176 – To the Farther Sea (3)

In the windy desert mixed with grains of sand, a tribe of desert warriors were galloping through the desert, one for each of them, riding a giant lizard.

If you are a human, your legs are sunken to the knees in the sandy field, so even walking a step is a rough terrain, but the lizard, which is wide for its size and equipped with webbed feet, galloped through the desert without any difficulty.

How much he was controlling the lizard and running, the warriors of the desert took out their spears according to the signal of the warrior who went to the front and threw their spears at a certain point.

A spear that flies towards the part where the line was drawn, with the sand disturbing at high speed, like drawing a line in the desert with your finger.

A simple and crude spear with cloth, leather, and plant bark wrapped around the thorns of a giant cactus sank like a harpoon thrown into the water the moment it was embedded in the desert. revealed

The gigantic snake, probably 30m in length, vigorously shook its body to pierce the scales and try to get the cactus thorns out of its body, but the cactus thorns had barbs sprouting in the opposite direction, so each time the snake swayed, it embed itself deeper and deeper. .

– Suaaa!

In the end, the snake, realizing that it couldn’t get the thorn out, opened its mouth wide and made a threatening sound toward the desert warriors who pursued it.

This snake is not poisonous.

That’s because the huge body and the muscles that fill the body are sufficient weapons and armor. When this snake needs water, it is so powerful that it uses its triangular, pointed head to burrow into the desert and drink groundwater.

People controlled the lizard to spread it in all directions and continued to throw cactus thorns at the snake.

Throw the thorn again and again, somehow sticking the thorn into the body of the snake and making it bleed.

At the same time, they diligently spread their distance so that the snake would not dare to eat or attack them, and moved in a dizzying way so that the snake could not catch a specific target.

If you catch that snake, the village can feed and live without end. Special microorganisms that live only in this desert become a natural preservative and prevent things buried under the sand from rotting.

As for how effective it is, hundreds of years ago, in the ruins of a huge kingdom buried under this desert, mummies with very good opponents were found. In good condition, Mira’s joints moved smoothly and her skin was still firm.

A place where even the dead die as if they were not dead, as if they had quietly fallen asleep. A place where people who don’t want to rot in misery visit after adorning themselves and commit suicide to keep themselves beautiful even after death.

There are various names that people call this place.

A land where no one can die, a desert of living corpses, a beautiful finish.

The most famous among them is the immortal golden scent, which is said to be derived from the characteristics of sand and deserts, which are usually a little dull yellow, but when exposed to a large amount of sunlight from a certain angle, a brilliant golden color.

It is called that in nearby areas, but it may be more understandable to call it this way in distant areas.

it’s called magic


The warriors who live in the demonic realm roar.

This is because the warrior leader who led them jumped off the lizard and clung to the rampaging snake.

The warrior clinging to the snake fluttered a large black cloth that blocked the wind of the sandy desert and the sunlight that would burn the skin, and moved both hands wrapped around the rope and climbed the snake at terrifying speed.

The snake was paying attention to the warriors around it, so it didn’t notice the presence of a dangerous warrior climbing on it, and the warrior commander, who arrived at a decent place, untied the rope wrapped around his waist and grabbed the end.

At the end of the rope was a creepy thick iron stake from which a thick and hard iron core sprouted in the opposite direction, and the warrior chief swung the iron stake and drove it deep into the snake’s body.

It holds a large ax that would be difficult for an ordinary person to hold with both hands, and wields it freely, peeling off the snake’s scales and slicing its flesh, causing blood to spill out.

The warriors who saw it were excited by the snake’s blood, so they threw their spears more wildly and fiercely, and at the same time, so that the snake did not dare to shake the battlefield, they stimulated the snake with loud and sharp sounds.

Warriors who jump over snakes and chop them with axes, and warriors who throw spears at hedgehogs so that snakes can hear their cousins.

The warriors of the desert clung to each other until a long time passed and the surrounding desert was stained red with the snake’s blood, attacking and attacking again, and finally defeated the snake.

