The pk between Nie Yaoyang and Lin Liqing is obviously still very exciting.

Especially this issue of pk also adds the color of elimination and revenge.

Because this issue of Nie Yaoyang is the singer-songwriter in the lower district, Nie Yaoyang took the lead in performing this pk.

In fact, on this stage, Song Yubai felt that he would have more advantages if he played late.

After Nie Yaoyang came to power, Song Yubai, Yun Qingqing and others watched carefully.

The main reason is that Nie Yaoyang also previewed Song Yubai before, saying that he had a big move in this period.

So let Song Yubai look forward somewhat.

After Nie Yaoyang stepped on the stage and greeted the audience, he immediately started the performance.

This issue of Nie Yaoyang can be said to be well prepared and well prepared.

Because Nie Yaoyang measured it, if he was eliminated in this period, he would not have the confidence to break through to the finals in the next resurrection match.

So when preparing for this stage last week, Nie Yaoyang also specially pushed back the two-day schedule to prepare for this stage.

After all, it is definitely impossible to say that you don't want to enter the finals.

Song Yubai and Yun Qingqing watched Nie Yaoyang's performance. Originally, Song Yubai thought that the song Nie Yaoyang had prepared would be a kind of relatively burning song.

But now after watching Nie Yaoyang's performance, Song Yubai realized that he was obviously thinking about things.

What Nie Yaoyang performed this time was a very atmospheric song, but in terms of burning, it felt somewhat inaccurate.

For Nie Yaoyang’s song, Song Yubai felt that inspiration and positive energy should be used. Such a song would be more accurate.

Nie Yaoyang prepared such a song this time. Song Yubai did not expect that Nie Yaoyang would write such a song.

But listening to Nie Yaoyang's singing at the scene, I have to say that it really gave people a very powerful feeling.

The performance of a song is over in about three minutes.

During the entire performance, Nie Yaoyang performed very well. It can be seen that Nie Yaoyang has carefully prepared this stage.

After Nie Yaoyang's performance was over, the audience under the stage also gave warm cheers and applause.

Lin Liqing also stepped onto the stage in this atmosphere.

Lin Liqing's expression is somewhat solemn, first of all because this is the final elimination round.

The second important reason is that after watching Nie Yaoyang's performance, Lin Liqing suddenly didn't feel so sure that he could win.

After all, Nie Yaoyang's entire performance is above the standard, and the song is also very good, it is easy to resonate with the audience in the audience.

After comparing Lin Liqing's stage with that of Nie Yaoyang, there is still a big difference.

First of all, the style of the song is completely different. This time, Nie Yaoyang performed an inspirational song.

Lin Liqing’s songs are of a more ethereal genre, but for Lin Liqing, this is the type of song that he is better at.

Although I don't understand Lin Liqing's whole song, Song Yubai still thinks this song is very good.

Lin Liqing's performance is about the same as Nie Yaoyang's stage, and it ends in about three minutes, which is almost the normal length of a song.

In all fairness, both songs are excellent works.

And then the most critical part of the audience voting.

At this point, through the screen of the room, Song Yubai, Yun Qingqing and others can see that Nie Yaoyang both have nervous expressions.

But it is understandable, after all, it is already the last regular season.

If you can't directly enter the finals, it can really be said to have fallen short.

Because Nie Yaoyang and Lin Liqing were the last group of singers and composers to perform PK, when the voting results were announced, the program group did not cut off the screens in the upper and middle rooms.

So at the last moment, Song Yubai and others can watch the final voting results with Nie Yaoyang.

On the screen, Nie Yaoyang and Lin Liqing's fixed makeup photos are arranged on both sides of the screen.

At the same time, the number of votes is rolling under the two makeup photos.

And this number of votes will also determine whether the two will stay.

Even Song Yubai and the others couldn't help holding their breath a little while looking at this number, let alone Nie Yaoyang.

I don't know if it was an illusion. Song Yubai felt that the time it took to roll the votes this time was much longer than before.

But the number of votes was quickly fixed, and after the number of votes was fixed, the dust settled.

The rules of the show are like that, there is always someone to leave.

This time it was Lin Liqing who was eliminated, and Nie Yaoyang successfully staged the script of successful revenge.

In fact, Lin Liqing's type of song is indeed a bit of a disadvantage to Nie Yaoyang's previous stage.

However, the difference in the number of votes between the two is not very big, but even if there is only one vote, a win is still a win, and a loss is still a loss. There will not be much change.

After seeing this result, Lin Liqing was obviously disappointed.

After all, as long as you win, you will be able to pass through to the finals. Whoever changes will be a little disappointed.

Nie Yaoyang was also relieved to see this result. After all, if he was eliminated before the finals, he would be frustrated.

However, Lin Liqing was only a little disappointed, and soon adjusted his state.

According to Lin Liqing's idea, the next round will be the wildcat.

Although it sounds a bit difficult, it's not to the point where things cannot be done. Lin Liqing feels that if he works hard, he can still be rescued in the next issue.

The recording ends here. The audience does not know who advanced to the finals and who was eliminated.

Announcement of the number of votes is all announced in the background.

As usual, after finishing the recording, Fat Tiger prepared dinner for Song Yubai and others.

It should have been a farewell banquet for Lin Liqing, but Lin Liqing will come back to participate in the wildcat in the next issue.

It’s pretty close, so it’s not very appropriate to say that it’s a farewell banquet.

Therefore, everyone congratulated Lin Liqing on the success of his resurrection, and Lin Liqing's mood seemed to be much better.

After finishing the recording, Song Yubai drove the car back home with Yun Qingqing.

As soon as they got home, the two collapsed on the sofa without an image.

If it weren't for the delicate makeup on the face, it would be hard to tell that the two of them were artists who had just stood on stage and performed.

After paralyzing for a while, a video chat bell rang, awakening the sleepy Song Yubai and Yun Qingqing.

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