Swordmaster Healer

Master healer 105 coins

Chapter 35 Fallen Winter Wind (2)

Seong-jun raised the tune by raising the magical power.

- Tune in 45%!

Lischewald reports that his Stamina and Magical Power have been partially restored with increased tuning.

- Limited usage of the Storm Blade is now available. And as the limits of the gallstone were partially lifted, the number of gallstones accompanied by the stabbing increased to 50.

“How many swords does a storm sword have in its current state? ”

Seong-jun asked. The Gale Blade was used to strike at the front with the stabbing, but the Gale Blade was a technique that unleashed a Gale on all sides.

This was a far lower skill than the Welcoming Sword, which unleashes a welcome sword that is stronger than the sword itself.

-200 or so.

“Then I suggest you use your gallstone to focus your attack. ”

- I think so, too.

The number of gale blades was higher, but if you were to hit a point because it was pouring out all the way, the gale blades were more efficient.

‘I'd like to try a Storm Blade, but I can't waste it. ’

There were many opportunities to experiment with the storm sword. Even though 45% of the tune seemed far away, I thought that if I worked hard in the dungeon, it would rise soon.

“You bastard! What are you trying to do?! ”

As the winter monarch roars, a winter wind howls over the ice blade. Seong-jun looked at it and lifted his mouth.

“Wind Blade.”

The gale that rises with the stabbing drives away the winter winds. Seong-jun did not stop there, but took a leap with a high-speed maneuver and approached the Winter Monarch.

The movement of Seong-jun, who reached a tune of 45%, could not be pursued by the winter monarch.

“Oh, how...! ”

Suddenly, the Winter Monarch was frightened by Seong-jun's accelerated movements. His shield had already become ragged by the welcome sword, so he raised his magical power to his body.

"Armor"? ’

While the armor is less defensive than the shield, it has the advantage of protecting the whole body. And the sword couldn't easily damage it because it was an error.

But in this case, there was a solution.

‘Use the Welcome Blade first and the Gust Blade...! ’

Magic power consumption will be enormous, but luckily, some of the health and magical power recovered while pulling the tune up.


“I won't be beaten again! ”

The Winter Monarch shouted. Hundreds of ice windows were created in Seong-jun's path of travel.

Is that high magic? ’

It wasn't an error, but it was full of sharp magic.

“It's over! ”

The Winter Monarch was confident that Seong-jun would be fatally wounded for this attack. You think it's almost impossible to avoid hundreds of ice spheres spilling in close quarters.

However, there was a relaxing smile on Seong-jun's mouth.


He activated the Dragon's Blessing by spitting out a starter. A powerful barrier has been created to protect him.

The shield with Class S items was powerful. Hundreds of ice spheres have not penetrated the yard. Seeing hundreds of ice spheres sinking and losing their strength in front of the outpost, the winter monarch falls into despair.

When all the ice spheres crashed, Seong-jun opened his mouth again, pulling up his magical power.

“Welcome sword.”

“Oh, no! ”

31 welcome swords struck the Winter Monarch. The welcome sword shreds its arms to come because it still holds the error.

With the welcome sword completely depleted, you were able to destroy the comer armor on the facial area. The Winter Monarch was relieved that he was not directly harmed, but his attack was not over.

“Wind Blade.”

With a sharp stab, dozens of swords appear and aim for the face where Armor was destroyed.


Dozens of Black Plagues brutally scrape the face of the Winter Monarch. The Winter Monarch screams in agony. Red blood splashes into the air of cold.

There was a pool of blood on the floor.

‘I can't win...! ’

The Winter Monarch thought. I saw Seong-jun swooping his sword at himself with a reddened gaze. He had a death instinct.

I stabbed Seong-jun's Black Winter Monarch right in the eye.


After a breathless winter monarch collapsed powerlessly, the ground shook once like an earthquake. Seong-jun landed gently and raised his left hand.


Stamina and magic were absorbed.

- Originally, the tune was 42%.

Lischevald reports that pain has come as soon as the tuning transcendence is lifted, realizing that the battle is over.


Seong-jun staggered and let out a groan of pain. You can see a herd of witches approaching. But he didn't worry.

Now that the Winter Monarch who was serving as a Dimensional Gateway has died, other magical objects will be recalled because the supply of magic is cut off.


On the other hand, a group of horseshoes approaching Seongjun was recalled with resonance. Seeing that, Seong-jun was relieved, but the pain did not stop.

After pulling the tune up to 45%, the pain was so cruel and sharp that I had never felt before.

“Hee, hee……! ”

I used heels urgently. Seong-jun knew that even though the pain was slightly diminished, the duration did not diminish.

“Huff, huff! ”

Your vision begins to turn black. He seems to have collapsed right away, but he grabs the fading spirit with all his might.

The witches were recalled, but they could not be cared for.

- Someone's coming.

Lischevald reports that you feel a sense of impending progress as the pain continues to subside for two hours.

