Chapter 151

This kind of war.

It doesn’t end in a day or two.

Determine the enemy to fight attrition.

Kaido and others left the city wall.

In fact, they don’t know.

The orcs were also helpless in doing so.

There is no first time to take down the opposite human race.

They know.

This is a protracted battle.

The main purpose of fighting attrition is to reduce the number of orcs.

The food on the orc sky island is getting less and less.

Instead of starving to death.

It’s better to try to use these ordinary arms to consume human strength.


Relative to the 4 week area.

On the contrary, area 88 seemed a bit quiet.

This tranquility is just that there is no war.

But for business.

It’s very busy.

War is the best means of making money.

A large number of commodities are dumped.

Bring back various resources and population.

Yundao is like an inflatable ball, constantly growing.

A new day is here.

Survive on the 74th day.

The sky outside was still pitch black.

There is no sign of stopping due to heavy snowfall.

“Oh…! On the 75th day tomorrow, I hope the heavy snow will pass.”

After breakfast, I came to the Chamber.

Seeing all these people, they all curled up.

Even if the chamber is air-conditioned.

It still looks a bit cold.

“What things need to be solved today, let’s talk about it!”

It was still Zhang Liang, who stood up first.

“Master, the subordinates recommend that all work units do it and sweep the snow in front of each other.”

“Heavy snow has still not stopped, and the temperature keeps dropping, it is easy to freeze.”

“Currently, the progress of snow shoveling is getting slower and slower. If only snow workers are used to clean it, it will no longer be able to meet the needs of Yundao.”

Yundao, although it has increased a lot of population these days.

But all departments are like gold swallowing beasts, and they don’t dislike how much they come.

Responsible for snow shoveling work is still the previous construction team.

The number of people has only increased slightly compared to before.

“Well, snow shoveling requires everyone to work together. Don’t always count on Zhang Liang’s side.”

“After the meeting, each department began to shovel snow, one in the morning and one in the evening.”


Shen Wansan stood up.

“Master, the subordinate thinks that some orcs can be captured as slaves.”

This sentence caused a burst of noise below.

Many people have lingering fears about the orcs.

Han Dang was in that battle.

If it weren’t for Gan Ning’s timely rescue, he would become Yundao, the first general to die.

Han Dang immediately stood up and retorted.

“Master, the subordinates think this is impossible. The orcs are untamed and untamed. Once too many riots are caused, it will bring us a lot of losses.”

Zhang Zhongjing also stood up with lingering fears.

“Master, there are still a lot of giant beasts there. Once the orcs come and direct those giant beasts to attack the town, it will cause disaster.”

Shen Wansan still insisted on his key point.

He retorted: “Everyone, I believe everyone knows who commands the behemoth. From the last time the orcs attacked, we can see that the orcs also need a certain distance to command the animals.”

“Otherwise, the orcs had just directed the riots on the beast island. Why didn’t they cause riots on the farm until they attacked under the city wall?”

“So I think that as long as they keep a certain distance, they are safe and worry-free!”

Han Dang frowned and looked at Shen Wansan.

“What if an orc sneaks in? It can be guaranteed for a while, but not forever. There will always be negligence.”

Shen Wansan answered with a smile.

“Handang, you have some problems with your thoughts. Don’t be bitten by a snake once, be afraid of well ropes for ten years.”

Then turned to everyone.

“Have you ever thought about the pros and cons. Although there are some hidden dangers, we can eliminate them in many ways.”

“But there is one thing that everyone cannot ignore. Orcs are inherently stronger than us. This cannot be denied.”

“At present, the jobs that account for the most population in Yundao are those jobs that require manual labor.”

“If we use orcs instead, we will liberate a lot of people and do other things.”

“Yundao is now in a critical period of technological development. The reason why we have been restricting us is the land and population.”

“Nowadays, land is no longer a problem, but for population, alternative methods can be used.”

“Of course, Ye Hanshuang will automate production, and all research and development have been successful. It will be the time to kill these orcs.”

“The orcs mentioned below treat them as slaves, rather than treating them as human beings.”

After speaking, he sat down.

Just when everyone was discussing.

Zhang Liang stood up.

“Master, the subordinate agrees with Shen Wansan’s opinion.”

Suddenly, a crowd of civil and military forces looked at Zhang Liang in surprise.

Zhang Liang said without shy.

