Swordmaster Healer

Master healer 109 coins

Chapter 37 The Empire moves (1)

Lewis, head of Delta, reported to Central Hunter Director Ferrix, along with the fact that he could no longer carry out his orders.

“Then I have no choice. ”

Ferrix shakes his head. It was a shame, but I couldn't help it. He was not an inflexible man who blindly forced his men to follow orders, reporting impossible.

“Well done.”

According to the situation, Delta Headquarters seems to have done their best to prioritize the order. I couldn't resist my subordinates.

Looking at the seemingly exhausted Ferrix, Lewis opens his mouth with a calm expression.

“We feel it is impossible to carry out an order right now, but we don't think we need to abolish the order itself. ”

“Does that mean...? ”

“The day Kang Sung-jun becomes an SSS class hunter, Delta HQ will move again. ”

In Lewis' reply, Felix narrows his eyes.

“Isn't it a little late for that? ”

“Not at all. When the Republic of Korea picked up a condition like that, it was a sign that it was willing to protect him. That's why we withdrew because we couldn't take the diplomatic friction. ”

“Of course.”

“It means protecting China and Russia from control. Based on the conditions presented, they will do everything in their power to protect him. ”

Like the United States, China and Russia were more likely to move in to capture Seong-jun, Lewis explained. However, it was clear that the ROK government would do everything in its power to protect him in the manner it proposed to him.

“But the diplomatic friction doesn't go away. ”

“If I can get an SSS-grade Hunter, I think I can give up my alliance with the Republic of Korea. However, it is now difficult to carry out orders because of the uncertainty factor. ”

“But that doesn't mean the protection of the Republic of Korea is going away. ”

Lewis raises his jaw in Felix's question.

“What America dreams of is possible. ”

* * *

Seong-jun, who had visited his father's hospital, was having a leisurely afternoon while drinking tea. Looking out the window, he looks like he's resting without a thought, but he's actually planning on when to attack the Awakening Dungeon.

“When would that be? ”

It may look like soliloquy, but it was to ask Lischevald. The faithful soulmate who was guarding Seong-jun's side opened his mouth with a calm expression.

- You've had enough rest. You should move in three days.

“That's good, right? ”

He nodded and agreed to Lischevald's opinion. It was around the time the mug containing the car started to show the floor.

I checked my smartphone because it rang. The person who called was Yooseong. Seong-jun opened his mouth, taking the smartphone to the ear.

“I'm Kang Sung-jun.”

- I'm Kim Hyun-seong. Kang Sung-jun, I have some information to pass on, but on the phone a little. So do you have a good time?

“Yes, I'm fine. ”

Seong-jun answered happily. It seemed to be due to additional settlement.

- It's hard to talk at the cafe, so if you don't mind, can you make it to Hunter's office? We'll send you a car.

“I don't think it's a bad idea to visit for a long time. And you don't have to send the car. I'm taking my car. ”

I'll be waiting in front of the building.

Phone call ended. Seong-jun turned his head toward Leishwald.

“Let's first go to the Hunter administration and think about it. ”

Seong-jun drove to Hunter Management. Hyunsung was waiting in front of the building as promised. After finishing parking, Seongjun joined Hyundai and went up to the roof of the building.

Unlike the investigative room, the roof was wide and open, so it was refreshing. I didn't have many people because it was a busy time.

“Excluding the introduction, additional settlements will take effect starting tomorrow. You've waited a long time."

“Thank you, but you look very tired. ”

The dark circles were thick under the eyes that were visible beyond the glasses. Hyunsung opened his mouth with an awkward smile in his question.

“Hahaha, actually I got called up from the top and broke up a little bit. I don't know if it's retaliation, but the amount of work has increased since then. ”

“Oh my……. ”

Seong-jun frowned. It was not difficult to anticipate that the reason the phenomenon was broken was because a lot of conditions were called into negotiation.

“The guild tax exemption benefits will also apply from the moment the guild is founded. Please contact me in advance if you need to start a guild just in case. ”

The reality was exhausted, but he faithfully said what he needed to convey. I was always evaluating Sung-joon's level of hard work.

“What are the other benefits? ”

“It will be applied step-by-step. ”

In his answer, Seong-jun nodded with a satisfied expression. He glanced forward. Vision may feel frustrated because it is hidden in the building forest, but Seong-jun thought this was not bad either.

“The American agents were probably out of the country. ”

The star said, but I wasn't sure. It was because I didn't receive the correct information. South Korea was nervous because it could act abruptly in the United States.

There was the only SSS-class hunter in the world, and the United States was the dominant country in competition with all other countries.

