Chapter 661

Tribes exchanging supplies before Chapter 661

Annie walked alone in the tunnel. Suddenly, a voice came from her walkie-talkie: “Annie, Brown and Mariel have left the tunnel, and the reconnaissance plane is already on the road.”

Annie nodded slightly and said in a low voice: “They two, there is no accident, right?”

Then the professor’s voice came: “I’m not sure, but listening to Brown’s voice and her report, there is no problem.”

“After Bulang confirmed that he had reached the island, he went straight back to the tunnel.

Annie continued to walk, but there was an imperceptible smile on her mouth, but soon her expression returned to indifference, and she said: “Okay, then I continue to explore here, you have worked hard.”

“It’s okay, you also pay attention to safety.

Annie put the walkie-talkie back to her waist and continued to walk forward. However, “the success of the seven-seven-three-clothing group made her pace a lot lighter.

But soon, Annie’s expression changed a little, because she felt that the air composition had changed slightly, which meant that her side seemed to have reached the exit.

“Slower than I expected. Annie”‘s pace must be a lot faster than Bulang and the others, but the time to find the island in the end is indeed about the same.

Annie’s pace picked up a few minutes again. She had a bell pin on her body, so she could actually explore the island to a certain extent without worrying about danger.

Walking quickly through the last part of the journey, it was also into a cave, but after leaving the tunnel, Annie entered the depths of the cave, turned on the flashlight, and Annie walked out of the cave.

The cave was not deep. Soon, Annie saw the entrance of the cave. However, without further walking a few steps forward, Annie’s footsteps came to a halt, because she found that there was mist spreading inward from the entrance of the cave.

From her distance, you can see that outside the cave, there is a thick fog, and nothing else can be seen.

Annie immediately remembered the first island that she and the fat man explored. That island was also surrounded by dense fog, and only part of it was normal.

Looking at the mist outside the cave, Annie thought for a while, but still didn’t go deep. She took out the walkie-talkie again and said to the professor on the other end: “Professor, I have also left the tunnel here, but the island I am on seems to be surrounded by dense fog. Therefore, I did not explore in depth.

A few seconds later, the professor’s voice came: “Understood, you pay attention to safety and wait for me to pass.”

At night, the group of five people had returned to the camp, and the professor and others had already prepared dinner, waiting for their return.

During the dinner, the professor summarized today’s findings: “All the islands that the employee passage leads to have been confirmed.

“There are a total of nine islands, of which three, we have already set foot, one is where we first arrived, which is the island where we encountered wild people, and the island where we live now, and the third is our first pass. Employee access, find high-tech products such as hot air balloons, and encounter islands with giant insects.”

“In addition, three of the other six islands are completely surrounded by dense fog. There is basically no value for exploration, and the price/performance ratio is very low.

“The remaining three are okay. If you have the opportunity, go to the top to see if there is a new lounge.”

Annie nodded when she heard the words. The island she went to was completely covered by fog, and the professor also managed to find that place by relying on the positioning of the walkie-talkie.

In this kind of place, with the dense fog, the efficiency of exploration is too low, and the difficulty of finding the lounge becomes correspondingly higher.

It was originally a matter of finding a needle in the sea, and now I don’t want to look for it.

“Now that the passage to Savage Island has been confirmed, we can also proceed to arrange to go there and look for Paulski’s matter.”

The savage island refers to the island where the people first landed and encountered the savage.

Annie continued, “We take a rest for a day, and then go there. Because the wild people there are cannibals, it is still very dangerous, we need to prepare well. Bell pins are useless for those wild people, everything must be careful. .”

“I actually recommend that we take a robot to go there. Although the robot is not a combat-specific type, it is still very defensive. The cold weapons of the wild people do not pose a threat to it.”

“The cockpit of the robot can accommodate two people, so let’s go with Kobayashi.”

The fat man stopped eating, looked at Annie, quickly swallowed the food in his mouth, and then nodded, agreeing to 0.

When the professor saw that Annie had arranged the matter, he nodded and added: “Just pay attention to safety.

The next day, Annie took the fat man into the tunnel.

Due to the limited height of the tunnel, it is impossible for the robot to walk in the tunnel, so Annie and Fatty can only shrink the robot first, board the island, and then board the robot.

Yesterday the professor discovered that this island is where Paulsky is, so he explored it well.

The place where Paulerski was located has also been discovered. That place is far from the exit of the tunnel, just on the other side.

It is quite a coincidence that the place is very close to the camp where the professor and others once were.

Go straight to the place where Paulsky hides and pass by the tribe of cannibals. After Annie and Fatty boarded the robot, they were naturally not afraid of the cannibals, but they didn’t want to experience meaningless battles. The bells didn’t work for the cannibals, so they decided to detour.

The detour will not pass through the cannibal tribe, but will pass through another savage tribe, that is, the savage tribe that had exchanged supplies with Annie.

The robots traveled very fast in the jungle, much faster than Annie and Fatty on their own, so it didn’t take long for them to arrive at the Savage Tribe.

The robot over three meters high slammed into the uncivilized Savage Camp 2.5, and the Savage Tribe fell into chaos.

From the window of the robot, it can be seen that the wild people fled in all directions, afraid to approach the robot at all.

Annie had expected this. She turned on the loudspeaker of the robot and said a few savage words that she had learned back then.

Hearing the familiar language, the savage tribe calmed down a little, and a middle-aged savage who looked a little womb walked near the robot.

Annie’s eyes lit up and she said, “This is the tribal elder I know.”

“You pay attention, I will go down and negotiate with him face to face.

Annie touched the gun at her waist, opened the robot’s hatch, and jumped down.

The fat man was also nervous, waiting for Anne to negotiate with the Savage Tribe.

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