After the incident, Bai Lianhua sent someone to invite Qiao Linger to the appointment, but it was rejected. Lianhua became angry and took Linger to the cottage, cut off water and fasted food, and forced him to submit.

Qiao Linger naturally did not give in, and then died of thirst and starvation.

These...the same as the original cause and effect, there is no problem.

The problem lies in the golden-winged Dapeng eagle.

But he said.. the golden-winged dapeng was carved in the lion and camel country. After being surrendered by the Buddha, it has been in front of the Buddha's seat, serving as a guardian of the golden-winged Dapeng.

According to normal cause and effect, the reincarnation of the Tathagata Buddha is the golden-winged Dapeng eagle secretly guarding the Tathagata Buddha.

Later, when Qiao Linger died, it was also the golden-winged Dapeng eagle who rescued Qiao Linger, and took Qiao Linger's body outside, leading Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie to find the reincarnated soul boy of Tathagata Buddha.

But now, the golden-winged Dapeng is dead.

Before that, it was because of the cause and effect of the six-toothed white elephant, the fall and the hand of Xu Changsheng.

As a result, there is no golden-winged Dapeng eagle, secretly protecting the reincarnated soul boy of the Buddha, which makes Qiao Linger in the prison of the white lotus, from fake death to real death.

Naturally, there is no golden-winged Dapeng to guide the way for Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie, so as to find Qiao Linger.

Thinking about it before and after, the cause and effect are naturally connected.

"Although the poor monk intends to use the hand of Wutian so that the Buddha will never... return to Lingshan, but the poor monk did not want you to die, Qiao Linger."

"It's a pity that people are not as good as heaven..."

After Xu Changsheng understood the cause and effect, he couldn't help shaking his head.

"Ling'er, you actually died."

"You're dead, and I'm not alive either!"

White Lotus raised the sharp sword in her hand, ready to kill herself.

Xu Changsheng got up, flicked the sharp sword in White Lotus's hand with one finger, and said, "If you want to kill yourself, wait until you send Qiao Linger's body back to Qiao Jiazhuang, and then apologize to Qiao Linger's parents, and it's not too late to kill yourself. !"

The sharp sword in Bai Lianhua's hand fell to the ground, lost her mind for a while, and burst into tears.

After crying, Bai Lianhua and her subordinates carried Qiao Linger's body and came to Qiaojiazhuang.

Qiao Linger's parents were startled when they saw the white lotus crowd.

But when Qiao Linger's mother saw Qiao Linger's body, she immediately rushed over and cried in grief.

"Ling'er, why did you die at such a young age!"

"The white-haired person sends the black-haired person, how can you let your mother and your father survive in the future!!"

Qiao Linger's father came swaying, ready to kneel in front of Xu Changsheng, and was supported by Xu Changsheng.

"Living Buddha, save... save my son."

Xu Changsheng helped Qiao Linger's father and shook his head: "If the Tathagata... Qiao Linger's true spirit is not reincarnated, the poor monk will definitely be able to pull him back from the gate of hell."

"But Qiao Linger has been reincarnated and came to this world with her life."

"If the poor monk wants to save Qiao Ling'er, it is equivalent to killing another new poor monk. It can't be done."

Qiao Linger's father took three steps back, as if he were ten years older in an instant.

The white lotus took a step forward, double"

Kneeling in front of Qiao Linger's father, he raised his sword with both hands, and said, "I killed Qiao Linger, you can kill me with your sword!"

"Evil girl! You killed my Linger!!"

Qiao Linger's father grabbed the sword in a fit of anger.

With a loud clang, he drew his sword and unsheathed it.

The white lotus closed her eyes, raised her head and waited to die.

Qiao Linger's father clenched the sword tightly, his palms, arms, and his whole body were shaking.

His eyes were red, and he wished to slash down with a sword, killing the white lotus flower.

But Qiao Linger's father had a sword, but... he couldn't cut it down.

In the end, Qiao Linger's father threw the sword in his hand and said angrily: "Evil girl! I want to kill you, so what's the difference between me and you, a bandit!"

"I don't kill you, I want you to live in guilt for the rest of your life!"

Xu Changsheng put his hands together, bowed his head and proclaimed the name of the Buddha: "Amitabha."

The white lotus kneeling on the ground, hearing the words trembled, stood up, and decided to change her mind and change her past.

She wanted to change evil for good, and said to her subordinates: "You all go away."

"From now on, I, Bai Lianhua, will no longer be the bandit leader of Fengtou Mountain. I want to atone for my sins."

White Lotus came to Xu Changsheng, knelt down and said, "Living Buddha, I want to worship you as my teacher."

Xu Changsheng looked at the white lotus in front of him, and in a trance, he was a bit like the white lotus saint in the world of Xumi.

Is it possible that the white lotus is the reincarnation of the white lotus saint, but it is also possible that they are just two similar "flowers"

That's it.

Xu Changsheng hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Then you should follow the poor monk and study the Dharma."

The entire Qiao family was immersed in the grief of Qiao Linger's death.

Xu Changsheng didn't bother, and left with the white lotus.

