
Chapter 882: exciting

D&your peak 882 is exciting

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Collection press a paw print 1   Unknowingly, Meredith clenched her fist again and held her breath again. This has become her most accustomed action today, but she did not notice it at all, because All her attention was focused on the big screen.

First, I watched Jack knock the door of the sports car into the air without hesitation, to avoid getting in the way, the theater exclaimed, and many male spectators who loved the car screamed; then watched Jack drive the sports car and the bus to one. On the horizontal line, moving in parallel at a constant speed, everyone in the theater began to swallow their saliva, so nervous that their throats started to smoke, and the air in the theater was completely frozen; and then I saw that the passengers in the bus could not help but stand by the window. One of the tourists even took out a camera to take pictures, but there was no laughter in the theater. At this moment, all the audience felt that their hearts were about to explode at any time. Detonated in general.

Finally, everyone saw Jack stand up, and the raging wind blew his shirt into sails. He swayed back and forth, jumped forward, and landed on the bus. "Oh..." There were exclamations from the whole theater, but when Jack's feet were dragged outside and rubbed against the ground, the screams of "Ah..." When the feet were retracted, everyone's hearts fell back into the chest cavity.

When the black sports car was out of control and hit the buffer bucket beside the road, there was a roar of laughter. This is the effect of the sudden relaxation after extreme tension. At this time, the audience realized that their palms were already drenched with sweat, and their palms that were only holding the armrests began to become stiff because of excessive force.

Jack, who jumped on the bus, tried to control the situation, but apparently the passengers couldn’t understand Jack’s behavior at all. The lady Annie who caught up with the bus at the last moment came forward and argued with Jack, thinking that his behavior scared the passengers. . As a last resort, Jack showed his police. Checking his identity and doing his best to reassure the passengers, but he didn't want to, he revealed his identity. A young Latino suddenly jumped up and pointed a pistol at Jack.

The Latin thought Jack was the policeman who came to arrest him. Obviously he made a mistake, but at this time Jack knew that he didn’t have time to take care of the Latin man in front of him. The bomb was the top priority, so Jack put away the pistol and the police badge to temporarily control it. The chaos on the scene was overcome, but a worker next to him rushed forward heroically. As a result, the Latin man’s pistol went off and hit Sam’s shoulder. The scene turned into a disaster.

The audience who had just relaxed in the theater exclaimed again, just like the passengers on the bus.

The injured Sam caused the bus to lose control. In an emergency, Annie stepped forward to help. She felt that she should stop because Sam had to receive treatment. As a last resort, Jack announced the truth, "There is a bomb on the bus", which immediately caused the passengers to panic.

Annie was forced to take over as the driver. Jack was worried that Annie, who was an ordinary person, would not be able to do the job, but he didn't want Annie to ridicule that her driver's license had just been revoked because of speeding. This was really full of irony, and Jack couldn't help but laugh .

At this moment, the Los Angeles police officially launched a rescue. The city’s TV station began to report on the incident. They did not want them but became Payne’s eyeliner. He could monitor the situation of Jack and the bus at any time. He was watching the football game. The live broadcast, while monitoring through news reports, seemed very comfortable and even more ironic. But Jack and others know nothing about this.

Under the guidance of Harry, Jack inspected the bomb under the car and found that there was a golden watch on the bomb-which means that Payne is likely to be a member of their police station. It means that insiders commit the crime.

More serious problems followed. The poor traffic in the city was crowded by countless cars. Either parked or opened up a road. As a last resort, Annie drove the bus on the shoulder of the road and rushed out of it. On the road, every fork in the road, every long traffic jam may cause the bus to slow down and detonate the bomb, which will cause a disaster for the entire city.

All the audience, including Meredith, has no time to think. Their emotions seem to be connected with the bus. Whenever Annie turns the steering wheel, there will be exclamations on the scene, for fear of the next second. There will be some accidents; every time they see a traffic jam, the audience will scream like bus passengers. Once the speed of the car slows down, terrible things will happen; every time they see a red light or a retrograde passage, the audience will scream I feel that I can't help but grasp the armrests of the chair, not only worrying about bombs, but also about traffic accidents...

This kind of strong mental pressure has turned the entire theater into a roller coaster. Everyone’s mood fluctuates with the bus driving on the noisy city streets. No one can be an exception, and no one can think. Everyone Has become a member of the bus, surrounded by fear and tension.

Although Annie has repeatedly turned the risk to a breeze, the problem is still here!

The police used a helicopter to guide the direction of the bus in the sky. Every second, every turn and every fork in the road was full of countless dangers. This made Annie and Jack a little rushed, but one of them was not careful, and Annie ran into the car. In a baby carriage! baby carriage!

"Boom", all the audience in the theater screamed with Annie and the passengers. Meredith even more casually grabbed the objects around him, and then screamed, "Ah!"

