Superstars start with hip-hop

Chapter 186 You Are You, Are You Going To Dance

"Ready!!" Song Yubai's shout immediately got a loud response from the audience. Apart from anything else, the field control ability, or the atmosphere of the scene, already made people feel very good.

The barrage is even more expensive to read the words "Ready", which almost fills up the entire mobile phone screen, but Song Yubai and others can't see it. The atmosphere is hot enough, that's enough.

After getting a response, Jiang Heng and others immediately began their respective performances, just the beginning, it has already made people excited.

The super rhythmic prelude rang out. With lighting and stage special effects, Song Yubai hadn't started singing yet, and the scene seemed to have become a large dancing scene.

On the big screen behind, the title of the song was typed in a few large colorful letters, "Do you want to dance?"

As soon as the prelude came out, the audience at the scene had already started to jump up, and the five super fans listened to the musical sound of music and they continued to nod their heads, very rhythmic.

Song Yubai held the microphone and jumped gently, with a smile on his face, Jiang Heng and others also smiled, singing this song, everyone is very happy.

When the accompaniment was almost played, Song Yubai paused and started to sing while holding the microphone.

"Whenever a wave comes,

Will you be sad too,

In a crowded and lonely room,

I am already breathless."

Song Yubai just started to sing, and the audience in the audience burst into strong cheers, but they didn't cover up Song Yubai's singing. On the contrary, the scene was more atmospheric.

Song Yubai also took the microphone from the wheat stand and continued to sing the next paragraph. Jiang Heng and others also continued to play hard.

"Hi, this song."

"Unexpectedly, the opening was a king bomb."

"Awesome. Live broadcast can sing like this without sound modification."

"I loved this melody as soon as it came out. I really thought of the scene. The atmosphere is great."

After Song Yubai took off the microphone, he walked two steps to his right, walked to Jiang Heng's side, looked at Jiang Heng, and then continued singing.

"In this cold and merciless city,

In a modern decadent party,

Whenever the guitar noise rang again,

Electricity passes through me and you."

After singing this paragraph, the song reached the most exciting part, and the atmosphere of the scene successfully reached its climax.

On the stage, golden fire bouquets rose into the sky, matched with the lights, and set off Song Yubai and others.

Holding the microphone, Song Yubai took a big step back to the center of the stage and sang with one hand held high in the air.

"You, you, do you want to dance?"

This is the chorus of this song, there is not much other bells and whistles, just hi, hi can't work.

After singing the first sentence, the audience was reduced to a dance scene, and even the five super fans couldn't help but start jumping with the music.

Some bands in the background, although they didn’t jump up, they couldn’t help shaking their legs following the melody. They were so excited about this song, and at the same time, they were very stressed. Then, they were waiting for someone to play. Will there be them?

Some bands will have this idea. This is not a good place to play late. With more and more good performances, it is easy to have less confident thoughts about their band.

Of course, Song Yubai and others on the stage did not know the thoughts of those bands backstage.

They were fully integrated into their performance. Song Yubai plugged the microphone back into the wheat rack and started singing while jumping.

"You, you, do you want to dance?"

Song Yubai held his hands high, like a commander, leading the audience to jump around. Looking around, there was a sea of ​​hands.

On the stage, the Yunchu Band was very open, not treating it as a game at all, as if they were coming to play, and it brought the scene into this atmosphere very well.

At the beginning of the second segment, the Yunchu Band gave everyone another surprise, because it was not Song Yubai who opened the mouth to sing, but Han Rui who had been beside him.

Han Rui’s voice is very good, and it’s not empty at all when he sang live, and it was Song Yubai’s voice just now, but now it suddenly switched to Han Rui’s voice, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

"Whenever a wave comes,

Of course I will be sad too,

In a crowded and lonely room,

I am already breathless."

After Han Rui sang this paragraph, the atmosphere on the scene was very hot, and Song Yubai immediately took it up and sang the next paragraph.

The connection was very good, and there was no great sense of violation, and the two cooperated very well.

"Han Rui sings so nicely, right."

"Han Rui is so good, it really kills me with his eyes."

"I thought Han Rui was cool before, and his voice is so nice."

"Ballball Yunchu Band, hurry up and start the tour, I want to watch 555 live."

In the barrage, there was a lot of discussion about Han Rui's sudden appearance. Han Rui's singing was like an easter egg, adding something richer to the song.

Song Yubai quickly sang the chorus again. This time Song Yubai simply held up both hands and sang with the microphone on the wheat stand.

"You, you, do you want to dance?"

"You, you, do you want to dance?!"

"You you you, do you want to dance?!!!"

The atmosphere at the scene exploded. Song Yubai smiled at each other, with bright smiles on his faces, which can be seen by people. These people on the stage are all enjoying the music.

The special effects of the stage are also very good, lighting, fire bouquets, all set off the atmosphere of the scene.

As an opening, it is undoubtedly very qualified, and the opening directly detonated the scene.

After a chorus is over, there is an interlude. Compared with the previous one, the interlude is a little more relaxed.

After an interlude, Song Yubai began to sing again.

"Do you want to dance?" After singing a few sentences, the whole song ended, and the scene was obviously too hilarious.

Song Yubai was also panting slightly with his chest ups and downs. Although the whole song was not very long, it was integrated into the song. He hopped and sang the song together. After the end, he was still a little tired.

Bowed to the audience in the audience, and then stood in a row.

"This performance is also great."

"Song Yu's white sweat is coming out. Looking at the shirt, I can feel the abdominal muscles."

"It's great, they are really enjoying music."

"I feel like they will be number one today, I really like this performance..."

There was also warm applause and cheers at the scene, and it took a long time before it stopped.

After the Yunchu Band finished their performance, it was time for super fans to comment.

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