Bai Lianhua was still immersed in the self-blame of killing Qiao Linger, and said sadly: "Master, where are we going now?"

Xu Changsheng looked in the direction of the East China Sea and said, "Hedou wins the Buddha, joins forces, and then goes to the Ashura Realm to save the saints!"

"Fight to defeat the saints in the Buddha and Ashura world"

The white lotus was at a loss.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, you will understand later."

Xu Changsheng was too lazy to explain too much to the white lotus, so he set up the sixth-grade Brahma holy lotus platform, supported him and the white lotus, and flew to Huaguo Mountain.

In order to obtain the four relics of Huaguo Mountain, Wutian's subordinates dispatched a large number of troops to attack Huaguo Mountain.

Fighting Victory Buddha came back at the right time, and he fought with the black lotus messenger who led the attack of the Wutian demon clan, and the fight was inseparable.

The black lotus messenger fought against Dou Shengsong Buddha, and he did not lose for a while, and fought against Dou Shengsong Buddha without distinction.

After Xu Changsheng arrived, he sacrificed a quasi-innate spiritual treasure-level Daluo golden bowl, hung it in the sky above Huaguo Mountain, and looked down.

The sacred golden light shines through the mountains and rivers, and spreads all over the mountains and fields.

The demons who were fighting with the monkeys and monkeys of Huaguo Mountain were immediately immobilized one by one, and then flew uncontrollably towards the Daluo Golden Bowl.

Xu Changsheng urged the Buddha Dharma, and he collected the thousands of troops who came to do evil into the golden bowl of Daluo.

When the black lotus messenger saw that the situation was not good, a black jade black lotus appeared on the heavenly spirit, and it rotated and became bigger, covering him and fighting over the Buddha.

"Want to go!"

Xu Changsheng snorted coldly, and took out the Magic Wand of Seven Treasures.

The mighty Buddha's power hurriedly turned into a golden shock, and the head of the stick slammed into the black jade black lotus.


There was a loud noise, and Xu Changsheng's blow was like a Buddha's staff shattering the mountains, smashing the black jade and black lotus into pieces.

The black jade and black lotus exploded, and two fighting Buddhas appeared below.

"Little brother Xuankong, I am real, he is fake!"

The Dou Victory Buddha pointed to another Dou Victory Buddha and said.

Another one who beat the Buddha, jumped his feet anxiously, and said angrily: "Monster, I'm the real sage who beat the Buddha, you are a fake!"

"Bullshit, you're fake, I'm the real one!"

"You are fake, you are fake!"

"You are fake!"

The two fighting over the Buddha were arguing and fighting again.

Xu Changsheng stood beside him, flipped out his hand and offered King Kong Lingming's sword, and said loudly, "Among you, there must be one who really fights to defeat the Buddha, and the other is the messenger of the black lotus who has become: Fighting and defeating the Buddha."

"And the messenger of the black lotus has become: fighting over the Buddha, the poor monk already knows your heels and feet, you are the six-eared macaque that emerged from the Monkey King!"

Chapter 222 See through the four monkeys in the mixed world, cut six ears with one sword 【Subscription】

King Kong Lingming's sword flies into the sky, the sword energy is like a... The blue-blue peacock opens its screen, reflecting on the Huaguo Mountain, making the heaven and earth tremble.

With Xu Changsheng's strength in refining several ancient Buddha relics, the Buddha Dharma reminded him to immediately unleash the power of this innate spiritual treasure.

Innate spiritual treasures are far from being comparable to immortal weapons! King Kong Lingming took out the sword, and the two were fighting the true and false battle to defeat the Buddha, and immediately stopped the fight and turned his head to look.

The mountains and rivers are beautiful, and above the Huaguo Mountain, a treasured land, hovering over the divine sword like a peacock's tail.

One after another, sword lights of emerald green and sapphire blue bloomed from the sword, stabbing their golden bodies with severe pain.

This is still the result of Xu Changsheng not cutting out the King Kong Lingming sword.

Once it is cut off, I am afraid that the heaven and the earth will be separated, and the yin and yang will be separated. It must be a quasi-sage and cannot be stopped! "Amitabha! In front of this seat, the six-eared macaque still does not bow to the law!!"

The tip of Xu Changsheng's tongue exploded with thunder, implying the supernatural power of Tianlong's roar.

Circles of golden ripples spread out from the mouth, shaking the mountains and rivers, the ocean was turbulent, and the sea surface exploded with huge waves.

The mighty Buddha makes the demons fear and the ghosts horrified.

"Wu Tian Buddha will not let you go!"

One of them beat the Buddha and shouted, stamped his feet, and rose into the air.

He turned a somersault and turned into the sea of ​​clouds in the Bi Xiaotian.

"It's finally showing its original shape!"

The corner of Xu Changsheng's mouth showed a smile, and his hands and ten fingers changed with the Buddha's seal, urging the majestic Buddha Dharma of Da Zizai Relic.

King Kong Lingming's sword turned sharply in mid-air, turning into a blue-blue sword light, chasing the six-eared macaque, the black lotus messenger, who escaped.

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