should be a chameleon, wandering between business and art, able to drive the box office in commercial blockbusters, and be able to go wild in independent art films. Acting, such an actor is the real actor, who is widely favored by major film companies.

But in the long history of film, how many actors can reach such a standard?

In fact, the so-called Charm of the Little Golden Man is because I got caught in a period of confusion in the selection of works after obtaining the Little Golden Man. Should I continue to insist on choosing literary and artistic movies to prove acting? Or choose to choose commercial movies with super high remuneration? If I get Xiaojin After people’s remuneration fails to meet expectations, or the work fails, will the Xiaojinren effect disappear soon?

The ambiguity and confusion of self-positioning after obtaining a small golden person can easily lead to a long period of blank space in the career. In the final analysis, it is actually a question of the actors' self-positioning.

Now Hugo not only has the "Little Golden Man curse", but also got the Palme d’Or actor, what should his next worth be? 15 million US dollars or 20 million US dollars? Also, if Hugo continues to choose In the case of literary and artistic movies, what should be done with the pay, and whether the acting skills can break through the "Schindler's list", is it next to work hard to hit the Oscar actor? But if Hugo takes over the commercial film, will he fall into "Ha What about the tragedy of "Derson's Eagle"?

However, on the other hand, Hugo’s situation is slightly different. After the "Schindler's List" has a good box office and word of mouth, he chose to star in "Pulp Fiction" with a salary of $250,000. This shows that Hugo didn't pay much attention to film remuneration; then he chose the low-cost commercial action film "Life and Death Speed", which also shows that Hugo does not exclude commercial films, but scale and remuneration are still not the first criteria.

As Rick's analysis said, Hugo is a changeable actor, he has no fixed shackles on his body, so even if he is recognized for his acting skills, commercial films like "Life and Death" will be released again, so To some extent, Hugo's choices can be more diversified, and he does not need to consider the pay or the subject matter, the most important thing is to choose according to his own preferences.

"So I think we can temporarily slow down and look at more scripts. If there is a good one and not limited to the subject matter, I will pass it to Joe, and then we will communicate and discuss what works are most suitable." Rick's answer sounded crudely as nonsense without a point, saying it was tantamount to not saying it. But the fact is not so.

The reason why Rick said this is because he has a clear understanding of Hugo’s choice of works in the past two years, so he knows that Hugo can have more choices, Hugo can also make bolder choices, Xiao Jin Regardless of the human curse, the burden of the Cannes actor does not exist for Hugo.

They can completely slow down, slowly run in on the road of cooperation, find a suitable path, collide with sparks, and push Hugo's career to a whole new level. Of course, if in the process of slowing down, there is still no way to reach a consensus between Rick and Hugo and find a spark, then the result will be an even more terrible disaster.

Rick can see that Hugo looks like a very easy-going and warm person, but in fact, Hugo is very principled, and he is also very stubborn in his bones. These can be listened to from glory to death music. Come out. Therefore, Rick knows that if you want to successfully cooperate with Hugo, then excellent communication and sufficient respect are very necessary.

This, Lang’s failure, Joseph’s frustration, and Henry’s success have all been proven Rick wants to become Hugo's agent, and not only an agent, but also a long-term cooperation. Agent, so he will work hard to find a right path.

Hugo was a little surprised by Rick's answer. He originally thought Rick was the kind of profit-oriented agent. After all, Rick had many top actors under his hands. But now, Rick took the initiative to give up the idea of ​​winning and chasing at the peak, and instead offered to slow down, which was really unexpected.

Generally speaking, brokers who are chasing profits are bound to want to strike while the iron is hot at this time, and they can’t wait to choose the next work. Most brokers will choose commercial movies, and a small number of brokers will stay sensible and choose to continue to polish their acting skills— —After all, Hugo only got the Oscar for best supporting actor, but in the final analysis, even if you don’t take the film right away, you must determine the development direction of the next work as soon as possible, which is beyond doubt. But Rick did not. Hugo suddenly remembered the reason why he chose Rick: Rick is a profit-oriented agent, but he has not been blinded by profit. In his personality, he has always maintained the "childishness" of loyalty. "The emotion. (To be continued (Dian Dian Han paper) provided. If you like this work, you are welcome to read it and vote for a monthly ticket for the work. Your support is the biggest motivation for me to continue to create!)


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