127 – Touch from outside the sea (4)

When dealing with multiple humans, the most important thing is to kill one with a surprise attack to gain a psychological advantage over the majority.

“That’s what my father always did when he met thieves.”

Is it possible to kill one person in a surprise attack at first? And when it comes to killing, how easily and quickly can you kill that one person?

It is important to take this step well.

“Okay, Monia? The first thing I aim for is the crossbow.”

The most threatening weapon possessed by that group of sailors that Chester and Monia are now secretly pursuing.

“Hey, wouldn’t it be better to attack from a distance?”

“no. If you attack from a distance, they can shoot arrows freely.”


“It is far better to deal with 10 people with swords than to deal with 5 or 6 people with bows.”

Since you have to approach to cut with a sword, the number of people you have to deal with at once decreases, and the lush natural environment of the floating island prevents you from swinging your sword freely.

In addition, when a person holding a sword approaches Chester, it becomes a shield that blocks the opponent’s arrow attacks very naturally.

‘The best thing is to kill the right number and get them out of here on their own.’

It was inferred from Ant’s sense of smell and the fact that there were 10 sailors he had seen earlier, but if that inference was correct, only 70 people entered the island.

Chester didn’t have the confidence to kill 70 people no matter how much Monia and Ant helped him.

Killing people comes with great psychological pressure. Even Chester’s father, who was accustomed to killing by traveling alone, struggled with the pressure of killing people if he killed three or four people.

That’s why it’s a crossbow.

take the crossbow Pick up a weapon that can kill people easily and reduce the guilt and fatigue of murder even a little.

In addition, through the easy-to-understand threat of the crossbow, those violent sailors are restrained and suppressed.

and drive them off this island.

Chester, repeatedly mentally reminding himself of what he had to do, took the knife out of his pocket as he made up his mind.

In the nearby tree, Monia must also be preparing after seeing the signal Chester sent.

Then, Chester started walking quietly.

Quietly so as not to make the sound of stepping on the grass, softly as if he had assimilated each breath into the forest air, as if he had relaxed his body and went out for a walk in the nearby streets rather than going to kill anyone right now.

As deadly as a snake that creeps up behind an opponent like a quietly settled spider, and quickly bites and injects venom.

The opponent did not feel Chester’s movements.

No, it wasn’t just the sailor with the crossbow, but also the other sailors who were standing around and chatting.

It was all too late when they barely recognized the sharp, shining silver blade that quietly stretched out from the darkness of the forest.



After piercing the throat with the blade, lightly twist the blade and pull it out as if ripping it off.

The violently torn pieces of flesh spurted out as the blade was pulled out, and blood soon gushed uncontrollably from the wound in the neck.

Chester did not stop there, but strode forward, holding the dying sailor firmly with one hand.

Now you don’t have to hold your breath and take care of your steps quietly. Just infinitely bold, walking down the street and meeting a good friend by chance, moving lightly as if approaching to say hello.

And at the same time, unlike Chester’s brisk movements, as if they were controlled by different brains, the knife that had secretly flicked its tongue while hiding in the shadows of Chester and the sailor’s corpses stabs a man’s neck again.

The moment he stabbed his neck, his muscles tightened and he mercilessly tried to grab the knife. Feeling the resistance of his muscles tightening up as if he would not forgive the enemy who had destroyed him, Chester lightly pulled out the knife using ignorant grip and shoulder strength.

hooked! hooked! hooked!

and stab in succession

Chest, belly, shoulders, neck, chest again.

He stabbed his throat once to inflict a fatal blow, so stabbing him with a knife now was not meant to kill him.

Deliberately showing off wild, violent, ferocious, and cruel behavior, they catch the movements of those who are still watching them with their fisheye dumbfounded.

And in the meantime, Monia, who appeared as if she was there, swung the machete in her hand.


Monia swung the machete like a tree and hit the man’s neck.

The centrifugal force of the heavy lump of metal is deeply and firmly embedded in the person’s neck. Unfortunately, Monia couldn’t pull out the machete again with the same strength as Chester.

But this was already expected.

Monia let go of the machete without hesitation and picked up the ax just as Chester had taught her.

“… … this!”

A man wants to react and make a move. He spreads his arms wide and rushes at Monia with his body inflated.

Chester put his free hand in his pocket as he grabbed the crossbowman’s corpse with his knife-handed hand.

He takes out a stone from a simple leather pouch and flicks his wrist to throw it.


The flying stone hit the man who was aiming for Monia in the head.


At the moment when the man who had been hit by a stone in the head shrank, Monia’s ax fell like lightning from top to bottom in a big circle.


‘four. There are six left.’

There are still many. too many too many

When four fellow sailors died in an instant, the sailors who had been unable to keep up with the situation with stupid expressions began to come to their senses one by one.

“Hey, these bastards!”

“If you come to pick me up, you should speak Korean! You have no manners!”

Chester whistled quietly. Then, Ant, who had been waiting around, jumped out and bit off a sailor’s shin.

“Aagh! what!”

Chester seized the crossbow and quiver from the crossbowman, kicked the corpse to stop the sailor from charging at him, and thrust a knife through his throat while the sailor who retrieved the corpse panicked.


At that time, Monia is subdued by another sailor. No wonder.

No matter how hard she trains and trains, she can’t win against a sailor.


“Ouch! Write!”

After subduing one sailor by hitting him in the nose with a stone, he kicks the sailor whose leg was bitten off by Ant and knocks him down, then runs at the remaining three sailors.

