Superstars start with hip-hop

Chapter 789: The Treasure Boy Has A Little Treasure

At about 7:30, Song Yubai took a look, and the fourth issue of "Let's Get Married" was still not officially launched.

The program is officially launched at 8 o'clock. Unlike "Singer and Composer", the online time of "Let's Get Married" is very punctual and will not go online until 8 o'clock.

It's only late, never early.

Song Yubai also watched the preview of the fourth episode of the program first, and calculated that after the fourth episode was broadcast, there should be only two episodes left.

However, the program official Wechat informed that the next program will be postponed for a week before going live, so there should be some time before Song Yubai and Yun Qingqing's next filming.

While waiting, Song Yubai watched several singer's MVs with Yun Qingqing. Yun Qingqing planned to wait for the end of the new year and devote himself to the finishing work of the new album.

The MV for the title song of the new album has not yet been shot, so Yun Qingqing wants to take a look at the MVs of other singers for reference.

Song Yubai originally planned to help Yun Qingqing write the MV script, but was rejected by Yun Qingqing, saying that this time the album's MV intends to operate it himself.

Seeing Yun Qingqing's persistence, Song Yubai no longer said that he helped Yun Qingqing write the MV script, but watched other singers' MVs with Yun Qingqing.

Had it not been for Yun Qingqing, Song Yubai would obviously be unlikely to choose to watch other artists' MVs at this time.

However, the MVs selected by Yun Qingqing are all MVs with relatively good quality ratings, so the songs are not terrible, and the story of the MV is still interesting.

So Song Yubai watched several MVs with Yun Qingqing.

After watching a few MVs, it's almost time for the fourth issue of "Let's Get Married" to go online.

As soon as the program went live, Yun Qingqing immediately cut the screen to the playback interface of "Let's Get Married" and watched it with Song Yubai.

Song Yubai and Yun Qingqing watched the previous three programs carefully, and this time is obviously no exception.

The broadcast of the third phase of the program has basically stabilized the cp of the Baiyun couple, and has many fans and supporters.

Even some passersby who are not fans have successfully attracted a wave of favors because of this show.

It can be said that the broadcast of the program up to now is very beneficial to the plan of Song Yubai and the two.

They were walking exactly as they had previously expected. If they continue at this schedule, they may not wait until the show is over. Song Yubai and Yun Qingqing can both directly make it public.

After all, the number of cp fans of Song Yubai and Yun Qingqing is indeed a bit high. When the show is broadcast or after all the shows are broadcast, when everyone is not sober, if Song Yubai discloses his relationship, it should be paid. Will get a lot of blessings.

After the show started, Song Yubai and Yun Qingqing adjusted a 1.5x speed and started to watch them.

Just after the show was aired for a while, an entry like ## was directly waiting for the hot search.

The main reason is that when Song Yubai first started to show his painting skills, he successfully painted the blank space with a single stroke.

[Hahahaha, can it be left blank?

[The emperor's new painting is worthy of Yu Bai, and even the paintings are unique.

However, although.Isn't Song Yubai really talking nonsense seriously?

[You upstairs are missing a dog's head.

[Although the first one is a bit nonsense, the latter one is pretty good.

[Song Yubai, the treasure of idols, has a lot of treasures.

Although Song Yubai really showed his painting skills behind.

But because of Song Yubai's first painting, he used "The Emperor's New Painting".

So if you open this hot search at one point, everyone basically sees the "Emperor's New Painting".

So that only a serious look at the hot searched passers-by or fans before seeing the painting that Song Yubai painted for Yun Qingqing afterwards.

Such a contrast immediately brought the popularity of this entry to the next level.

After all, when Song Yubai started to throw out an "Emperor's New Painting" in the first place, everyone thought that Song Yubai might have really stretched and couldn't paint.

But when the clip of Song Yubai's second painting was uploaded on the Internet, the online discussion about Song Yubai immediately changed.

At the beginning, the blank space was thought by everyone that Song Yubai would definitely not be able to draw and pick out the water.

But Song Yubai's subsequent series of operations successfully shocked the audience and fans, and immediately made everyone feel that Song Yubai's first painting "Leave White" is indeed very artistic.

This is the double standard of contemporary netizens.

The second painting by Song Yubai quickly replaced the previous "The Emperor's New Painting", which was amazing.

[It’s amazing, this painting is actually a real Song artist.

[This is a little too treasure, how can any skill be, absolutely.

[I haven't seen Yu Bai drew a painting before, it's so amazing.

Song Yubai also opened the barrage while watching the show. He was basically boasting about his rainbow fart, which made Song Yubai feel very comfortable.

Yun Qingqing glanced at Song Yubai's behavior with some amusement.

After feeling the look in Yun Qingqing's eyes, Song Yubai touched his nose, "Well, I just think they speak honestly."

With that said, Song Yubai also liked the barrage he saw one by one.

"But when did you learn to paint?" Yun Qingqing looked at Song Yubai and asked curiously. After all, she had never seen Song Yubai painting before.

It can be said that Song Yubai had this skill when he was recording the show.

After hearing Yun Qingqing's question, Song Yubai was a little embarrassed, but he quickly found a reason.

"I'm the classmate who used to paint very well when everyone was young." Song Yubai looked at Yun Qingqing and nodded and said.

Listening to Song Yubai's answer, Yun Qingqing did not ask any more, subconsciously thinking that it should be a skill Song Yubai learned when he was a child.

Seeing that Yun Qingqing didn't ask any more, Song Yubai was relieved. After all, he couldn't tell Yun Qingqing that he had a system, and then he learned painting from the system?

Song Yubai didn't think he believed it very much when he said this, but Yun Qingqing did not continue to inquire.

The broadcast of the fourth episode is still going on. If you don't watch the show, neither Song Yubai nor Yun Qingqing knew that they could cut out so many clips from their recordings at that time.

At the same time, I have to say that the editing of "Let's Get Married" is really amazing, and the whole show looks very coherent.

But only some parts before Song Yubai and Yun Qingqing were connected after editing.

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