Swordmaster Healer

122nd Master Healer

Chapter 40 Merchant (1)

Su-hyuk, Seong-jun's father, suffered from a rare hematological cancer that was classified as incurable. Modern medicine considered improvements possible but difficult to cure, but Seong-jun thought that nothing was impossible.

Now he had a lot of money and a lot of great talent in the United States. So he had not been planning on acquiring a famous pharmaceutical company or drug lab for some time, based on overwhelming funding.

He went to meet her at the Blue Dragon Group headquarters to consult Snow on matters related to it.

“Isn't that the Hunter Sedan? ”

“I heard it's very expensive. ”

When Seong-jun's Hunter Sedan appeared in the nearby parking lot, everyone's gaze was focused. The price of the Hunter Sedan was not commonly seen as it exceeded at least 1.5 billion.

He finished parking and sent a message to Seola on the first floor of the Blue Dragon Group headquarters.

“Sung-jun Kang! ”

Five minutes after sending the message, someone in a familiar voice called out to Seong-jun.

As you turn your head in the direction of your voice, there is a dishwasher tied back neatly with a suit and brown hair.

Seong-jun approached her.

“You said you wanted to ask me something? ”

“Well, I'm thinking of acquiring a pharmaceutical company or a drug development institute. ”

“Did you receive a lot of commission for your work in North Korea? ”

He said with a smile on his mouth. Seong-jun didn't answer. However, it was widely known that in North Korea, he became extremely rich by defeating the winter monarch.

“Let's go up to the office. I need a consultation."

Seong-jun said, I wanted to seriously consult about the acquisition. He nodded and smiled, noticing how he felt. It made her happy that it could help Sung-joon for a long time.

I didn't know why. I just felt good.

“Come this way. ”

Seola guided Seong-jun who did not know the structure of the Blue Dragon Group headquarters well. Seong-jun boarded the elevator and went up to the floor with Snow's office.

Seola stopped walking in front of the office door bearing the title of the guild planning leader.


She smiles shyly and opens the door. Today, Seohya who looks like a girl had to be a little embarrassed.

‘This is my first time at the office……. ’

Seola fell asleep in fear of hearing a beating heart as she walked into the office. She felt good that Seong-jun needed her.

“Have a seat.”

“Excuse me.”

Seong-jun sat on the couch. Seola sat in front of him.

“You said you wanted to acquire a pharmaceutical company or a drug development institute? ”

He hid his smile and asked with a serious voice. I hid my excitement for a while to help him.

Seong-jun nodded and opened his mouth.

“Come to think of it, the pharmaceutical company is going to be overloaded and I'm going to take over a new drug development institute. ”

“The New Drug Development Institute?”

Seolja seemed to clear her thoughts for a moment, but soon she nodded. She also knew a little about Seong-jun's situation.

“It's your father, isn't it? ”

“That's right.”

Seong-jun nodded his head when he asked. I thought I could make it if I didn't have a cure. It would be hard if I didn't have money, but right now, Seong-jun has money.

“Can you tell us a little bit about your plan? I thought it might help. ”

Seola said, because he didn't know what Seong-jun was thinking, he still couldn't get a quote.

“We plan to acquire some prestigious labs to recruit more of our best researchers and provide the best facilities. Personally, I'm thinking about the National Institute for New Drug Development. ”

“The Western Institute of New Drug Development is currently struggling to finance, but we need over KRW 2 trillion to acquire it. Maybe we should take three trillion won. ”

Seola coldly analyzed, judged and explained the market because she had received management training. Since she hadn't thought of up to 2 trillion won, Seong-jun was embarrassed, but soon recovered her expression.

He was an S rank hunter. Trillion won was a hedge fund, so it was hard to gather, but not impossible.

“If you don't have enough money, my group will support you. ”

Seola could speak with a confident voice because the chairman of the Blue Dragon Group was friendly to Seong-jun and was actively moving to make him an ally.

“No, that's okay. ”

However, Seong-jun shook his head. He was also thinking positively about the Blue Dragon group, but he didn't want to be stitched up by his nose. And above all, I thought he could help. However, I didn't want to owe it to Yoon Tae-seok.

“I'll make some money. ”

Seong-jun said, I need to raise more than 500 billion won in the future, but his voice was bright. Nicknamed a Class S Hunter and Infinite Power, nothing was impossible for Seong-jun.

It was a problem that would be solved over time.

“I think Kang Sung-jun would be able to do it. ”

“By the way, is the acquisition process very complicated? ”

Seong-jun asked. Seohya opened her mouth with a smile.

“Individuals are difficult to get close to, but I can help you through this simple process. So ignore the procedure. ”

In his answer, Seong-jun's eyes sparkled. It was the first time she looked this confident.

“Very well, then I will have the funds ready as soon as possible. ”

Seong-jun said he stopped by the Dungeon Administration on his way back to the officetel after separating from Snow and applied for a Class A Dungeon Soul.

* * *

- Assault confirmed, measurement complete. You have completed a Grade A dungeon.