‘The three of them, including the sailor who caught Monia, can’t move right now.’

Then, there are two crew members who can move freely. One of them wielded a cutlass, but Chester violently raised the fallen corpse and blocked the blade with it.

The blade of the cutlass is lodged in the skull of a dead fellow sailor, stopping in front of it.


Chester, who had cleared the corpse and even the cutlass, dug into his arms at once.

hooked! hooked! hooked! hooked!

He grabs the sailor’s neck with his hand and stabs his stomach. keep prickling your stomach

“Ugh! oops! Turn off, uh!”

Whether or not the face of the seafarer whose stomach was stabbed was contorted with pain, Chester, who had been stabbed, turned away while holding him.

Chester’s body, which had been exposed, was covered by a fellow sailor with a sore stomach, and the sailor who was about to ambush stopped moving without realizing it.

“Damn it!”

And that gap was enough.

Using the corpse as a shield, it rushes in to close the distance, aiming for the opponent’s inability to move and taking his life with a knife.

‘Remove the two again.’

three are left.

“go away! You son of a bitch!”

– Wake up!

At that time, Ant, who was clinging to the shin and biting hard, was hit by a kick and flew away.

‘That’s enough.’

You won’t be able to move freely with your legs broken like that. Then focus on the other two.

Chester looked at the sailor who held Monia before him like a shield.

“This way, you can’t even attack!”

I couldn’t understand what he was saying, but I could understand his intent. Trying to imitate Chester and stop his movements.

It was the correct answer. As long as Monia could get hurt, Chester couldn’t attack.

if you can get hurt

So, Chester just threw a pepper powder bomb.


Knowing the existence of the red pepper powder bomb, Monia held her breath and closed her eyes tightly to prepare for the upcoming attack.

“100 million! Wow! Cuckoo! Cool! Keck! Kkeek! what’s this! Aww!”

Monia, who was aiming for the moment when the strength of her grip loosened, shook herself as hard as she could and escaped, and Chester tried to finish the sailor who had a nosebleed after being hit by a stone a moment before the sailor who couldn’t move because of the red pepper powder.

When Chester turned his head to find the sailor, the already awake sailor quietly approached Chester, raised his cutlass and was about to slam it down.

Chester, who had been staring at it, just stabbed the knife.

‘dummy! I’m faster!’

The sailor was so sure, but unfortunately the tip of his cutlass hit a hard branch and stopped.


That was his will. Chester, who finished lightly with two stabs in the neck, still distracted by the red pepper powder, looked at the sailor who was randomly wielding a cutlass to protect himself.


Chester looked at the structure of the crossbow he had seized for a moment, and caught his foot on the steel ring attached to the front of the crossbow.

Then, after holding onto the steel handle attached to the crossbow’s bowstring, he strongly lowered his foot, which had been hooked to the front hook of the crossbow.

In an instant, the power of the legs pulls the crossbow string back and locks it.

Chester took a bolt from the quiver he had stolen, hung it on top of his crossbow, and aimed it at the weary sailor.

Hold the body that extends behind the crossbow firmly with your armpits and aim carefully.

‘I’ve never used a crossbow except for a few times when my father’s friend came over to play.’

After finishing aiming with that thought in mind, I pull the trigger with strength in my finger.

The bolt, which flew furiously at a speed incomparable to the crude bows Chester and Monia made, stuck right into the sailor’s head, and a sharp arrowhead protruded from the back of his head as if it had penetrated halfway through.

The sailor who was hit by a bolt in the head falls backwards as if collapsing.

And Monia also pulled out the ax stuck in the head of one of the sailors and approached the last sailor who was still unable to get up.

“That, stop… … !”



The body of the sailor hit by the ax flutters like a fish out of water and gradually calms down.


After confirming that, Monia looked at Chester while wiping the sweat pouring from her body.

“Would you like to rest a bit?”

“Nope! Nope. I can do more.”

Killed seven people, but Chester was fine.

‘How is that possible? I had a hard time with the machete and the axe.’

As if cutting some kind of butter with a knife, it stabs people’s bodies quickly. There seemed to be no resistance whatsoever in Chester’s movements.

While Monia was admiring it, Chester examined his body and mind.

‘It’s still okay.’

don’t know how long it will go When your body and mind are fine, you have to kill at least one more person.

“yes. Alright, there you are.”

“Yes? What?”


Chester rummaged through the bodies for a while and found sharp knives belonging to several sailors.

“It is an occupational disease. They never know when they might get caught up in a rope or net and end up in danger, so they always have a sharp knife just in case.”

Chester pulled one of the knives out of their sheaths and played them lightly to get them used to his hands.

“yes. nice great.”

Bring the knives the sailors had, as well as a crossbow and two bows.

“You don’t need this knife?”

“Cutlas? it’s okay. A machete and an ax are better than unfamiliar blades.”

Monia recalled that a sailor had a chance to kill Chester just a moment ago, but the cutlass was blocked by a tree branch, and he lost his chance and lost his life.

I picked up a familiar tool, but it can be said that I failed to seize a chance because the environment was unfamiliar. A similar thing can happen when you pick up an unfamiliar tool.


“great. Then let’s move.”


Chester and Monia waited for a while to see if Ant was okay, and then moved through the forest in search of the second group of sailors, guided by Ant, who expresses that he is fine with his whole body.

60 people left.

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