Superstars start with hip-hop

Chapter 151 Perfume Endorsement

Song Yubai's new endorsement is a perfume endorsement.

It is a domestic perfume brand. I have contacted Lia Entertainment before, and I wanted to find Song Yubai as an endorsement.

But at that time, I just wanted to find Song Yubai as the spokesperson for the single product, so the company didn't give it to the next step.

The conditions given this time are a bit different. They want to find Song Yubai as the global brand spokesperson.

Global brand spokespersons are forced to go up high, and global spokespersons are basically the highest level of endorsements.

Song Yubai also had consideration for this endorsement.

First of all, the brand has a lot of sincerity and directly offered the highest-level endorsement for Song Yubai, and Song Yubai was also very satisfied with the price given.

The second is that although this perfume brand is domestic and not a particularly big name, it has always had a very good reputation in the country. Song Yubai has also used one or two of their perfumes, and they smell really good.

Under comprehensive consideration, Song Yubai took over this endorsement.

Before going to shoot, Song Yubai had his hair repaired. He was traveling for half a month. His hair has not been repaired, and it seems a bit too long now.

In addition to shortening his blonde hair, Song Yubai also dyed his hair into a warmer maroon color.

After dyeing his hair, Song Yubai asked Jiang Heng and others to gather for a while, but they hadn't seen him for half a month. Jiang Heng and others expressed envy and hatred for Song Yubai's travel itinerary.

Song Yubai had a hot pot with Jiang Heng and others in the evening. Because Song Yubai had been getting angry recently, he could only eat the clear soup pot on the other side of the Yuanyang pot.

Fortunately, there is a good sauce, otherwise Song Yubai really feels that after eating a soulless hot pot, the sauce is the essence.

After eating the hot pot, everyone sat on the sofa in the living room and watched TV. Because the weather was getting colder, everyone had the same configuration.

Warm your handbag and add a blanket to wrap yourself tightly.

This week’s "You Me Music Chart" was shown on TV, and several singers released new songs.

However, it is worth mentioning that Song Yubai’s "Christmas Knot" has won one for two weeks. Even though Song Yubai did not go to the list again, the popularity is there. There is quite a way that I am not in the arena, but the world is spreading. The feeling of my legend.

Song Yubai is not very familiar with the performance of several singers on TV, but one or two are quite good indeed.

At the moment when the final result was announced, it was Song Yubai who took another place.

Just watching the encore stage on TV, Song Yubai was not there. A bunch of singers who played songs this week sang Song Yubai's "Christmas Knot" as ending.

After watching "You Me Music Chart", although it is still early, everyone can't wait to go back to rest.

After winter, is there anything that smells better than a quilt?

It seems to be hot pot.But Song Yubai had eaten the hot pot just now, so he washed quickly and hid in the bed.

On the soft and warm quilt, Song Yubai said it shouldn't be too comfortable.

In a comfortable environment, Song Yubai soon fell into a deep sleep.

Then the next morning, I was very reluctantly awakened by the alarm clock. I struggled in bed for five minutes, and finally got up with compromise.

The commercial shooting was about to start in the morning, so Song Yubai had to get up.

The difficulties and hardships of getting up will not be repeated here.

After being taken to the beauty salon to put on makeup, Song Yubai went to the place where the commercial was filmed.

The shooting location was in the studio. To Song Yubai's surprise, he did not directly start shooting in the morning, but instead held a special signing conference.

It was announced that Song Yubai has become the global brand spokesperson for the Perfume Library. Song Yubai signed a three-year contract.

During the period, an exclusive co-branded perfume will be launched for Song Yubai.

After the press conference was held, it was of course indispensable to buy advertisements. The opening advertisements on Weibo and the third most searched advertisement spots were all bought.

The news of Song Yubai’s endorsement of perfume spread immediately.

After the signing conference was over, Song Yubai was taken to the shooting location to start shooting. Because the perfume is sold online, the commercials he shot did not plan to be broadcast on TV.

So the commercials shot are the kind of commercials that don't have any plot, so it's better to shoot.

Of course, the shooting process is relatively boring.

Song Yubai needs to take a photo of each of their perfumes and change some clothes appropriately.

After that, I also shot the kind of video advertisement for several popular perfumes.

Because the shooting is very simple, even if the amount is relatively large, the shooting ends very quickly.

After the shooting, Song Yubai did not go back immediately, but was left by the brand director. He said that he would order a co-branded perfume for Song Yubai, and wanted to ask Song Yubai what he thought of this series.

Song Yubai was stunned when he heard this, any comments?It must smell good.

So Song Yubai said, the brand director has a black line on his face. Is this opinion he wants to ask?

After explaining it again, Song Yubai realized that he wanted to make some comments on the concept of perfume.

This really embarrassed Song Yubai, the perfume concept?What's wrong?It's okay to let him have a whole concept album, he really has no idea about perfume.

But seeing the brand director staring at him eagerly, Song Yubai felt that he should still give some answers.

So after thinking for a while, suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Or, just follow the concept of my album?"

Song Yubai originally thought that he would be rejected, but he didn't expect that the other party actually agreed.

Moreover, he was very vigorous and vigorous, saying that he would go to the laboratory to find samples that fit the concept of Song Yubai's album.

In addition to let Song Yubai put forward the concept, the brand director also asked Song Yubai to think about what kind of logo should be used as the packaging for this series, and specially brought Song Yubai a design drawing.

Let Song Yubai paint boldly, even if the painting is not good, he will be repaired by a professional designer later.

After this sentence, Song Yubai really boldly painted, first drew a perfume bottle, a very common spray bottle.

Although Song Yubai's painter is not very professional, he also took art classes when he was young, so he can still see his paintings.

After holding the paper and thinking for a long time, Song Yubai finally drew a snowflake logo on the perfume bottle, which is the kind of brooch that has been sold out in the vicinity of Song Yubai's recent explosion.

"Just follow this pattern to make a joint model." Song Yubai also had some expectations for the joint model that just proposed a concept, because the joint model was sold, Song Yubai also has a commission.

After the final agreement, it was decided to name the perfume after Song Yubai's song, Xuezhihua.

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