If the relic is damaged, or broken or taken away by the opponent, it will shake the foundation and even threaten life.

Big risks can naturally bring great power.

The old monk sacrificed his life, sacrificed his own relic, and immediately released the Buddha's light, so that the surrounding ghosts and ghosts, who didn't know whether to live or die, burned to the ground.

"You are crazy old monk!"

The general of the Fujun Zhonglang was taken aback, the sea of ​​blood around his body was transpiring, and a large area was burned off by the light of the old monk's relic.

It's too terrifying, the old monk hangs the relic on his head, like the incarnation of the Great Sun Tathagata, the Dharma is upright and majestic, and the evil and demons are washed away.

His lips kept moving, and he spit out complex and eloquent Sanskrit mantras. Immediately above the relic, a splendid Buddhist scripture appeared, illuminating the heavens.

The blood-breasted corpse was under pressure, immediately opened its huge fangs, and spat out a corpse that was red as blood.

He has also cultivated to a realm comparable to Jindan!

"Old monk, don't think that you will be afraid of you when you spit out the relic!"

"Today, I will slaughter the Buddha and become a demon!"

General Fu Jun Zhonglang killed his eyes with red eyes and was extremely fierce. He even spit out a scarlet corpse pill and fought against the old monk's relic in mid-air.

The two essences of the cultivation realm sat and collided together, bursting out a terrifying shock wave, setting off a shock wave, and breaking the huge blindfold.

You know, there is no mansion in the valley of mass graves.

It's just that the old demon from Montenegro found a few rotten wooden stakes and large stones, stacked them a little, and then used a blinding method to make them.

This kind of blindfolding method, it is okay to deceive the ghost, Ning Caicheng, and Nie Xiaoqian.

In fact, it was a long way to go before the old monk and Xu Changsheng.

Xu Changsheng's Brahma Heart Dharma Eyes had already seen through the blind eye tricks.

After suppressing dozens of monsters with the copper bowl, Xu Changsheng didn't have time to refine these mountain spirits and wild monsters, but went straight to the body of the old black mountain monster.

Xu Changsheng first hit the old black mountain demon with a powerful vajra palm, and then followed up with the Eighteen Arhats punching the old black mountain demon. He knew that it was just a clone of the old black mountain demon.

Otherwise, how could it be easily beaten to death by Xu Changsheng?

The body of the old black mountain demon was furious, and the purple gold tin stick was still stuck on the trunk.

The purple gold tin stick has the power to subdue demons and ward off demons, and ordinary ghosts, ghosts, ghosts and ghosts cannot be touched at all.

The old demon of Montenegro didn't want Fu Junzhong Lang to get close to his body, so he had to rely on his own strength to force the Zijin Tin Staff out.

When Xu Changsheng saw the purple gold tin stick, the old demon of Montenegro had already forced more than half of the purple gold tin stick out.

Only the end of the stick remained, still stuck in the trunk.

"A reed crossing the river!!"

Xu Changsheng stepped on the ground, and the Buddha's power spurted out from the soles of his feet. His body was light and light, as if walking on the wind, quickly approaching the body of the old black mountain demon.

Crossing the river with a reed, it is rumored that it is the high-definition method of the monk Bodhidharma, who has achieved Taoism and sanctification.

How amazing is it to cross the river with just one reed?

When Xu Changsheng displayed it, his body speed increased rapidly, and he came to the sturdy tree in an instant, and then a divine dragon swayed its tail and kicked the purple gold tin staff with his feet.

"Clang clang..."

The copper ring on the purple gold tin rod trembled, making a pleasant sound.

The purple-gold tin rod received force and was inserted back into the depths of the tree trunk again.

The old demon of Montenegro fell short, and could not help but be furious.

"Ah—little bald donkey, die!"

On the cracked and pitch-black tree trunk, a ferocious old face appeared, roaring with a bloody mouth.

"Brush brush..."

The ground is uplifted, and the soil and rocks are cracked.

One after another old tree roots turned over like a dragon, broke through, and stabbed Xu Changsheng like a javelin.

Xu Changsheng was comparable to the realm of a martial arts master, but he didn't blow it out.

In addition to the strong physical quality, the nervous response, etc., have also been greatly improved.

With a note of the dragon swinging its tail, he stomped on the purple-gold tin staff, and then turned over and flew into the air, dodging the tree roots pierced from the ground.

How can the old demon of Montenegro end?

One hit is not level, another hit!

"Little bald donkey, this seat is bound to kill you today and drain your Buddha blood!"

The old demon of Montenegro shook his body, and the trunk suddenly swelled, turning into a towering giant tree hundreds of meters high.