Sitting next to Meredith was Merelyn Dixon, and her emotions were tense at this time. When Meredith was caught in this way, she couldn't help but screamed. Emotions ignited the entire theater in an instant, and many people exclaimed.

I saw that the stroller was knocked into the air in an instant, and many female audiences screamed, and even directly covered their eyes, lest they see the scary and **** scenes, but soon, the male audience agreed with Jack's condolences. Annie's lines together persuaded the female companion beside her, "It's a tin can, it's a tin can!"

It turned out that all the strollers were filled with cans of Coke, which was a false alarm. Meredith couldn't help but exclaimed like Annie, "Oh, my god, oh my god..." Mellyn did the same, and many female audiences did the same, with exclamations of exclamation one after another, and an agreement was reached on and off the screen again.

But before the audience could catch their breath, there was a group of children crossing the road. At the last minute of the turn, Annie changed her driving route abruptly and drove past the children. The exclamation of "Ah" in the theater sounded. Before I had time to fall; I saw a huge sharp turn ahead, basically a 90-degree turn. This sharp turn would cause the bus to roll over, and the scream of "Ah" in the theater was instantly cut off. The theater fell into silence, deathly silence.

Jack let all the passengers sit on the right side of the bus, and then Annie and Jack turned the steering wheel to the limit. The bus went through a sharp bend at an incredible angle, and the tire on the right side of the bus was raised high, as if it would overturn at any time. The bus turned a corner like a juggling, and after a short but long ride, the tires fell smoothly after all.

"Oh!" The cheers of the passengers overlapped with the theater audience once again. Everyone exhaled a long breath, but the adrenaline in their heads had cut off all thoughts, as if they were also passengers on the bus, and their lives were hanging. First line!

Meredith involuntarily just held Melerine's hand, listening to Meleryn muttering there, "God, I can't bear it, God, God..." In fact, the thoughts in Meredith's mind are also It's the same, but she can't speak, not even a single word. Her brain becomes blank because of extreme tension, but her face is abnormally flushed because of excessive excitement.

"God, please Jack must save them!" This is Meredith's only thought at this time.

The bus successfully entered a highway with no other vehicles. The previous chaos seemed to not happen again. This gave everyone valuable time to relax. Jack and Annie finally had time for a brief exchange at this time, and the two of them got along well. Very good, but Harry’s plan to investigate Payne was at a dead end, and he had to turn his target to the retired police officer. Observe.

The Los Angeles police drove a long trailer and the bus side by side. At this time they had the ability to transfer passengers from the bus to the trailer, but Jack indicated that the media that broadcasts live in the air is in the eyes of Payne, and Payne does not. Allow anyone to leave the bus.

Jack and Payne negotiated to transfer the injured Sam to the trailer. But watching Sam leaving, the other passengers began to lose their minds. One of the gypsy women approached the bus door desperately and tried to jump onto the trailer like Sam. No matter how Jack and Annie dissuaded her, they couldn’t listen, but At this moment, Payne detonated the bomb at the door of the car, and the gypsy woman fell down in an instant and was caught under the car.

"No, no!" Meredith, like Anne, kept muttering to the gypsy women on the big screen, as if they were falling into prayers, hoping that their persuasion could become a substantial force. Bring the women back. Unfortunately, they failed.

With a loud "bang", the gypsy women fell in an instant. "Damn it!" Many audiences in the theater began to curse in anger. The plot just now seemed to have entered a calm stage, but unexpectedly, one person died suddenly.

Meredith's ruddy face turned pale in an instant, and the threat of death came to her side so clearly as never before. He looked at the lifeless corpse on the road, looked at the proud and treacherous face of Payne, and looked down. Shocked passengers and police. Observers, a sense of absurdity comes with a clear sense of Before Meredith noticed, her eye sockets were already wet, her breathing stopped again, and the beating of her heart seemed to slow down. Thousands of times more general, clear and audible.

Not only Meredith, but the bus also fell into silence and tension at this time, and the audience was caught in anger and irritability. Some people lost control and began to curse Payne, while others Shrouded in fear like Meredith, the theater is like a frying pan, and everyone is suffering.

The death of the gypsy woman caused the passengers in the bus to lose control. Some people began to cry bitterly, others began to argue fiercely, and Annie, who was driving, was finally overwhelmed by the pressure, and her tears fell out of control. This chaos and collapse caused the theater to slowly fall into silence again. The threat of death was close at hand, and the adrenaline that pierced into the heart made everyone on the verge of collapse.

But a more terrifying problem followed immediately. There was no room for people to breathe at all. The police in charge of the aerial detection came news that the highway was not completed. There was a 50-foot gap in front of it, and the bus could not stop. It is impossible for passengers to get off when they get off, it seems that flying past is the only way out. (To be continued to be provided. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Kazakhstan to read and vote for the work. Your support is the biggest motivation for me to continue to create!)


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