Supreme Stock God

Chapter 1109: The King of Gamblers debut!

"Haha, the environment here is really good, right? Why is there no one to accompany me? I'm a billionaire!" Zhou Hao laughed, and his appearance of a dude was so vividly and vividly shown by him...

"Master, isn't the slave family here?" Although he was dismissive of upstarts like Zhou Hao, the maid who was standing aside still walked over to Zhou Hao!

"Damn? Is there only one? Is this the attitude of your service here?" Zhou Hao's cold tone and expression of impatience made the woman feel very uncomfortable, as if they could serve here. Which of the people does not have an absolutely arrogant figure and impeccable face, but the upstart in front of her is not at all tempted, but she doesn't take care of herself at all, which makes her a touch of her charm for the first time doubt.

In fact, these people have absolute figures and beauty, but Zhou Hao has seen too many people like this, and his purpose of coming here today is to test the strength of the Tang Sect, so he disguised himself as An idiot-like dude is the easiest way to relax their vigilance!

"Are there any dissatisfaction?" When the woman was in a bit of embarrassment, Manager Xue, who had asked Zhou Hao to leave first, appeared here again. At this time, there was a kind smile on his face, but Zhou Hao could feel it from him. When there was a chill, Zhou Hao understood that the seemingly harmless manager Xue in front of him was definitely a murderous demon!

"It's nothing, it's just that these people disappoint me a bit." Even in the face of Manager Xue, Zhou Hao's words still didn't have any compliments.

"The poor hospitality is our fault, I hope you don't take it to your heart!" Manager Xue was very upset when facing Zhou Hao's arrogance, but after all, he was also a person who had seen the scene. Not much to say!

"Since you said that, then forget it, have all my chips redeemed?" Zhou Hao's eyes flashed a playful smile, and then he asked impatiently.

"It's done, now are you planning me to go to another place for fun?"

"I hope I won't be disappointed. My hand style is very smooth today."

While talking, Zhou Hao stood up, and Manager Xue smiled and followed Zhou Hao, but before leaving, he leaned his body and said to the bodyguard who was inseparable: "Let me investigate his The more detailed the identity, the better!"

Of course, his little movements could not escape Zhou Hao’s ears, but Zhou Hao didn’t care. Before coming, he had asked Huo Jianhua to prepare a false certificate for himself. For Huo Jianhua, a local snake, doing a false certificate is not What's difficult, so even if they check it down, they will find their own information, and when they know that all of this is false, they don't care!

"The decoration here looks like this. It should have taken me here long ago!" When he arrived on the second floor, Zhou Hao looked at the lobby in front of him and praised!

Although this hall is relatively small, the decoration is extremely luxurious, even the floor is the best mahogany floor, but compared to the fiery first floor, the popularity here is relatively weak, and the whole hall is only More than a hundred people...

"I still have something to do, please feel free to do it yourself!" Manager Xue sneered, his tone no longer respectful!

Zhou Hao shook his head indifferently, and said, "Go ahead."

Holding 100 million chips, Zhou Hao walked to the gaming table below. After a round, Zhou Hao came to a gaming table. At this time, the gaming table was almost full, but not all of them were people participating in the gambling. , Because every gambler sits in his arms with a barely dressed woman. They only wear a three-point pose, and their bodies are constantly twisting in their arms.

Whenever they win, they will always put some chips into their underwear, which will make the cry of joy from their mouths.

Taking his gaze away from them, Zhou Hao looked at the dealer, that is, the person throwing the dice. His skill and speed were impeccable. Zhou Hao nodded slightly. In front of the dice, the average person rarely makes a profit!

Because in this small meeting alone, several people consumed all the chips in front of him, and Zhou Hao’s eyes flashed a hint of ridicule. At his own level, even if your skills were at the clinker, there would only be a miserable defeat in front of me. Gently accepted the white wine handed over by a woman dressed as a bunny girl, and after taking a sip, Zhou Hao held her in his arms, and she was also as meek as a little sheep, twisting wanton in Zhou Hao's arms!

Zhou Hao, who was holding the bunny girl, sat down, gently put the whiskey in his hand aside, and said: "How do you think we should bet?"

"I don't know!" When asked by Zhou Hao, the bunny girl with a better figure became the focus of the audience for a while, and she was a little uncomfortable being watched by so many people.

"It's okay, I'll lose!" Zhou Hao's words made the other girls a little jealous, and they glared at Zhou Hao for a while, and Zhou Hao just looked at the woman in his arms from beginning to end!

Many people think that Zhou Hao has fallen in love with this woman and intends to amuse the beauty at all costs.

For a while, they all regarded Zhou Hao as the kind of rich kid who had money and no money, but in fact, Zhou Hao did this for his own reasons!

After only taking a sip of the whiskey she handed over, Zhou Hao knew that the wine had been drugged ahead of time. The amount of the drug was not very large, but it was enough to make people stunned. Although she didn't know why she prescribed the drug, It's definitely not at ease...

Zhou Hao wouldn't be a little polite when dealing with such an uneasy woman.

At this time in Zhou Hao's arms, although she was a little bit cramped, Zhou Hao saw the ambition in her eyes. It was obvious that she was not the kind of woman willing to be manipulated, she had her own vigorous ambition!

"Then I choose big!" The woman's weak words spread throughout the audience, and only Zhou Hao heard the burst of ambition from her words.

"One million, I crush it!"

Zhou Hao took out a few chips and threw them into a large range, seemingly indifferent. While secretly admiring Zhou Hao's courage, many people also made their own choices!

"Buy it!"

After the dice thrower finished speaking indifferently, he lifted the black utensil in his hand.

One, two, four, small!

As he spoke, Zhou Hao's five million chips were swallowed by him, and Zhou Hao seemed to not care and asked again: "What do you choose this time?"

"I still choose the big one!" The woman in Zhou Hao's arms curled up slightly, and the softer voice continued.

In the next dozen or so rounds, Zhou Hao listened to her overwhelmingly, but never got it right. This caused him to lose tens of millions of chips, but what made other gamblers excited was that they seemed to have found a fortune. The coup is the opposite of Zhou Hao's choice, because in the last few rounds, when Zhou Hao was overwhelming, they chose small, and they all guessed right...

This made them look expectantly at the bunny girl in Zhou Hao's arms. Although the expression was still uneasy, Zhou Hao could feel her heart beating faster and faster, obviously she was also very excited...

"What do you choose this time?" Zhou Hao asked calmly as usual.

"I still choose the big one!" As usual, she still did not make other choices.

"Okay, this time we will play a big one, here is 80 million, I will press it all!" Zhou Hao calmly pushed up all the chips in front of him, and the entire surrounding space was completely quiet for a while!

Eighty million chips!

This is equivalent to 80 million new currency, you must know that these chips are converted into RMB 400 million!

Many of the people present were overseas Chinese or Chinese, and they all could see that Zhou Hao was Chinese!

Putting 400 million yuan in a hand, it must be said that this is a kind of courage, and even the bunny girl in Zhou Hao's arms has widened her eyes!

"Hehe, since this little friend is going to play a big game, you shouldn't mind letting me sit in the house!" At this time, before everyone recovered from the shock, the green voice had reached their ears. Turning around, they were shocked again.

My God, it turned out to be the Singaporean gambling king, he actually played in person!

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