
Chapter 862: 0 miscellaneous flavors

  &Amp;nbsp;   Hugo wants to understand Lena, he hopes to find an explanation for Lena's behavior, just like Adam did.     Imagine the fact that Adam was carrying his wife and abandoning them for eighteen years, just to maintain the perfect image of his wife in his son's heart, just hope that his son will not be right Life has lost hope, so they are always arguing. Adam always expresses his worries and concerns through scolding and questioning. Every time they communicated with each other, they were fierce and arguing, and finally broke up in trouble.     However, when Hugo knew the truth, he knew that his father had been guarding himself in his own way, saying that the love of parents for their children is in this world The only emotion that does not involve any interest, any selfishness. So, does Lena also have her problems?     But Hugo's brain is in chaos at this time, it is difficult to sort out a thought.     Maybe Lena didn’t even know that she had become a movie actor. She lived in a closed town and had no interest in movies, so she never Know the existence of Hugo. However, if she really misses Hugo, why doesn't she want to find Hugo by any means? Adam has never moved, he has always lived in Lanches, and Hugo's information is full of information.     Maybe Lena is in danger. For example, her current husband is an alcoholic or a control freak, and she is not allowed to look for Adam and Hugo. So...that's why she sent James Franco to ask for help. However, if James is on Lena's side and is willing to call for help, why not call the police? If you find yourself to rescue Lena, there is very little you can do.     Maybe James is a liar at all. He just found clues from previous interviews in Lancaster. He is a crazy fan and wants to get close to himself. That's why it doesn't compromise the means. But why does James stop talking every time? Why is James so strange every time he faces himself? If he is really a liar, how does he know the connection between himself and Lena? He can't remember that he had mentioned his mother's name and information publicly in the media.     Maybe...maybe...maybe...maybe Lena really has troubles, maybe Lena really has nothing to do with it, maybe everything can find a reasonable explanation , Just like Adam, but Hugo is not sure whether he wants to find the truth.     After Hugo left the corridor, he walked to the coffee house and saw Cameron sitting inside from a distance, but he stopped and relied on On the wall next to the coffee shop, he closed his eyes. He needed to calm down, but the thoughts in his brain were still boiling, like a crater, the turbulent magma could not be cooled down.     In the depths of Lancaster's soul, he still blames Lena. Regardless of whether he and Adam reached an understanding, he was complaining about his mother because she left him when he left at the age of eight.     Maybe everything is just like what Adam said before, it was Adam who drove her away, she had to run away all night, but she didn't even say a word to herself "Goodbye", this is unforgivable for Lancaster, he missed his mother so much, but she left without any nostalgia.     Not to mention that when he learned the truth of the matter, he knew that from the beginning, his mother abandoned herself because she was also the mother who pursued a new life Burden, I am also an obstacle to my mother's yearning for a big city.     This kind of thought violently impacted Lancaster's thoughts. No contact for eighteen years? This is not surprising, because she had already made the decision when she chose to leave, and then she had no intention of turning back—even if she wanted to turn back, she probably missed the opportunity.     It was this resentment that made him lose his mind. He believed his father's words wishfully, because he needed an object of resentment before he could be transferred and abandoned by his mother. Only when he suffered from the pain can he persist. Therefore, he was never willing to think about the loopholes in his father's rhetoric, and he was never willing to think about his father, resenting his father was the only motivation for him to persevere.     So even if he knew the truth of the matter, even if Adam kept persuading him, Hugo subconsciously rejected the search for Lena, because he still had no way of letting go, he There is still a resentment towards Lena, even if this kind of complaint has gradually been hidden deep in the memory with the passage of time, but as long as it is mentioned again, it is still difficult to let go.     But if Hugo does not dig the truth, it does not mean that the truth will not be revealed.     Hugo once thought, if one day Lena suddenly appeared in front of him, what should he do? This is very possible, because the influence of the name "Hugo Lancaster" in the United States has gradually left the entertainment circle and began to appear on the social page. Lena lives in a certain corner of the United States. Realizing Hugo is only a matter of time.     But before Hugo thinks about his own attitude, the truth comes unexpectedly, and in the most absurd and ridiculous way : Lena didn't show up, someone who claimed to be her son showed up. This makes Hugo feel absurd, this makes Hugo feel speechless, this makes Hugo feel chaotic, and this makes Hugo feel...angry.     