Chapter 145

Chapter 145 Construction of the Iron Net

All three of them seemed surprised at Xiao Hei’s speed.

But Ye Qing is pretending, and the two women are real.

After Xiao Hei left for a long time, Zhao Ling said quietly: “It seems that those drinks really changed our bodies last night, so there are really aliens? After all, in the outside world, I have never heard of it. Who can study this kind of thing.”

“Perhaps, maybe now we think this is a magic medicine, but the aliens really drink it as a drink.” Ye Qing agreed.

“If it is true that all of this is done by aliens, as you said, then you can be sure that the other party did this for a certain purpose. After all, we will float on the beach when we need it. This randomness It’s too weak, so what is their purpose?” Fanny also followed.

The topic returned to the incomprehensible state last night. The three looked at each other, and no one knew the answer to this question.

In the end, Ye Qing said: “Forget it, I don’t want this anymore. It doesn’t matter whether he is alien or alien. The main reason is that it is useless to think about it. We can live our own lives now, and things will happen in the future. Let’s talk about it.”

Regarding this statement, the two women also agreed. To worry about the unknown, or even the non-existent, is really idle. There are still many things to do if you are blind and others.

While talking, a black spot in the distance appeared in the field of vision, and the attention of the three people was attracted. For a moment, the black spot was rapidly magnified at a speed visible to the naked eye, and after a while, it had become Xiao Hei. Sure enough, the lobster has been dangling.

The three of them were shocked by Xiao Hei’s speed again. You must know that from here to the beach, it would take about forty minutes to walk as quickly as possible, and it would take more than an hour if they were walking at a walking speed.

But how long has it passed now?

five minutes?

Eight minutes?

Anyway, it was impossible to exceed ten minutes. As a result, Xiao Hei had already gone back and forth. Considering that Xiao Hei’s speed itself was faster than the three of them, after conversion, Xiao Hei’s speed increased by at least three times.

And this time, Ye Qing was really surprised. How long has Xiao Hei used the medicine? Even if the medicine has a faster effect on it than the human body, it is too bad, he can’t imagine, if the medicine is in Xiao Hei’s body Once the fermentation is complete, Xiao Hei’s speed will increase to a terrifying level.

But with Zhao Ling and Funi’s change ahead, the three of them didn’t take a long time to be surprised, and they returned to normal.

Originally, Ye Qing only asked Xiao Hei to show the changes after drinking the potion, so that Zhao Ling and Funi knew that the source of their strength was the potion last night, but it didn’t really want it to find the lobster.

So the lobster that Xiao Hei would come to he was going to reward Xiao Hei directly to eat it himself. As a result, Xiao Hei was obviously not too cold with seafood, and he had an expression of disgust.

Yes, you don’t want to give it to me.

Ye Qing angrily kicked Xiao Hei’s ass, let it continue to guard around, and then asked Zhao Ling to put away the lobster and add vegetables at night.

During this period of time, because there are marinated wolf meat and bear meat, plus some fish and shrimp that have been fried before, the food is abundant, and recently it has been relatively busy, so they have been eating and storing food, and they have not gone to the sea for a while. , I started to think about fresh seafood.

Since Xiao Hei has no problem using the potion, then it is Xiao Lan’s turn next.

Beckoned and called Xiao Lan down from the sky, Ye Qing directly let it drink the potion, and then waved his hand to let it digest it by itself.

With the precedent for Xiao Hei, he is not so nervous this time. Anyway, he and Xiao Lan have special feelings. If there is something wrong with Xiao Lan, he will be able to find out for the first time.

After a short break, the three continued to work.

I don’t know if it’s because the body has been strengthened. The three of them started working, each of them topped ten. It was originally planned to use the morning time to dig pits for planting, but it may not be possible to complete it.

As a result, the three of them finished the work in only about two hours, and they didn’t feel tired at all when they were working.

Ye Qing was also very happy about this. Zhao Ling and Funi’s body was strengthened, but not only their combat power was greatly improved in combat, but they also helped themselves a lot with work, and their work efficiency was greatly improved.

After planting the wooden pillars, the three Ye Qing took out the three iron wires and pulled them up along the wooden pillars.

These iron wires are longer than Ye Qing estimated. Even when they encounter the wooden stakes, they still need to go around. In the end, they will be pulled down around the flat ground of the wooden house, and there will be a lot of extra.

Of course, it’s only a dozen meters, and it’s impossible to go around one more time. You can only cut it off with clamps and save it as a spare.

Three iron wires divide the wooden pillar about one person high into three sections, which form a guardrail outside the flat ground.

After doing this, Ye Qing announced that he would take a break, and the next big project will be done in the afternoon.

The three of them worked together to prepare a lunch. After eating, they took a break and resumed work.

0 Seeking flowers…

Because there was a plan to build such a power grid before, the iron wires and iron pieces removed from the shrimp boats were classified into the category of debris when they were first sorted, but they were moved to the other two before. I didn’t move to the cave when I was in this cave. You only need to move to the cave where I lived before.

Now the strength of the three of them has been greatly improved, and even with Xiao Hei, they will all be moved over as soon as they pass by.

There are a lot of these things. They are all piled up directly into a hill in the open space in front of the wooden house.

Now the wire has been stretched, so the next thing to do is to fix these miscellaneous things on the wire to form a protective net.

Because these clutter are not all iron wires, how to distribute them is also a work on the brain meridian. Ye Qing divides this large pile of things into three categories.


Iron wire, iron sheet, and irregular iron block.

Next, the iron wire was cut by the three people, and the splicing of the stitching was finally turned into the desired length. Then, it was pulled up and down between every two wooden posts to form an “X” shape. The three railway lines of the country were fixed together, and an iron net was formed immediately.

Dozens of wooden pillars were pulled in this way, and the iron wire just ran out, which made Zhao Ling and Fanny once again sighed with the magic of this island.

It really is what is needed, and the quantity is always so suitable, no more and no less.

Ye Qing didn’t have time to sigh, just relying on these iron wires, it is impossible to make a safety net, after all, the gap in between is too big.

Then he used the remaining iron sheets and blocks to fix the nets.

Put one piece in the east and hang one piece in the west. After some manipulation, all the iron pieces and iron pieces were used up, and one afternoon passed.

Of course, the results are gratifying. Now outside their wooden house, they have formed a strange, but still solid “iron net.”

Of course there are still gaps, but they are not too big. Squirrels, wild dogs, wild cats and the like can get in, but it is impossible for a big beast like Xiao Hei to rush in. This naturally includes people. If you don’t walk through the reserved door, you can’t get in at all.

With Ye Qing and their current combat power, the former is nothing to be afraid of even if there is only one person. As for the latter two, if they dare to approach unkindly, Ye Qing will let it see what an electric shock is. Dry,

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