The huge mass grave slammed into pieces, the pitch-black and foul-smelling soil cracked open, and the roots of a tree as thick as a poisonous dragon pierced into the air.

Xu Changsheng stepped on the water and fire flat land shoes, as if walking on the ground in the sky, waved the eighteen Arhat fists, and smashed the roots of the trees that were shot.

Then a palm of the four-character Buddha seal hit the ground.

"Om bom mi hum..."

The Sanskrit sound is mighty, and a huge golden [Swastika] character is branded on the dark valley floor, creating a deep pit in the shape of the [Swastika] character, which is the size of a basketball court.

The brand is scorching, and the rising smoke is repeated.

The soil here is soaked with corpse oil, polluted by the power of Yin evil all the year round, and it has a fierce confrontation with the power of Buddha.

But the old demon of Montenegro is an old demon, and its roots are entrenched in the valley of the mass grave.

Even every root system of the Montenegrin old demon is actually entangled with the corpses buried in the mass graves.

The roots of the tree were pulled out from the ground, and even a white skeleton was brought out.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie... You die for this seat, Ten Thousand Skeleton Trolls!"

The magic power of the old black mountain demon surged, using the root system as the nerve, splitting a white skeleton to form a huge skeleton.

It also filled the huge skeleton with the Yin evil soil on the ground as flesh and blood.

In the blink of an eye, a gigantic troll with a height of [-] meters formed.

"What a terrifying strength."

"Is this the power of the old demon of Montenegro?"

Ning Caicheng and Nie Xiaoqian, who were trembling with the Five Great Immortals, were terrified when they saw the Ten Thousand Skeleton Trolls standing in the valley of the Mass Graves.

Hu Xiaoxian hurriedly shouted: "Two sisters, don't be distracted!"

Hu Xiaoxian is one of the five immortals.

Because of his deep friendship with Ning Caicheng and Nie Xiaoqian, he turned from the five immortals to help the two daughters of Ning Caicheng and Nie Xiaoqian against the five immortals.

"All I can do now is to believe in the little monk and the old monk!"

"Let's concentrate on solving Huang Daxian, Hui Daxian, and Bai Daxian!"

Ning Caicheng and Nie Xiaoqian joined forces again, Feng Guanxia's long-sleeved wedding dress turned like a red cloud, and they fought against the five immortals. *

Chapter 24 The mighty Tianlong, the World Honored Ksitigarbha! 【For collection】

Seeing the appearance of the Wansk troll, the old monk who fought against the general of the Fujun army had a worried look on his face.

The Wansk Troll is a unique trick that the Montenegrin old demon used to rely on the favorable time and place of the Wankeng Valley.

Even the old monk Huiming himself is not fully confident in the face of the trolls, not to mention a little novice who has only started for a year.

"Xuankong Disciple hold on, wait for Shidu to transform the blood corpse monster, and then help you!"

The old monk Huiming was so anxious, the golden light of the relic on the top of his head circulated, and he even released a blazing fire, burning the bloody corpse monster.

This is Buddha fire!

It is not a fire in the ordinary sense, and it is also different from the true fire of samadhi in Taoism. It is the Buddha's anger.

The Buddha is compassionate, but also has an angry side.

The anger poured out, and the demons of the heavens flew to ashes!

After all, the corpse monster of the blood temple is not as good as the old monster of Montenegro, facing the death attack of the old monk Huiming like jade and stone, and immediately fell behind.

But it was said that after the Ten Thousand Skeleton Trolls were summoned.

Everyone is worried.

Only Xu Chang was angry and calm, calm and composed, like an immobile king.

"Nether Ghost Claw!"

The old demon of Montenegro controlled the Wansk troll, and a huge bone claw was shot from the sky.

Between Sen Bai's terrifying bones and fingers, black energy lingered, and the grievances roared, which was truly powerful.

The huge bone claws are coming, causing the horizon, rolling black clouds, as if coming from the city.

"Humph! Bold monsters, worm-carving tricks, and daring to make an axe!!"

Xu Changsheng glared at the Buddha's name, handsome and dignified, and his elegant body radiated golden Buddha light.

Lift up the Vajra Bodhi rosary on the neck and throw it into the air.

The Vajra Bodhi rosary rotates and becomes larger, and 108 of them emit golden light, like 108 relics hitting the huge bone claws.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Between the huge bone claws and the 108 relics, the flames exploded and the explosions continued.

After Xu Changsheng threw the Vajra Bodhi rosary, he lifted the white monk robe with his palm and spread it out in the air.

The white monk's robes are rolled up in the sky, like Wang Yang, the waves are turbulent, and the monk's robes are ups and downs.

He grabbed the huge white monk's robe with one hand, as if capturing the sky with one hand, and killed the troll.

"Evil, don't give me the law!!"

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