Superstars start with hip-hop

Chapter 1392 repeated jump

"What ghost?" When I saw the news from Song Yibai, Chen makeup is really surrounded.

Originally Chen makeup just wants to report the "misunderstanding" to release so many days.

For Song Yibai's closure of the script, Chen makeup is also known, but I have never thought of Song Yutai so short time, you can complete a script.

According to the expectation of Chen makeup, it may be necessary to wait for more than one or two months, Song Yibai can complete a script's creation.

And it is not necessarily able to take yourself.

After all, Song Yibai's studio has more than one director.

The most recent scriptures are basically changing and changing.

Therefore, Chen makeup is consciously consciously believes that Song Yibai's script should have any relationship with himself.

"Movie script?" Chen makeup confirmed.

Just now, Chen makeup has already seen Song Yibai's message several times, only confirmed this news.

"Yes, movie scripts, you should finish this two days, I will send it to you." Song Yutao replied.

"So fast?" Chen makeup still felt that Song Yibai was a bit non-human.

"It is the idea before, just this time the closed custom is improved, I wrote it." Song Yibai saw the news of Chen makeup, pondering a reply.

I saw Song Yibai's explanation. Chen makeup nodded, although it was still shocked to Song Yibai's creation, but reluctantly acceptable.

And the shocking emotions have passed, the mood of Chen makeup is very good.

For Chen makeup, the movie box office broke eight million is a great good news.

And Song Yibai told himself that it is a good news.

Song Yugue's script, Chen makeup is thinking that I have already started looking forward.

Holding a mobile phone for a while, and then sighed.

At this time, Chen makeup is still more contradictory, after all, the work of our two years can be said to be full.

A movie took a movie to shoot, and a TV series was also photographed during the period.

Chen makeup herself felt that he used to be a new generation of director. This output is really amazing.

At the same time, it is also more tired after outputting a high back.

The time of the year, Chen makeup has no holiday.

The idea of ​​the original Chen makeup is to take a little rest after the "misunderstanding" is released.

After all, I just ended "Killing me to heal me", I have a short sedan for a while.

But now Song Yibai sent news, letting Chen makeup started again to entangle it.

If other people talk to Chen makeup, they have a script, and the changing condensation is definitely decisively choose to give yourself a holiday.

However, Chen makeup received the news of Song Yibai, Song Yibai's script, what kind of results were filmed, that is really a piece of work to speak with strength.

Therefore, no matter which angle analysis, Chen makeup does not want to miss Song Yibai's script.

After putting down your phone, I think about it for a while, and Chen makeup is still decided to take it to Song Yibai this script.

Although the content of the script has not been seen, Chen makeup has made a decision.

It is mainly Chen makeup that feels that he will take this script, nor is it gone in the holiday.

You can also take a break in a new script.

More critical, Chen makeup feels that he is just a period of energy in the past two years.

The career is also on the rising period. When you shoot some works during this period, you will not start the life of the old age.

After making a decision, Chen makeup continues to work, "accidental" roadstill is over today's last game.

After the story of Chen makeup is finished, Song Yibai opened Weibo and saw it.

The total box office of "misunderstanding" broke eight million, and the official Weibo also sent a picture to celebrate.

Song Yibai also looked at some comments, although did not appear in this movie, but seeing a lot of positive comments, Song Yibai's mood is still very good.

After brushing the microblogging, Song Yibai put down the phone, focusing on his own work.

After giving Chen makeup, Song Yibai decided to start the end of the script.

Song Yibai also took into account Gu Li, after the last shooting "Chinatown Detective 2", Gu Li Shang basically took the foot at home.

Although there are some things to shoot, it is basically very idle.

Have a break so long, but almost just pull the old Gu.

Song Yutao is completely written, after writing this script, the next script is prepared for Gu Li.

In fact, Gu Li Shang is indeed waiting for Song Yibai's script.

I haven't been photographed for so long, Gu Li is still acceptable.

After all, the film taken before, the income is OK.

In addition, the Lao Gu is a big director.

Two years of shooting a film is also normal, and it is very good to put a holiday.

However, when I saw Chen makeup, I took a movie and TV series, Gu Li was a little sitting.

There is no harm, a contrast, Gu Li, feels that he should start working.

Originally, Gu Li Shang intends to tell Song Yibai to tell this thing.

But just at this time, Song Yibai decided to turn off the creation of the script.

After learning Song Yibai, Gu Li Shang is very supportive.

I am waiting for Song Yibai's script.

It took two days, Song Yanye completed the creation of the first script.

After writing, I gave Chen makeup.

After the show is a drama, Song Yibai took a little rest, and prepared to start the creation of the next script.

Song Yibai is also arranged for his own closure.

Two scripts written this time, Song Yibai plans to be in person.

So shooting is definitely not possible at the same time.

Song Yibai intends to let Gu Zi Shang first shot, and the changing and changing this time is basically one after another.

If it is immediately, he will let Chen makeup shoot the next movie, and Song Yibai feels that it is estimated that it will be tired.

So I decided to let the resemblers take the next piece of work.

As early as before, Song Yibai also thought about the next piece of work to be taken.

Therefore, the creation of the new script is very smoothly launched.

When Chen makeup is also finished, I received the script from Song Yumai.

When Chen makeup received the script, the mood was still more excited.

But I saw the time displayed on the phone screen, I hesitated it.

