Superstars start with hip-hop

Chapter 131 Best Record of the Year Award

The men's team that finally won this award, Song Yubai has known, is a men's team that has debuted for many years in China.

After debuting on the peninsula, he moved back to the country for activities. He was very strong and he was not very young, so he was laughed at as the sunset boy group.

However, it is undeniable that although the sunset red boy group is called the sunset red boy group, its popularity is not low at all, and it can still get this award among the small fresh meat.

After the awards of the most popular men's team were awarded, it was the turn of the awards of the most popular women's team.

Compared with the men's team, the women's team is less competitive.

But it was only relatively small, and Song Yubai, the winning girl group, was not very familiar with it.

Zheng Yan on the side gave Song Yubai popular science.

After the two more heavyweight awards were awarded, Song Yubai was more interested in the next award. It was not that Song Yubai was nominated for the award, but the person sitting next to Song Yubai was nominated.

It is the only award that Zheng Yan was nominated for tonight.

Song Yubai looked at Zheng Yan, and Zheng Yan was sitting very dignified at the moment, with a very elegant smile on his face.

But Song Yubai was sitting closer, and you could clearly see Zheng Yan holding her skirt tightly. Zheng Yan was obviously also very nervous.

"The twenty-ninth year-end awards of my music chart, the most surprising song of the year award, nominated songs, please see the big screen."

One song after another on the big screen flashed by, including Zheng Yan's "How".

After the clip flashed, it was time for the final announcement of the award.

"The song that won the 29th year-end awards on my music chart, the most surprising song of the year award is..."

After the award was announced, Zheng Yan looked disappointed, but she quickly controlled her expression and showed a forced smile.

But that kind of loss, Song Yubai can see clearly from the side.

"Hey, it's okay." Song Yu poked Zheng Yan and said.

Zheng Yan nodded to Song Yubai, but she felt absent-minded.

Song Yubai touched the trophy he placed next to him, and then handed it to Zheng Yan.

"Come on, hold it for me first."

Zheng Yan took the trophy, "Why, it's not my trophy."

"No, hold it for me first, and I may continue to come on stage to receive the award later." Song Yubai said.

Zheng Yan was a little touched a second ago, thinking that Song Yubai gave herself the trophy to comfort herself, but she didn't expect Song Yubai to say such a sentence next second.

In an instant the feeling of moving disappeared without a trace. Looking at Song Yubai, Zheng Yan only felt that Song Yubai owed him a little at this moment.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter this year, it's a big deal, come back next year." Seeing Zheng Yan's appearance, Song Yubai quickly added comfort.

"I don't have a chance next year. I'm not a professional singer." Zheng Yan squashed her mouth, and she is not a professional singer. If it hadn't happened to have invited Song Yubai to invite a song this year, it is estimated that today's award ceremony would not come. .

"It doesn't matter, I wrote this song for you. I'll write another one for you next year, and then I'll get this award." Song Yubai patted his chest and said, isn't it just a song.

"Then what if you haven't won the prize next year?" Zheng Yan suddenly asked with a strange brain circuit.

Song Yubai: "..."

"Then come again the next year!"

"Will you write me songs the next year?" Zheng Yan asked with blinking eyes.

Song Yubai suddenly felt as if he had fallen into a pit, but the words had already been released, so at this moment he could only bite the bullet and replied, "Of course, you must write, and write until you win the prize."

After hearing Song Yubai's assurance, Zheng Yan's expression suddenly became clear, and Song Yubai suddenly felt a sense of being trapped.

Song Yubai felt that it was worthwhile to comfort Zheng Yan. After all, he did not write songs for Zheng Yan free of charge. They were also sold at the normal price in the market, at best they were sold at a friendly price.

After all, some songs that Song Yubai can't sing from a female perspective are wasteful. It is better to sell to Zheng Yan, and I think it will be better than selling to other people who don't know.

When Song Yubai was comforting Zheng Yan, although the singer in the audience was giving an acceptance speech, the camera was swept over, and it was a scene with a sense of CP.

Song Yubai and Zheng Yan chatted, and suddenly Zheng Yan burst into a very bright smile. Such a scene caused some cp fans to scream.

Later, the live broadcaster seemed to realize that the singer was still giving his acceptance speech, and it seemed that it was not good to aim the camera at Song Yubai, so he immediately moved the camera away.

After the annual Most Surprise Song Award is over, what's next is the sweetest love song duet award.

This award has nothing to do with Song Yubai. Song Yubai thinks it shouldn’t be. Isn’t his song "A Little Sweet" not sweet enough?I didn't even own the nomination.

Song Yubai shared this idea with Zheng Yan.