“Subordinates had this idea before, and deliberately conducted investigations.”

“You may have overlooked a few points.”

“First, there are actually two kinds of orcs, one is the ordinary orc, and the other is the beast king.”

“I believe you have heard the special roar of the orc island many times during the defensive battle.”

“Every time the orc is about to be defeated, as long as that roar rang, the orc will renew its courage and start charging.”

“Second, the farm is the same. Before the special roar came, the farm was safe and sound.”

“The farm riots happened afterwards, Zhang Zhongjing, am I correct?”

Zhang Zhongjing frowned slightly and seemed to be thinking.

After a while, he nodded.

“Zhang Liang is right, it is true.”

After getting Zhang Zhongjing’s answer, Zhang Liang continued.

“If I’m not mistaken, ordinary orcs are wise, but they are relatively low. Their actions come from deterrence.”

“It’s as if we feed the animals for a long time and shake it with a bell. Over time, as long as the bell is shaken, the animals will know that it’s time to eat.”

“Third, we can use this method to continue to cast a shadow on the hearts of the orcs, which may even exceed the deterrence of the Beastmaster.”

“Also, as Shen Wansan said, we do have a lot of jobs that rely on manual labor.”

“Take my construction team as an example. Every time materials are transported, these can be replaced by orcs.”

“There are also those caravans, and the materials that are moved every day are piled up like a mountain, which takes up a lot of labor.”

“Fourth, even on the battlefield, we can all use the orcs as slaves. The combat effectiveness of the orcs, I believe the last time we fought with the sea clan, everyone also saw 0…”

“The slave army, as long as it is not placed on the orc battlefield, it is basically worry-free. The most important point is that we are not afraid of the orc death, and we will catch it after death.”

“Besides…like the riots mentioned by General Han, we only need to keep orcs working outside the city walls.”

“Even if there is a riot, I believe our army will quickly suppress it. It will not cause harm to the city.”

“So the subordinates recommend catching the orcs!!”

The opponents were speechless.

Indeed, as Zhang Liang said, there are too many benefits.

And the downside.

It’s just that there may be upheavals.

If it can be domesticated.

The so-called riots cannot happen.

Since then, Yundao has not only increased, but also countless manual workers.

There is also an army of slaves, who are not afraid of sacrifice on any battlefield.

Yun Fan smiled and looked at the others.

“Does any of you have any comments?”

“Since there is no objection, then this plan will be implemented. Shen Wansan is responsible for informing the Sifang guards.”

“In the early stage, first capture 10,000 orc slaves for experimentation. If the results are good, then continue to capture them.”


“In addition, the letter told them that all future wars, except for special circumstances.”

“Send half of the land resources to Yundao. We will give some compensation.”


This matter has never been explained before.

The Quartet guards the generals and merges directly after obtaining the empty island.

He didn’t want his empty island to become smaller than the guardian of the Quartet in the future.

And as long as Eternal Night and the snow and ice weather pass.

The empty island also needs to be planted on a large scale.

For this piece of land, there will never be too little.

After Yun Fan finished speaking, Ye Hanshuang stood up.

“Master, today the temperature has reached minus 70 degrees, and gasoline can no longer be transported.”

“Please also the owner to inform the relevant departments that fuel replenishment may not be possible today.”

“In addition, it is best for the spacecraft to reduce travel today!”

The most feared thing finally arrived.

Unexpectedly, the temperature would drop to 70 degrees.

If it continues.

Regardless of whether the entire economy or human survival, it will collapse.

“Zhuge Liang hasn’t come back yet, Zhang Liang, are you temporarily in charge of the newspaper?”

“Yes Master.”

“Today’s newspaper will explain what Ye Hanshuang has just said.”


Then turned his head to look, and asked Ye Hanshuang.

“Can the fuel supply of power plants and factories be met?”

“Yes, master, our laboratory has already completed the plumbing project. The fuel is transported directly from the refinery to the factory and power plant, so it will not cause freezing.”

“The fuel tanks in factories and power plants have also been heated.”

“That’s fine, the power plant is the top priority, we must take good care of it!”


See no other problems.

“Let’s go away, work to prevent the cold, pay more attention to it, and don’t have any accidents!!”

After the others left.

The aloe is still waiting in the chamber.

ps: Thank you “Akiminshan Xiaomengxin” for the monthly pass. .

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