Time is already 9 o'clock in the evening, Chen makeup is a little hesitant to open the script from Song Yibai.

After all, if you open a script, you will not be able to stop.

If you plan to finish the script, it is estimated that you have a half night.

Chen makeup is thinking about it, thinking that the road to "misunderstanding" is over, and I have no travel tomorrow.

Chen makeup looked at the script.

Although there is no perfect version, when the changing game is open, it is still trapped.

Surrounded by Song Yibai, it is basically the same experience.

That is the beginning, can't stop, and very smooth when watching.

Chen makeup did not feel the passage of time, just read the entire script.

After waiting for the god, it is already in the middle of the night.

After reading the script, the mood of Chen makeup is still not flat.

When I saw half, Chen makeup and realized that he had got a great script again.

Even in the process of watching, Chen makeup is imagined how it is going to shoot.

Chen makeup is going to share the mood after I have read the script with Song Yanyu.

But after picking up the phone, I found that it was already three in the middle of the night.

He hesitated or put down the phone.

But now the mood of the changing condensation has changed again.

Before I thought I got the script, I have to take a break in a period of time and start new shooting.

Now after reading the script, Chen makeup can't be able to start shooting this movie early.

In the middle of the night, Chen makeup is directly uploaded.

After closing the script, I still asleep for a while.

The next morning, Song Yibai received a message from Chen makeup to himself.

Said that I have already read the script, thinking when I can start shooting.

For Chen makeup, I have read the script in such a short period of time, and Song Yibai is less unexpected.

After all, I have given the championship a few times before, and it is almost not to read it in less than a day.

Just Song Yibai did not expect that Chen makeup is active for shooting.

"Misunderstanding" is still released during the release, and when he just read the script, he wanted to start a new work.

Basically, it can be said to be seamless.

Looking at the news of Chen makeup, Song Yibai hesitated, or shared his thoughts with Chen makeup.

"This is the case, I wrote two scripts this time, one for you, one to the old."

"I'm going to star, and then Lao Gu is already at home so long."

After receiving the news from Song Yibai, Chen makeup nodded and was successfully convinced by Song Yibai.

Indeed, Chen makeup can also look at it, and Gu Li Shang took a long time at home.

Importantly, Chen makeup is seen from Song Yibai to say that he is preparing to appear this movie.

This makes Chen makeup began to look forward to it.

In the view of Chen makeup, this "accidental" lineup can be strong, and the box office is absolutely higher.

"Have you already written two scripts?" Chen makeup quickly noticed another point.

"No, another script has not started yet." Song Yu Bai quickly replied.

If you wrote two scripts in this point, Song Yibai also felt some non-human.

However, another script, Song Yibai did have begun to create.

With Song Yibai, Chen makeup also decided to give him a holiday with peace of mind.

Although it is a bit trying to start the shooting of the new movie, the holiday is also in line with the changing plan.

If there is a script that Song Yibai sent, Chen makeup is going to take a vacation.

"Right," misunderstanding "in a few days, I will come to participate in a feast."

Chen makeup was invited to Song Yibai.

If you don't accidentally, "misunderstanding" box office broke through more than one billion days.

The movie has achieved good results and is indeed worth celebrating.

"Will go." Song Yubai replied.

After chatting with Chen makeup, Song Yanyu sent a news from Gu Li, indicating that the script has begun to write.

Song Yibai This news is to let Gu Zi's excitement.

In the view of Gu Shite, the writing script must be inspired.

Song Yibai can have inspiration in such a short period of time, which is obviously a matter of nothing.

After watching the premiere of "misunderstanding", Gu Li business didn't want to continue to stay at home.

After all, in addition to a "Tang Dynasty Dragon Sense 2" is still waiting for the release, Gu Li business found that he did not have much work.

This is still a little unexpected.

Ok, Song Yibai immediately came immediately.

However, if Gu Jing Shang knows that Song Yibai has completed a script, I don't know how it will be.

Before the start of the new day of creation, Song Yibai also explained how the type of work written by himself.

Talking for a while, Song Yibai ended the chat into the script creation.

In addition to writing the script, Song Yibai also took a time to show the last two songs in Li Qing Dye album.

After recording, after returning to the magic, Li Qing dye has opened the model of album production.

In addition to practice songs every day, it has already begun to shoot album photo.

The design of the entity album, Song Yibai has been completed.

After all the songs are completed, you can start the production of the album.

There are also MV shooting, but also can be put on the agenda.

As for the shooting of Li Qing Dye Song MV, Song Yibai also went to Gu Li.

After a long time at home, Gu Li is also more in the case of shooting MV to Li Qing Dye.

Just as the warm-up of shooting movies, I am ready early and I have to shoot.

Time will slowly flow a day a day, unconsciously, the weather in the magic has become more and more hot.

Song Yu Bai Bao is a few days, and there is no door at home, and it does not feel the heat.

After going out today, I felt the heat and let Song Yibai feel the power of the summer.

It is good to have to stay in the sun, feel more than ten seconds, Song Yibai is sitting on the babysitter car parked in their own hopes.

Song Yibai went out the reason for the "Misuse" celebration, how to say that his vest is also the screenwriter of this movie, and the feast is still to participate.

The movie box office is basically fixed, reaching more than 200 billion.

For a while, you should be able to hit a hundred billion box office.

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