“Lischevald. I think it's Alpha Team one, but just in case, I'll ask you to scout." ”

- Yes, sir.


Reshvalt returns from scouting in 10 minutes.

- Nam-jun-hyeon and Alpha Team 1, ETA, five minutes.

Lischevald reported: Those who were approaching as expected were Najun Heat and Alpha Team 1. At least he was relieved that he was not an enemy.

Soon after, the hunters appear through the bush.

“Sir! We have a man here! I think you're Class S Hunter Kang Sung-joon. ”

The first three showed up and shouted aloud, looking behind whether they were scouts or not. Soon, there was a fever with the other hunters.

The Alpha Team also heard that there were at first about 30 people, and the total number of hunters that were seen immediately was about 20.

Alpha Team one is not less damaged. ’

It was when Seong-jun was thinking that way. Semi-heath approaches him.

“Did you hunt the Winter Monarch alone? ”

“Yes, somehow...”

“Fantastic. Wounded, by the way? ”

“No, I'm just tired of using up too much magic. ”

Over time, the pain subsides considerably. It seems like the pain will be completely gone within the hour.

“Just a moment ago, I was contacted by Alpha Team 2 and Team 3 in a helicopter back to Headquarters. Rest assured.”

Semi-thermal reported on the situation of Alpha Team 2 and Team 3 in case Seong-jun was wondering. Then I called a helicopter and went back to the headquarters with Seongjun.

By the time I landed at the airfield, the pain of transcendence had cleared up.

“Are you okay now? ”

When I saw that Seong-jun's face had improved, I was asked semi-heated.

“Yes, I took a break and I'm fine. ”

Seong-jun looked out the window with the answer. I have visual of the HQ airfield. Soon after the Chinook helicopter landed completely, the rear door opened.

At the airfield, Cha Hyun was waiting for Seong-jun. He found Seong-jun getting off the Chinook helicopter and waved his hand.

“Sung-jun Kang! ”

“Senior Chief? You're all right.”

Seong-jun greeted Cha-hyun with a happy voice.

“Here's what I have to say. I'm glad you're okay.”

“But what's going on? ”

“I'm here to report on the settlement and damage to Alpha Team 2. I got a call from the Alpha Team on the way, and they said you weren't hurt, so I came straight to you like this. ”

Seong-jun nodded at Cha-hyun's words. He thought the sooner we got the job done, the better.

“First of all, I would like to inform you that there were zero fatalities of Alpha Team 2 during the operation. ”

Cha-hyun reported. It looks like there was no damage even after Seong-jun left. Zero fatalities during the operation meant that Zhang Hun and Shin-Chul, who fought against the hordes of horses, also survived.

“Park Jang-hoon and Yoo Shin-cheol should be okay, too.” Yes, but he is heavily injured and receiving medical attention. We're checking it now. It's the same room. Would you like to visit? ”

“We'll hear about it on the way to medical. ”

Seong-jun nodded and replied. I thought it might be a good idea to shine a light on the guild because it might be the same thing someday.

If I didn't go to medical school anyway, I would stand and be told, but I didn't like it because I felt like I was wasting time again.

“I'll take you to medical. ”

Cha-hyun opened her mouth again to follow the instructions.

“The settlement problem is that the quarterback is on his way. ”

In the dungeon, Hunters take their own horses, but the battle takes precedence in the Raid situation, so the situation is over and the retrieval team is on the move. Of course, it was a matter of deterrence because it was illegal for an individual to smuggle it.

“How much do you think you'll settle for me? ”

“We don't know for sure yet. However, given the number of horsepower spots on the wider horsepower radar... … combined with additional settlements and repairs, it will be settled by Kang Sung-jun for more than 300 billion won. ”

It was a satisfactory result.

“This is the end of the report. We've arrived at Medical Services. I'll show you to your room.”

“Well done. ”

Cha Hyun led Seong-jun to the hospital room. Soon after, he went into the room.


A large monitor on the wall of the locker room with nothing in sight is turned on. Then the man who was looking at the monitor appeared.

On the monitor, a middle-aged man sits in a comfortable leather chair.

“I'm Lewis, head of Delta. I hear you've been looking for me. Director.”

“This is Director Ferrix, Central Hunter. ”

The Central Hunter Office was the agency that oversaw everything related to Hunter in the United States. They were one of the most powerful institutions in the United States.

“It's been a long time since I've heard from you. Do you have any specific instructions? ”

“First order of business. ”

“This is the second time I've received a priority order. It's an honor to be the head of Delta HQ. ”

The Central Hunter Administration had strong powers. So basically the committee does what it wants, but if the Director gives the order first, all the committee orders will be ignored.

If there was only one limitation to ordering the first order, it would have to be approved by the President.

“What are the orders? ”

“I'll get back to you with more details. Agents for the briefing will arrive shortly. ”

“Just give me a quick tip and I'll help you get set up. ”

“You'll need someone who speaks good Korean. I have to go to Korea. ”

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