"Maybe it’s because your song is called "A Little Sweet" but not "Super Sweet". After all, it’s the sweetest love song duet award, isn’t it? You’re just a bit sweet. The title of the song collided with other people’s awards. May nominate you."

Zheng Yan said nonsense seriously, and it sounded reasonable.

When Song Yubai listened to it, he thought it over carefully, and felt that there was such a possibility. He nodded, "It makes sense, I have to change the title of the song in the future."

Zheng Yan looked at Song Yubai with a serious look, and was a little stunned, didn't he, Song Yubai actually believed this.

After the sweetest love song duet awards were awarded, two singers, a man and a woman, performed the song on stage.

The song is indeed very sweet, but Song Yubai feels that at best it is not much different from his own "A Little Sweet". Why can he win the Best Love Song duet award?

But after all, this award ceremony was not held by Song Yubai himself, so people just want to feel it, not Song Yubai.

After the sweetest love song duet awards were awarded, it was a very heavyweight award.

It is also one of the last few awards tonight.

"The next thing we are going to present is the 29th Year-end Awards on My Music Chart, the most popular male singer award. Some of the finalists, please watch the big screen." The guests who announced the list of award winners faced each other on stage. Microphone said.

As soon as the voice fell, the big screen at the back began to play MV clips that were shortlisted for the list of most popular male singers.

There are still more singers shortlisted for the most popular male singers, compared to other awards.

There are six nominated singers alone.

Song Yubai was a little nervous at the moment. Song Yubai was nominated for this award. At this moment, he hopes that he can get this award, and some do not want to get this award.

The reason is very complicated, because basically, the singer who won the most popular male singer of the year has nothing to do with the best male singer of the year.

But without winning the Most Popular Male Singer Award, it may not necessarily win the Best Male Singer of the Year Award.

So at this moment, Song Yubai's mood is somewhat contradictory. He hopes that he can win this award, but also wants another and better award.

However, awarding of awards has never been for artists to choose awards themselves. Whatever awards are won is what awards they receive. Soon the final winners will be announced on stage.

"Won the twenty-ninth year-end award on the Music Chart by Me. Let us congratulate Song Yubai for the most popular male singer of the year." The guests on the stage finally announced the result, and Song Yubai won the award.

Song Yubai was stunned when he heard his name for several seconds before realizing that he heard his name.

I quickly got up and walked onto the stage. Although he was not the best male singer of the year, he was able to win the best newcomer award in the first year and also received the most popular male singer award, which is already very good.

As Song Yubai walked up the stage, he was thinking in his heart what kind of acceptance speech he would make while waiting. Yes, Song Yubai still failed to remember the company's prepared speech.

Therefore, I can only speak with my own feelings.

He politely accepted the trophy from the award-presenting guest, and then Song Yubai stood in front of the microphone, holding the trophy high in one hand.

"Um, it's an honor that I am back on the stage and won such a heavyweight award. It must be very happy to say that I am happy. Although I have known that I will be nominated before, it is still when I really win this award. Some can't believe it."

"But this is how it appeared in my hands. First of all, I would like to thank the people I have thanked before. Without them, I would not necessarily succeed. I want to thank..."

"I will definitely work harder to make music in the future, thank you everyone, and thank you for giving me this award from my music chart."

Song Yubai read the acceptance speech he thought about in a very simple manner, then took the trophy and bowed to the stage before returning to his seat.

Passing the trophy to Zheng Yan again, with a hint of ostentation, Zheng Yan was indeed a bit sour after seeing the trophy.

I haven't won a few awards since I debuted. Like Song Yubai, he just made his solo debut this year. Now he has won two trophies in an awards ceremony.

It's not too miserable to compare yourself.

After the award of the most popular male singer of the year is over, the next awards have nothing to do with Song Yubai.

Although Song Yubai was nominated for the best male singer of the year, he obviously has nothing to do with Song Yubai.

After a series of heavyweight awards have been awarded, there is only one very heavyweight award left.

The best record of the year award from my music chart year-end awards.

There are three places for the best record of the year, namely the best bronze record of the year, silver record and gold record.

The golden record is the highest honor, and it can basically be called the best album of the year in the true sense.

I heard that the best record award is determined according to the album's popularity, sales, and the quality of the songs in the album, and the gold content is very high.

Basically, the singer who can be nominated for this award is already very impressive, and Song Yubai happens to be one of them.

There are many albums shortlisted for the Best Recording Award. There are seven albums in total, which means the probability of three out of seven.

Although the probability is high, the competition is fierce. There are male singers and female singers nominated, and even male and female groups. It is obviously not easy to get the top three.

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