Next came two consecutive days of rehearsal. It’s just not enough to practice the songs. You still need to rehearse the performance on the stage.

At the same time, there are some coordination on the stage, etc., and I need to discuss the effect of the stage with the band teacher and the lighting teacher.

These are all part of the performance, and only when all of these are prepared can the song that will be performed be presented well.

After two consecutive days of rehearsal, Song Yubai and Yun Qingqing finally cooperated very well, and they had a formal rehearsal, and nothing happened at all.

Therefore, the day before the competition, there was basically no rehearsal, and they were in a relatively relaxed state. This was also beneficial to physical and mental health, and the next day could bring better performances.

Song Yubai was in a hurry this week. First of all, he had to be Yun Qingqing's guest singer. It took several days here.

After singing to Yun Qingqing, Song Yubai needs to fly back immediately to participate in the final issue of "Band Spring".

Although the Hot5 of "Band" has been decided, the final ranking still needs to be decided by this competition.

Fortunately, Song Yubai had practiced the next song with Jiang Heng many times before, so don't worry too much about not having time to prepare when he rushes back.

Time passed quickly, and the recording of "Singer" soon arrived. Song Yubai and Yun Qingqing arrived at the recording site in a car arranged by the program group.

After arriving at the scene, there was a red carpet with reporters and media shooting nearby. When Song Yubai and others arrived at the scene, the live broadcast of "Singer" had already started on the Internet.

Today, Yun Qingqing wore a white long skirt, which looked immortal, and at the same time outlined a good figure.

And Song Yubai also wore a handsome black tuxedo. When the two walked together, their temperament was also very special. The reporters on the scene were shooting frantically.

The picture of the two walking together is simply the most beautiful group in this year's "Singer".

After walking through the red carpet, an on-site host interviewed Song Yubai and Yun Qingqing.

Because "Singer" is a big show in Mangtai, the host responsible for the interview is Wu Xin from the base camp.

Wu Xin happily greeted Song Yubai when he saw Song Yubai, "Hello, good evening to both of you."

"Sister Xin, good evening." The two replied together.

"Qing Qing, how do you feel tonight? Isn't it nervous to participate in the King of Singers for the first time?" Among the two Song Yubai, the main coffee is obviously Yun Qingqing.

After all, Yun Qingqing was here to participate in the competition tonight, not Song Yubai. Song Yubai was just a guest singer, so Yun Qingqing was also Wu Xin's key question.

"Tonight I still feel a little excited. After all, from the first period to the last period, I didn't expect to be able to go all the way to the end, and I have won quite a few good results."

"If you are nervous, there must be some. After all, so many seniors are competing together on the same stage to compete for the king of singers." Yun Qingqing's answer is quite pertinent, and it belongs to the kind of panacea.

While there is nothing to watch, it will not offend people, which is just the kind of answer.

"Then how did Yu Bai become your guest singer? It seems that you don't have much interaction in normal times, right?" Wu Xin asked again.

She is also asking questions on the card, and there are some questions that fans really want to know.

Song Yubai and Yun Qingqing are now locked on the live broadcast of "Singer".

"The two temperaments match well."

"Curious how did the two meet?"

"I look forward to the great cooperation between the two singers. I feel that the performance at night will be very fairy!"

"I look forward to Song Yubai, every performance is very beautiful and surprising."


The barrage of the show "Singer" is obviously also very crazy, and it's always being brushed.

Upon hearing this question, Yun Qingqing smiled and nodded, "We met on the stage of "The King of Masked Singer". At that time, I thought that Song Yubai was talented, so I added a WeChat message in private."

"But after adding it, I haven't talked much about it. Later, at an awards ceremony, Song Yubai sat next to me, and then we got acquainted with it after chatting."

"Then I asked jokingly, eh, I lacked a guest singer in the final of "Singer", you can see if you can, and then Song Yubai agreed."

Yun Qingqing briefly described the whole story of her acquaintance with Song Yubai.

"Can you tell me what type of song you are performing tonight?" Wu Xin asked everyone a question that everyone wanted to know.

In fact, Wu Xin herself wanted to know, so she was staring at Song Yubai at the moment.

After thinking about it, Song Yubai replied, "I can't say what type of song is, but what can be revealed is that we will perform an original song tonight."

When it comes to the word "original", the barrage is suddenly even more crazy. If it is original, it must have been written by Song Yubai, which means that there will be new songs to listen to in the evening. How can I not look forward to it.

"Is it Yubai your own original song?" Wu Xin asked while looking at Song Yubai.

"Yes, it was originally a recorded demo, and then I thought that Qing Qing's voice should be suitable for this song, so I took it out and made some arrangement." Song Yubai replied.

"Then Yu Bai, it's the first time you came to the "Singer" scene today, right?" Wu Xin also brought the topic to Song Yubai in a timely manner.

"Yes, it's the first time."

"Have you considered coming here often in the future? Now the Internet calls for you to participate in our "Singer" are quite enthusiastic." Wu Xin said again.

"The main thing is to look at Hong Dao. There is also the question of schedule. If you can, I will definitely come." Song Yubai replied, although he had already been invited.

But after all, it was just an invitation, and there was no contract, so I didn't talk too much.

Then Wu Xin asked Yun Qingqing a few more questions, and the interview with Song Yubai was over. After the interview was over.

Yun Qingqing led Song Yubai to rest in his exclusive room in "Singer", waiting for the start of the game.

Along the way, there are many pictures of singers participating in the show hanging on the photo wall. Fortunately, they are in color. Otherwise, it will look weird.

After all the singers have arrived on the scene, the battle of the king of singers is finally about to kick off.

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