Superstars start with hip-hop

Chapter 719 vlog is online

Zhang Jiwen's whole song is still relatively long.

Because the whole song is described around a historical allusion.

Song Yubai still likes this way of writing.

While listening to the song, you will have the illusion that you are also immersive.

So after Zhang Jiwen's performance, the audience's response was also very good.

After watching Zhang Jiwen's performance, Song Yubai's originally good mood became even better.

Because it can be seen that the quality of this program should be the highest since these episodes.

After all, it is now the fifth song, and there is no bad stage.

And on many stages, Song Yubai believed that it would give the audience an amazing feeling.

On the next stage, Song Yubai was also confident that it should be of very high quality.

After all, Song Yubai had already heard the songs of Yun Qingqing and Lin Liqing for the next three stages.

Song Yubai can foresee that after this episode is broadcast, the hot search should be in a state of explosion.

But for this kind of thing to happen, Song Yubai is still looking forward to it.

After all, this should be the last issue of "Singer and Composer" before the broadcast of his new album.

At that time, it should have a good publicity effect.

This is why Song Yubai didn't release the predecessor.

After all, there are new songs on every week, which is a kind of publicity for my new album. There is no need to make a first line song to play with myself.

Moreover, according to the company's statistics, after the weekly "Singer Composer" broadcast, the sales of Song Yubai's new album have increased to varying degrees.

It can be said that the broadcast of "Singer Composer" is still very helpful for Song Yubai's new album.

After all, the influence of a new song every week is really not covered.

It can be said that it is very rare for Song Yubai to maintain such a speed of releasing new songs with his current popularity.

But Song Yubai did just that.

After Zhang Jiwen's performance was over, it was Yun Qingqing's turn to take the stage.

Song Yubai had already heard the song Yun Qingqing was going to perform this time.

Judging from the lyrics, it is a love song, but judging from the melody of the song, the whole song was written very hilariously by Yun Qingqing.

So when I listened to it, Song Yubai had a wonderful feeling, but the song was really good.

After Yun Qingqing stepped onto the stage and greeted the audience, the performance officially began.

The arrangement of the entire song is also very hilarious. As soon as the prelude of the song is played, the scene begins to have a dancing atmosphere.

After Yun Qingqing began to sing, the scene immediately followed and cheered.

I have to say that the live scene of this song is much better than the version Song Yubai listened to Yun Qingqing sang for himself.

After all, this type of song still feels more exciting when there are more live audiences.

Moreover, the chorus of the whole song is very brainwashing. Listening to Yun Qingqing's song, Song Yubai and Xiaoyue couldn't help but jump up from the sofa.

Not to mention the audience below, it was like a large-scale dancing scene.

Yun Qingqing's performance and Zhang Jiwen's performance can be said to be another pk that embarrassed the audience.

It is somewhat difficult to make a choice for totally different song styles.

Putting aside personal factors, the two performances are both types that Song Yubai likes.

So if Song Yubai is really allowed to choose, he doesn't know which one to choose.

Such a problem was thrown to the 500 audience.

After Yun Qingqing stepped down, even though the audience was voting, the atmosphere was still very warm.

Obviously it is a song to listen to.

After all, starting from Sun Chengxuan's performance, the songs are of a more soothing kind.

Although it is also very good, if you say hi, then it is definitely Yun Qingqing's type of performance that will be more hilarious.

Therefore, the atmosphere of the whole scene was uplifted by Yun Qingqing.

When the voting result was announced, the picture in the upper zone room was pinched off, and Song Yubai and Xiaoyue could only wait to see who was waiting to open the door to come in to know the final result.

But in this performance, Song Yubai felt that no matter who lost, it was not a loss in the true sense.

Finally, the one who opened the door and walked in was Yun Qingqing, but according to what Yun Qingqing said, the number of votes between the two did not differ greatly.

But Yun Qingqing's victory is understandable.

After all, Yun Qingqing only played after Zhang Jiwen, and brought the atmosphere of the scene up by the way. It was a very hilarious live stage.

After the pk between Yun Qingqing and Zhang Jiwen was over, it was the last group's turn.

In Song Yubai's eyes, it can be said to be a very interesting group, the pk between Lin Liqing and Nie Yaoyang.

One is a newly added singer and composer, and the other is Nie Yaoyang, who has been very good live on the "Singer Composer" stage.

The collision between the two hadn't started yet, it gave people a very exciting feeling.

Because Lin Liqing is a composer, he performed the performance in advance.

After taking the stage, Lin Liqing first greeted the audience in the audience and greeted a few words. After all, he was a new singer-songwriter.

But Lin Liqing's appearance was quite a surprise to the audience below, who had no idea who the singer-songwriter was.

After saying hello, Lin Liqing didn't talk too much nonsense, and immediately began to perform.

In Song Yubai's eyes, Lin Liqing's on-site condition was even better than during the rehearsal. The voice sounded very transparent.

After that, Nie Yaoyang brought a rock song, which can be said to burn as always.

But compared to Lin Liqing's performance, there may be a little lack of temperament.

Lin Liqing's live is to give people a very temperamental, very immortal feeling.

After watching the performance, I feel that Lin Liqing's performance is a very textured live stage.

So in the end, Lin Liqing also won the final victory with a slight lead over Nie Yaoyang. It was also the first time Nie Yaoyang was pk to the lower zone.

After the results were announced, the recording was almost over.

Song Yubai was the first to be dragged out of the room in the upper zone to make up the recording.

I recorded some questions about the opinions of other singer-songwriters' performance clips, and then let Song Yubai go to dinner.

At the time of the recording of "Singer and Composer", Song Yubai's previous vlog about the unboxing of the album was directly launched.

So when Song Yubai was recording, he didn't know that he had been on the hot search list for almost an hour.

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