Chapter 510

Chapter 510 Velociraptor

I don’t know how long time has passed, Chris’s voice rang in Paulsky’s ear again:

“Paul, it’s gone, we survived…

Only then did Paulski’s body begin to move again. Supporting his body with his hands, Paulsky looked at Chris blankly and found that Chris was also covered with mud at this time, but his face under the mud was full of aftermath.

Paulsky was silent for a while before he said, “Chris~, thank you.

Chris was stunned for a moment, apparently he didn’t expect that the first sentence after Paulsky survived was to thank him.

But Chris also reacted quickly and said with a smile: “It’s okay, all survived. This is the best result.

Chris couldn’t help but rejoice at this time. Fortunately, they encountered the most famous Tyrannosaurus rex among the dinosaurs, not any other predators. Because of the reputation of Tyrannosaurus rex, Chris also knows a lot about it, so he will know that Tyrannosaurus can only recognize moving creatures.

If they were chased by another dinosaur, most of the three people present would not be able to stand here peacefully like the one they are now.

“However, correspondingly, although we succeeded in surviving the Tyrannosaurus rex, we were also lost because of this.” With that, Chris sighed and turned to look at the surrounding environment, only feeling strange at this time.

After all, when they encountered the Tyrannosaurus rex, they subconsciously fled in the direction farthest from the Tyrannosaurus rex, which also made them not running the same way when they came.

Now a few people rushed so far with all their strength and jumped on the ground for a while, and they basically lost their sense of direction when they got up.

Paulsky frowned when he heard the words, but then stood up again, walked around for a while, and said again: “We should have ran from this direction just now.”

Chris stood up and walked to Paulersky’s side. He saw Paulersky peel away the weeds on the ground and judged by pointing to a few footprints on the ground.

These fresh footprints are undoubtedly left by the three of them.

Chris’ eyes lit up and said with a smile: “In this case, we can at least go back to the clearing before.

However, Paulsky shook his head and said, “If you go back, the chances of encountering Tyrannosaurus rex again will be relatively higher.”

Chris looked stagnant. Obviously, the chase with the Tyrannosaurus just now had caused him to have an unspeakable fear of the Tyrannosaurus.

If possible, he is really not willing to meet with that guy again.

After thinking for a while, Chris said uncertainly: “In this case, let’s see if we can directly find the cliff where we descended.

“It shouldn’t be difficult to find things like cliffs. Moreover, the cave where we came was surrounded by many birds. It seemed that the cave was used as their nest. In this way, the characteristics are more obvious.

Obviously Paulersky was not very willing to go back the same way, and said: “It can be, but now in this dense forest, we can’t observe the outside situation.

“If we want to carry out this plan, we have to find an open space or the like, which is more suitable for observing the surroundings.”

Chris also nodded, this is the best way right now.

“Then tentatively do it like this, but before that, let’s take a good rest.”

Although I was lying on the ground just now, I was more or less rested for a while, but being still does not mean that the spirits of the three people have been relaxed.

Rather, for Chris, the feeling of lying on the ground and being slaughtered by the dragon brought tremendous pressure to his psychology.

Therefore, it is necessary to have a good rest in place for a while. And maybe the Tyrannosaurus will wander other places soon?

After escaping from the mouth of the Tyrannosaurus, the three of them were obviously relieved.

If there is no such top predator, and unmatched hunters threaten them, these three are masters of wild survival, and there is still not much pressure to survive in this environment.

After retrieving all the supplies that had just been thrown out, the three of them sat on the ground and were about to start eating something to take a rest. Suddenly, some “serious” sounds came into Chris’ ears.

Chris became alert for an instant, and Paulsky also straightened his body, ready to get up again at any time.

At this moment, several dark shadows flashed in Chris’s sight. Chris didn’t see what it was, but stood up subconsciously.

0 Seeking flowers

Instinct tells Chris to run!

“Hurry up, something is coming.” Chris threw the backpack on his body and drank low. Paulersky and Gray immediately stood up and ran in the direction they came without hesitation.

In the face of new threats, I can only bite the bullet and go in this direction. If I really encounter the Tyrannosaurus rex again, I can only say that it is bad luck.

The three of them shuttled through the jungle again, and Chris also quickly learned what was just behind him, because they had gradually caught up.

Velociraptor, a predator of the late Cretaceous period. The height of these velociraptors is naturally not as frightening as the Tyrannosaurus rex, and the velociraptors, which are about the same height as humans, put relatively little pressure on the three.

But even so, Chris is reluctant to face this creature.

However, although these velociraptors are not big in size, their speed is not slow, at least the distance between them and Chris and others is rapidly shortening.

Just as Chris was hesitating whether to turn around and try to kill the raptors that seemed to be barely comparable, a huge figure suddenly appeared in Chris’s line of sight, which made Chris stop his footsteps immediately. , I didn’t dare to move even once.

That’s right, just as they guessed, on their way back, the Tyrannosaurus was standing among the weeds, feasting on a prey on the ground.

Obviously, after leaving them, this Tyrannosaurus successfully captured its prey and is enjoying the fruits of its victory at this time.

Feeling something approaching, the Tyrannosaurus slowly raised his head and looked in this direction.

A cold sweat broke out on Chris’ back, and at the same time he could feel that the group of raptors who had been chasing behind him had stopped their footsteps at this time, and was restless behind Chris and others. NS.

In front of a five-meter-high Tyrannosaurus rex looked eagerly, and behind it were several hungry raptors.

Chris swallowed, inevitably thinking in his heart:

Today, maybe it’s really impossible to survive all…

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