The snake, which stood upright to sweep all directions with its own body, lost its strength and fell to the ground, bounced off the impact and rolled on the sandy field for a long time.

“Warrior leader! Are you okay?”

“… yes me… I’m fine.”

The commander, who answered in a somewhat clumsy tone, told his subordinates to prepare to carry the snake, and massaged the sore part of his body after being bitten.

Although it is said that it fell on the thick sand of the desert, it was not without shock.

“Whoa. How, this hunt is over.”

The warrior commander, who had sighed in relief while speaking fluent words different from the clumsy desert language from earlier, undid the cloth wrapped around his head and shook off the sand.

The man who shaved his head, looked at the part where his hair was torn and bleeding, and then brushed off the dust all over the scars on his face, confirmed that some of the scars were torn and bleeding.


A man with a strangely small face and full of fine scars.

He thought, feeling the pain of the scars from the islands that wandered the world in the past.

“Does Chester get stronger while living on the island?”

Urgo muttered that, after roughly sterilizing it with sand, he covered his face with a cloth again.

“Lack of beaches… uh, how are you?”

“It remains. It seemed like they were constantly scouting the area around our oasis.”

“Since you caught the snake, hit it first.”

“All right. I will speak to the chieftain.”

* * *

“die! You baby shark!”

While Urgo was dealing with a giant snake, Chester was fighting a shark attacking them, relying on a raft in a stormy sea with strong winds blowing.


Chester and Monia, whose harpoons were stolen by the sea after being beaten by the rough waves while dealing with a shark with a harpoon, swung their machetes wildly.

Then, Ant, who was holding on to the raft, slipped and fell into the sea, and Chester, frightened, swung his legs wildly toward the sea.

The moment when the waves rise high and then fall down.

The moment the balance becomes unstable as one side of the raft soars upward.

I put my foot in the gap between the logs of the raft, grabbed the mast with one hand, and kicked it.

Chester’s kick caught Ant before he fell into the sea, and Ant swung his foot and threw it at Monia.

The moment the raft fell into the sea, the raft returned to its original state and picked up a shark from the bottom of the sea.

“It’s a shark!”


Chester straddled one side of the raft, grabbed the shark that had climbed onto the raft, and before the shark could do anything, he swung his machete open the shark’s skull and destroyed its brain.

“go away!”

He then kicked the dead shark and pushed it into the sea.

It was a story about 30 minutes ago that the attack of the sharks started like this.

If the sea level was this rough, normal sea creatures would go down to the depths to avoid being swept away by the rough waves, but these four sharks attacked the raft of the poor Chester family, wondering where they could get something to eat.

What is the reason? There was no point in thinking deeply about the situation that had already occurred. First of all, it was important to solve this crisis, and then to think about the cause of the crisis.

“AA AA AA!!”

As Chester let out a wild roar, a blue tattoo appeared on Chester’s skin.

Chester’s spirit was lifted after seeing the War Paint created by the grace of the top, and new vitality began to circulate in his body, which had been exhausted from fighting the storm.

On the raft, which was pushed by the waves and even floated in the air for a moment, Chester smashed the sharks that were aiming at them one by one, showing off a nimble and excellent body movement comparable to the people on top.

In the process, he lost his lucky machete at the waterfall on the floating island, but somehow managed to defeat all the sharks and survive the shark attack.

“Why suddenly! Is there a shark coming out! A shark!”

“More than that! When are you going to stop!”

Again a strong wind blows, and the raft soars as if it would capsize at any moment.



Chester and Monia, holding an anchor full of stones in their hands, hurriedly ran to the upper part of the raft, threw their weight and the weight of the anchor down at once where it was about to capsize, and forcibly pressed it into the sea to stabilize it.

After getting back on top of the raft, I was worried that the raft might capsize again, and I clutched the anchor in one hand and looked out in all directions.

It was on the fourth day of their sea voyage.

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