After Song Yubai chatted with Yun Qingqing for a while, he was called out of the upper zone room by the staff.

The recording will officially begin soon.

After walking out of the room in the upper zone, Song Yubai saw Zhao Shan coming out of the room in the middle zone.

Song Yubai greeted Zhao Shan, and then walked to the side of Zhao Shan to the stage together.

"It's so fast, it's the last issue, time flies so fast." Song Yubai said with a sigh as he walked beside Zhao Shan.

"Quick?" Zhao Shan looked at Song Yubai with a puzzled face.

"Isn't it?" Song Yubai looked at Zhao Shan's expression, and Song Yubai was also taken aback.

After all, normally speaking, shouldn't it look like you should have a look of emotion.

Song Yubai always felt that this opening method seemed a bit wrong.

And Zhao Shan didn't show the emotion that Song Yubai had imagined, but looked at Song Yubai with doubts.

Zhao Shan felt that Song Yubai was teasing him.

This period of recording "Singer Composer", he didn't feel that it was too fast at all, and he even felt that this was the longest period he had had in so many years.

After all, I have to create a song every week and prepare a stage. Even for Zhao Shan, it is almost choking.

It can be said that Zhao Shan has been prepared for each issue for a long period of time, and even the recording of each issue has taken him a long time, and even his physical strength is a bit overwhelming.

Now Zhao Shan feels that the recording of the show is about to end, but Song Yubai told himself very quickly.

So even Zhao Shan now looked at Song Yubai like a monster.

After Song Yubai and Zhao Shan walked down the stage, Zhao Shan waved his hand and stepped onto the stage.

Song Yubai sat down on the sofa, preparing to watch Zhao Shan's performance.

After Zhao Shanyi stepped onto the stage, the voice of the audience was still loud.

After all, although Zhao Shan hasn't appeared in the music scene for a long time, but through the show "Singer and Composer", Zhao Shan has returned to the public's field of vision.

Moreover, thanks to the quality of Zhao Shan's works in each issue, Zhao Shan still has many new fans.

And at the same time, Zhao Shan's hardcore rap made him out of the circle directly.

So now Zhao Shan's popularity value is also very high.

After stepping onto the stage, Zhao Shan first greeted the audience at the scene, and then explained to the audience that the opponent he chose was Song Yubai.

After saying this, the atmosphere on the scene exploded directly.

After all, the pk between Zhao Shan and Song Yubai is still very interesting.

This level of pk came up, which directly ignited the audience.

After Zhao Shan gave the audience a reaction time on the stage, he nodded to the sound teacher and immediately started the performance.

After seeing Zhao Shan starting to perform, Song Yubai also looked seriously.

After all, Zhao Shan's performance on this stage is almost the last one or two.

In this issue, Zhao Shan prepares a rock genre song. This type of song can be said to be Zhao Shan's best genre.

Zhao Shan's rock and roll made Song Yubai's eyes shine brightly, not only Song Yubai, but Nie Yaoyang in the background even stood up directly from the floor.

Yes, on the floor, because there is no place to sit in the lower area.

Song Yubai felt that Zhao Shan's rock and roll was not the same as other people's rock and roll. As soon as he opened his mouth, he felt that the song was a very mature song.

Moreover, the lyrics of the whole song are also very well written, depicting some trivialities in daily life.

But it is clearly audible that all the lyrics are written about Zhao Shan's perception of daily life at his age.

Then after the chorus part, the whole song was directly pushed up, giving Song Yubai a sense of sight as if it was illuminated by the holy light.

After Song Yubai heard that he got up from the sofa, he realized that Zhao Shan's song was used to pk with him.

What is going on inexplicably panic.

After all, before the final finals, Song Yubai felt that Zhao Shan threw himself a Wang Bomb.

It can be said that the quality of Zhao Shan's songs in this issue is much better than the previous ones.

And now that the performance is only halfway through, the mood of the audience has been brought up by Zhao Shan.

While Nie Yaoyang watched Zhao Shan's performance and cheered in the lower zone, he was also afraid for a while.

After all, if you choose Zhao Shan, this one might be gone.

After all, when Zhao Shan threw a song like this, Nie Yaoyang felt that Song Yubai might be a little bit choking.

However, after the opening of Zhao Shan, it is also very stressful for the singers and composers who perform later.

After all, Zhao Shan started so well, if the subsequent performances did not keep up, it would easily cause a gap to the audience.

So Song Yubai's state also began to be serious.

The length of Zhao Shan's song is quite long, a song of nearly five minutes in total.

What's more rare is that the quality of the entire song is on the same level.

Moreover, we have done well in all aspects.

It can be seen that it should be a song that Zhao Shan has prepared for a long time. This one can be said to have been mad.

But the only thing that puzzled Song Yubai was that if a normal person had such a song, it would definitely be saved until the finals before being thrown out.

But now it's only the last regular season, and Zhao Shan threw such a song out.

Song Yubai thought for a while, and felt that there was only one possibility, that is, Zhao Shan had prepared a better song for the final.

After Zhao Shan's performance was over, the atmosphere of the audience had been brought to a certain point.

The name of Zhao Shan began to be called out loudly below, and it even made people feel that this is not the scene of "Singer", but the scene of Zhao Shan's concert.

If you change someone else, you might feel that this one is gone.

For example, Nie Yaoyang feels like this.

But Song Yubai thought about the songs he had prepared, and felt that he should still be able to blog.

There shouldn't be no chance at all.

After Zhao Shan's performance, he walked off the stage and greeted Song Yubai.

After saying hello, Song Yubai took the microphone onto the stage.

Fortunately, after Song Yubai took the stage, the audience had stopped calling Zhao Shan's name.

After Song Yubai took the stage, the audience also gave Song Yubai a warm cheer, which also gave Song Yubai some comfort.

Even at this level of enthusiasm, Song Yubai also felt that he could play a game.

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