He doesn’t know if James is telling the truth or lies. He doesn’t know if James is Lena’s own son or an adopted child. He doesn’t know what Lena is right now. Is it happy or miserable, but he... is angry, so angry that he can't make any response, so he calmly responded, as if Lina in James's mouth was not the person he knew, and then left; angry; By now, his brain was in chaos, and tears were already in his eyes before he realized it.     What's more ridiculous is that he doesn't even know what he is angry about. Last summer, Hugo had completely completed the fusion of his soul, so he could deeply feel the hot surging deep in the soul, the sadness that was abandoned, the complaint that was forgotten behind, the kind of being left behind. Dislike the frustration of getting in the way, and almost want to eat him clean.     The various thoughts in my heart are constantly tumbling, and the mixed thoughts are mixed together and fall on the tip of the tongue, but they become endless bitterness. Hugo knows for the first time that the so-called miscellaneous flavors are actually bitter in the end, and the bitterness that can make the bile spit out dances on the tip of the tongue, even if it is clenched fists and clenched teeth. The heat and pain from the heart made the tears in the eye sockets start to boil.     Take a deep breath, take another deep breath...Continue to take a deep breath, Hugo suppressed the countless turbulent thoughts in her mind strongly, and then wiped the hot teardrops in his eye sockets forcefully, His hands seemed to be too rough and caused some faint pain in the eye sockets, but he didn't care at all, closed his eyes and took a deep breath again, and then he walked towards the coffee house.     Hearing the call, Cameron raised his head and showed a bright smile at Hugo, "How about, what do you want to drink? You have tomorrow During the show, do you want to protect your throat?"    Hugo smiled and shook his head, "No, I don’t smoke, so it’s okay with coffee or something. What are you doing? Haven’t ordered yet? Shouldn’t it be waiting for me to come?"    Cameron shrugged, "I actually just sat down for a while, you just Come here, I haven’t had time yet."    Hugo was stunned, he just felt as if he had gone through a century, the storm in his head has not been able to It's completely calmed down, but it's only a matter of a few minutes if I don't want to. It seems that this is the feeling in the next life. He slightly outlined the corners of his mouth, "What about you? What do you want to drink? Or is it a caramel latte?"    Cameron looked at Hugo and suddenly froze Live, caramel latte, this is the drink she ordered when the two of them first met in Philadelphia. Hugo not only relieved her, but also paid for coffee. Cameron originally thought that she was the only one who would never forget these little details, but Hugo didn't expect that Hugo would also remember it, which suddenly made Cameron's heart beat wildly.     Hugo raised his hand and waved, "What's the matter?" After he asked, Cameron suddenly fell into a daze, which made Hugo feel a little uncomfortable. Solution, "Or do you want to change other drinks?"    "No, caramel latte is good, just caramel latte." Cameron Quickly nodded and said.      Watching Hugo go to the counter to order food, Cameron was a little silly. It turned out that falling in love is like this, because she really feels it When she reached the feeling of falling from a high altitude, her heart had completely floated, but she was not worried at all, because she knew that after landing, it would be Hugo's embrace waiting for her, that warm and thick embrace.     After Hugo came back, Cameron proactively talked about the recent tour. She could feel that Hugo seemed a little tired today. Not surprisingly, fans know that Glory to Death is very tired today, which makes Cameron a little worried, asking Hugo "Should you go back and have a good rest?"  & nbsp; But Hugo looked a little absent-minded, and slightly twitched the corners of his mouth, "It's okay, just go upstairs later. Just sit here, not tired."     Cameron knew that Hugo was always such a gentleman. He seemed not good at rejecting girls and was always humble and polite, so she took the initiative to say, "Let’s go back, you go take a break, I also need to keep my spirits up, and there are two more days of carnival waiting for me." Cameron smiled brightly, "I will go to the bathroom, and then we will leave." &nbsp ;  "Okay, no problem." Hugo pursed his lips and smiled, then watched Cameron walk towards the bathroom.     Just as Hugo was about to close his eyes and have a good rest, UU reading www.uukā heard a woman's voice next to him, "Hi, Hugo, I didn’t expect you to be here. Who is that beauty just now? Isn’t it a date?"    This sentence immediately made Hugo The tired nerves had to tighten up. Could it be the paparazzi, but when he opened his eyes, he saw a figure that was both strange and familiar. He always felt that he should know each other, but he couldn't call him by name.     The other party seemed to understand this from Hugo's honest expression, and could not help but pouted and said, "I am Mandy Sandy (mandy .Sunday), have you forgotten?"

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