Click to open, the top search is still "Fame is in sight", and not only the top search.

I took a look at the time, it was 6:36, which means that the album has been online for more than half an hour, and Song Yubai was the first to sweep down the hot search.

I found a total of five hot searches related to Yunchu's new album, which looks like a hot search.

But whoever buys the hot search will buy a few as soon as they buy it. The Yunchu Band obviously doesn't need this.


But this evening, Yunchu's new album really exploded. Since it has been on hot searches, many people are curious to search for this album to listen to it.

Then, once opened, it couldn't get out.

Twenty songs, the first of which is exquisite, and the styles are different, there is always one I like.

For passers-by who have not listened to these songs by Yunchu Band, it is like opening a treasure trove. Opening a capital every time is a new experience.

On that evening, many people’s circle of friends’ copywriting was a link to this album by Yunchu Band to share, accompanied by a paragraph of Amway’s words.

More and more people have eaten this Amway.

[This album is too good, what a fairy album.

[Twenty songs, my wife... I can’t find an adjective.

[Can I make a damn sentence?A little bit uneducated.

["Fame is in sight" rush to me!!Buy an album, go for it!

[Not a fan, but it is indeed an album worth collecting. The songs in it are very comfortable to listen to.

[Sure enough, Song Yubai is a sign worth listening to, and the products are basically fine products.

[The limited song finally has a sound source, so satisfying.


The popularity has been rising since the moment the album's sound source was released.

Even when Song Yubai was about to go to bed, the first search index of major music platforms was Yunchu Band, followed by the songs in the album in second and third.

All the treasures are smashed into one album, and when there are twenty songs, it can produce an effect.

Airborne washing list, yes, it is airborne washing list.

The music rankings of major music platforms are basically refreshed every half an hour, when the album is just released half an hour.

It's just that "Fame is on the horizon" and "Glory Years" these songs rushed to the new song chart, sorted from the first.

But after a night of fermentation, this album has achieved a real chart-washing. In the top 20 of the new song chart, 13 new songs are marked with the name of Yunchu Band.

The hot song list is also a terrible situation with more than a dozen songs on the list. This is also a proof to the circle that if you only have an album of good quality, washing the list is not a dream.

This kind of high-quality album hasn't been heard by the audience in recent years. After all, even if a new album is released by a singer of the heavenly level, it may be two or three songs that are really good.

It is indeed a little bit unbearable to hit twenty songs like Yunchu Band.

Lie down, turn off the light, but Song Yubai couldn't fall asleep, so he was excited. It must be excited.

Although the album was released before, it was very popular at that time, but it is not like tonight, no matter which software you open, whether it is social or short video, you can see the album "Fame is in sight".

This is the first album like this, regardless of its popularity, topicality, or even the album's ratings.

Now it is the highest-rated album this year. Many music review bloggers may have some enthusiasm in it, but after listening to the album, they gave very pertinent reviews.

All of this gave Song Yubai a feeling of truly entering the public eye. Although the number of fans was high before, the fan crowd was all young people.

But Song Yubai felt that this time should be different.

One of the music bloggers wrote a long article to praise Yunchu Band’s album. This blogger is of the older kind and very famous, so Song Yubai read it carefully.

The article is roughly divided into three parts.

The first part is introducing Yunchu Band, how he met Yunchu Band and Song Yubai.

Then the second paragraph analyzed all the songs in this album. Because there were enough songs, the blogger wrote several pages, and Song Yubai simply skipped this part.

I feel that the analysis of these parts is similar, and I love to use one word. This is also the most commonly used word by Song Yubai when he found out that those people were commenting on the album.

It's just exaggerating how the "song's beginning, inheritance, and transition" is going on. Although it's OK to say that, Song Yubai has watched it several times in a row.

I felt it all over, all for the sake of exaggeration and unsentimental praise.

Before going to bed, I took another look at the last paragraph written by the blogger. This is the best paragraph Song Yubai thinks.

The blogger wrote at the end.

["The most successful point of Yunchu's album is that he has a lot of songs. The meaning of many songs is not only the number of songs in the album, but also the story of each song."

"Songs are the carriers of the stories or ideas that every singer wants to express. When listeners listen to the songs, many times they can find their own shadows in the songs, and it is such an album that allows many people to be in it. I found my shadow."

"It has a lot of songs, it seems to be very mixed, and there is no uniform style, but it may become the album you listen to most often, because you will listen to sad songs when you are sad, and happy songs when you are happy. , And in this album, it has it all."]

Unlike the glamorous rainbow fart outside, this boastful Song Yubai is very comfortable.

It is true that the songs on this album are very mixed, not in a unified style, unlike the previous concept albums that have unique concepts.

Originally, Song Yubai was worried about whether this would be a point of the album's criticism, but after the blogger's praise, he felt that it had become an advantage, and he felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

Just boast that Yunchu's album is what you want, and it has it all. What are you hesitating about? Of course it is to buy it.

Song Yubai can imagine how the album sales will rise in the past few days.

With such beautiful thoughts, Song Yubai fell into sleep. It may be because the thoughts before going to bed were too beautiful, but the dreams were not so beautiful, so he had a nightmare.

It's still the kind of dream doll, which gave Song Yubaihuohuo to wake up in the morning.

Song Yubai got up from his bed at around 7 o'clock in the morning, and there is an album signing event today.

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