“Glad it worked out. ”

Seong-jun said honestly. Ever since I discovered Jennifer, a class A hunter, Seong-jun has been thinking about fighting with American agents in the worst cases.

Objectively, he was not very likely to open his mouth against his allies, but he knew that he didn't have a completely reliable relationship because he had seen a lot of cruelty in his past life.

“You've been through a lot. ”

“Haha, but it's only Kang Sung-joon who understands this much. ”

Hyundai replied with a bitter voice. The top was aware of the importance of Seong-jun, but he felt that the results of the negotiations made by Hyunsung were not the best.

So he was summoned to the top and came over tightly. So I was very sad and tired.

“Get some rest and work for your health. ”

Hyundai smiled at Sung-jun's sincere advice.

“Thank you."

“Contact us if you're having trouble. If I can establish a guild, I will reserve a seat. ”

“Hahaha. Thank you for saying that. ”

He finishes speaking and checks his watch.

“Time has already come. I have to get back to work. I don't think I can escort you. ”

“It's okay. I'm not a child. ”

Seong-jun, who was separated from Hyundai, went down to the parking lot and boarded his car, Hunter Sedan. It was time to start up and get going.

My smartphone informed me of the arrival of a message

[May I see you?]

The person who sent the message was hesitant.

[Is this official?]

[Let's just say that]

As soon as Seong-jun sent me a message, I immediately replied. Seong-jun, who did not like to talk for a long time in the message, took his hands off the steering wheel and called Seohya.


She answered the phone right away, whether she was typing the following message: It was beyond my smartphone, but I could feel the hangover in my voice.

“Isn't it a little early to be drunk? ”

Seong-jun said to his smartphone and checked his watch again. It was 5: 00 p.m.

- Yeah, why am I so drunk?

“Since you said it's official, I'll go. Please send your location in your message. ”

Seong-jun said.

He was one of the most important people to him. A close rope walk with her brought a lot of benefits.

Now, she seems drunk and impatient, but she's willing to fit right in. Later, a message from Seohya with a location arrived.

“Close. I'll be there in a minute. ”

- Are you going to Yoon Seol Ah?


In Seong-jun's reply, Lischevald nods and opens his mouth.

Yoon Seul is a good man for the Lord. I think it's best to get close to her.

“I think so, too. ”

Seong-jun grabbed the wheel. Seong-jun's car, which started in the Hunter administration headquarters parking lot, arrived at the building where the lounge bar where she said she was, after about 20 minutes.

He parks his car and goes straight up to the lounge. Inside, it felt luxurious and antique, and the bartender was the only person who could see it, and the silence was rock-solid.


I heard Snow's voice in the corner. She walks all the way to where she sits and can't even find anyone else's shadow.

“Did you pay the rent? ”

Soon after approaching Seolja, Seongjun sat in front of her.

“That's correct.”

The way he played was different. However, Seong-jun thought that she was good enough.

“Did something upset you? ”

“That's what happened. ”

Seong-jun asked, and he nodded powerlessly. Seeing that, Seong-jun felt that she had experienced something really upsetting.

Seong-jun filled the empty glass in front of her without saying a word.

“I don't think it's official, but tell me. I'll let you in as a service. ”

Seong-jun said, Seohya opened her mouth with a sad face.

“He wants me to seduce you. ”

Seong-jun nodded instead of answering. It was somewhat anticipated, and when I first met Snow, she also said something similar.

Didn't she draw the line beforehand because she hated it?

“I was scolded because I haven't seen Kang Sung-joon much lately. To Grandpa.”

“I've been busy lately. ”

It was true that there was also a winter monarchy incident and that he avoided contact with Snow because of the balance with the United States.

“If not, even with your body, tempt them. A man named Grandfather.”

Seohyun frowned.

I thought there would be some pressure, but I didn't expect Chairman Yoon Tae-seok to say so directly. Seong-jun thought that Seolma would have suffered a significant shock if it were true.

After that, Seohya's complaint continued for an hour, and Seong-jun listened silently. At the end, she finally shed tears.

“I'm... working hard...... ”

“I'll take responsibility today, so you're free to take it. ”

“Responsibility means buying alcohol? ”

“That would include that. ”

In Seong-jun's answer, there was a faint smile on Seohya's mouth. I smiled at him. It was the first smile I saw in an hour after I met her.

“I'll get you an expensive drink. ”

“No problem. I got a lot of commission for the winter monarchy. ”

“Really? I'm going to make it really expensive. ”

Seolja seemed genuine, but Seongjun nodded and smiled instead of answering. How much can an expensive drink cost? Now he had more than 300 billion.

This was not even a trivial luxury.

When he later checked the receipt, he did not lose his smile.

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