Chapter 356

Chapter 356 Portraits in the diary!

“It’s amazing.” Seeing this, Li Wen couldn’t help sighing. He clearly knew how rare it was to open that tunnel under the technical and environmental conditions at the time. This made him a great respect for his ancestors and this Lear.

But as Li Wen continued to read, the words that followed made Li Wen a little surprised, because in the diary, it seemed that his ancestors and other American workers had not been able to overcome the difficulties of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. On the contrary, they were very concerned about the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The harsh conditions are helpless!

“Damn it, the company let us build railways and dig tunnels on such a snowy mountain. My God, this is impossible. In this environment, I don’t even want to wave a mirror!”

“Well, I’m not the only one who thinks that such a task is simply a fantasy. “Fifty-nine-three.” Most workers think this way. They would rather drink a day’s wine in the shed than lay the lettuce. A desperate railway.”

“Like every day before, today a large number of workers ran away, damn, should I leave with them too. Seriously, I would rather go for gold than stay in this ghost place for a second!”

The more I looked down, the more confused Li Wen became. Because the content of this period of time is all about the harsh environment and the workers’ passive sabotage, it does not describe the slightest view of America’s workers working together to overcome difficulties.

“Under such circumstances, how did the Donner Pass get through?” Li Wen said in a puzzled way, and then he patiently continued to read down.

Soon, Li Wen’s eyes lit up, and a turning point seemed to appear.

“Today’s situation is still as bad as before. The progress of the project is very slow. But all the workers have taken it off, and even take it as usual.”

“Besides, there seem to be dozens of yellow people on the construction site today. They seem to be from the far east like my dad. I can understand some of them, but I don’t want to communicate with these people. Of course, they didn’t mean to communicate with our seniors at all. However, I really don’t know what the company thinks about letting these small and thin yellow people lay the railway.”

The diary said it should be Chinese…

Li Wen nodded while thinking. In his impression, the construction ability of the Chinese is terrifying. After all, Li Wen’s family is a Chinese family, but there are some mixed races. Therefore, he still has a clear understanding of the abilities of his compatriots in the East, who are called “infrastructure madmen”.

Sure enough, in the later diary, Lear fully expressed his shock at the ability of the Chinese to work.

“Ah, my God. These thin yellow people are crazy to work. They can still lay tracks on the snowy mountains without changing their faces. And even if the company doesn’t provide them with shelter, they will set up tents for themselves. Prepare food. It’s horrible to be late. But why does my father compare to his fellow citizens,

It would be such laziness!”

At the same time, Lear’s diary also mentioned that there were more and more Chinese on the construction site. In the end, most of the people working on the construction site were yellow-skinned Chinese.

Just as Li Wen was reading vigorously, suddenly a line of abrupt sentences broke into Li Wen’s line of sight.

“I heard that there are several new leaders on the construction site today, and two of them are Chinese. It is said that they are in charge of adjusting the working hours of the Chinese workers to eight hours. And today they seem to come to the construction site to show condolences to us workers. .”

Chinese senior?

This made Li Wen puzzled. Was there a Chinese leader in the America Railway Company at that time? Although the Chinese were indeed very capable of working, it seemed impossible to let the Chinese be the leaders.

Thinking of this, Li Wen couldn’t wait to look down, but there was only one sentence left on this page:

“This is too beautiful!”

Li Wen was stunned, a little puzzled at this sudden sentence. He frowned and turned to the next page. With this turn, Li Wen was stunned.

On this page turned back, a woman’s face is drawn with a sketch!

“Oh my god!” Li Wen exclaimed. The sketching level of my ancestors is very good, which can be seen in the previous landscape paintings and sketches of construction sites. But this is the first time for Lear to draw characters in his diary!

And as said in the last sentence, this woman is so beautiful!

But Li Wen’s shock only lasted a few seconds, because soon, he suddenly felt that this woman’s face was a little familiar, and it seemed that he had often seen her recently.

This sense of familiarity was so strong that Li Wen couldn’t help but recall when he saw this Chinese woman.

“Chinese? Have I met any Chinese recently?” As a Chinese-American, Li Wen is not as blind to Asians as most Americans. Under hard thinking, Li Wenyin sensed something, and in the next second, he grasped this inspiration!

“Zhao Ling?” The face of this big star who has often appeared on TV recently was in Li Wen’s sight, slowly overlapping with the woman in the diary, which made Li Wen a little bit unbelievable.

“It really looks like Li Wen said dazedly, “But why is it Zhao Ling? Is it crossing again?” Four leaders, two Chinese.

“Ye Qing and Zhao Ling are exactly two Chinese” Li Wen muttered to himself, “There are two foreigners, wait, there are two more names in the May Flower Convention, one of which is positive It’s an English name!

Li Wen suddenly became excited, he felt that he seemed to have grasped the truth!

But then he realized that there must be an answer at the back of this diary! Li Wen immediately turned to the next page, but unexpectedly, all the subsequent text was so vague and unrecognizable!

“Why, it just started from here.” 2.5 Li Wen was stunned, he stared at the diary in his hand, frowning and muttering.

Li Wen was a little at a loss. He turned to the portrait on the previous page again, and then took out his mobile phone, turned out the photo of the big star, Zhao Ling, and compared the two together, although the portrait was a little different. It’s clear, but it can still be seen that this is most likely the same person!

Li Wen pondered for a few seconds, and he knew that this matter might not be that simple anymore. This will definitely become the key to solving the problem of time and space shuttle!

Thinking of this, Li Wen stood up and walked out of the room, knocking on his parents’ door.

“Who is knocking at the door!” Li Xi’s somewhat impatient voice came from the room.

“Dad, it’s me. I have a very important thing to tell you.”

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