The meter reacts as you kill the boss and absorb his magical power. Lischevald, who was circling around, approached Seong-jun and opened his mouth.

- You have met the conditions for entering the Awakening Dungeon. Would you like to enter?

“Let's go.”

- I'm opening the Awakening Dungeon.

Lischevalt said, as she finished preparing her mind, she nodded and lifted her magic.

The surroundings melt like snow. And a new look.

“Tonight's the night. ”

Seong-jun muttered in a small voice, close to his own words. It was outside, but the sky was dark and the plains were open. I felt the existence of a barrier that severed dimensions not far away.

There is a temporary garrison 500 meters ahead. Based on troop organization, it is estimated to be a supply unit.

Lischevald reported. It seems that Seong-jun has been scouting while looking around for a while. He opens his mouth without taking his eyes off the night sky.

“What about defensive facilities? ”

- It's a temporary garrison, so it's thick, but the Vampire Knights are guarding the perimeter.

“Vampire or Confederate? ”

- Yes, the flag definitely belonged to the League.

In Lischevald's reply, Seong-jun lifts his jaw slightly.

“Good. We should inform the Alliance about the return of the Sword. ”

- Do you intend to use stealth?

Lischewalt asked. The top tier of Class A horseshoes, the Vampire Knight, raises the level of near-detection enough to spot a hideout at night. And now it was night when the sky was darkened.

“It's better than charging barefoot. ”

- The Lord is very good at stealth, so there is a very good chance that even at night, the Vampire Knights won't notice.

It was a positive opinion. I was confident in the concealment of Seongjun's attitude.


When I spit out the starter language, Seong-jun's body melted into the darkness. He makes his move with as little slaughter as possible.

Even the Vampire Knights of the Watchtower couldn't detect a move until they reached the door of the wooden fence.

Even at night!

- A vampire knight at night who can't detect the odds! You are the Lord!

Rishbalt trembles next to you. I didn't feel bad. When Seong-jun pulled out his sword and gathered his magical power, his hiding place was unlocked.

The gaze of the Vampire Knights who were guarding the perimeter at the watchtower was focused on Seong-jun.


“I'm gathering magic! I'm going to break the door down! Stop him!"

Three Vampire Knights jumped down to stop him.

“It's too late. ”

Seong-jun sent a blast to slash the door of the carpentry. Three Vampire Knights stood in front of Seong-jun while the Orc infantry gathered to defend against the raid.

I danced with the red orb in their swords.


“Is that the Royal Society? ”

The Vampire Knights have had a short conversation and have narrowed their distance to Seong-jun. Seong-jun raised his sword and took up a defensive posture.

‘Triangle accepted.'

One of the three Vampire Knights, the veteran, has ordered a call. The remaining two attempted to move into position in an attempt to accept the triangle. It was that moment.


A vampire knight passing by Seong-jun spilled red blood. A dagger is inserted into his neck, which collapses powerlessly.

“Madness, madness...! ”

“I didn't even see it! ”

Two remaining vampire knights panic at the death of their allies. It was too easy.

“Better than the minimum elite knight! Queek... Queek! ”

“You talk too much. ”


A high-ranking vampire knight vomits blood. It was because Seong-jun's sword had pierced his heart.

“Master Cao!"


After retrieving the dagger, Seong-jun hurled towards the Vampire Knight who cried for joy.

“It's not easy... Huff! ”

You penetrate the heart. It is said to be a vampire knight with excellent regenerative abilities, but the blow is inevitable.

After clearing out the Vampire Knights and entering the barracks, Orc infantry, led by the Orc Swordsman, blocked the way. After a group of Elf Rangers, classified as Class B top-level tiers, gathered on top of the bookcase.

“How dare you go after the Alliance supply troops! Your liver is swollen! Hit it all! ”

The Orc Sword has issued an attack order. Dozens of arrows pierce the wind as the Elven Rangers strike first. However, I didn't hit him with even one shot.


Following that, the Orcs fell with red blood whenever Seong-jun wielded his sword. With 50% coordination, the Orcs couldn't handle him at SS level.

The dark life scattered through the air constrained the Orcs' actions.

‘It's such a deep life. ’

I had no choice but to acknowledge the Orc Swordsman who was leading the infantry.

“I think you should step back. Join them. ”

Commander Elf Ranger said. The Orc Sword nodded and agreed. They pushed the troops backwards, and Seong-jun headed towards the center by defeating a small number of foes blocking him.

And that was the moment I reached the command barracks.

“Welcome, young swordsman. I am Vampire Bird of Antilles. ”

The Vampire Bird reveals itself. You appear to be in command of the Supply Squad. Dozens of masks appear in the dark with a frighteningly intense flow of magical power.

“A phantom army? That's three first-timers, too. Are you going to build a grave? ”

Seong-jun was not surprised because he felt a flow of hidden skills and magic as he entered the command post.

He raises his jaw.

“That's right.”

A group of phantom troops, as well as an alliance of factions, surrounded him recently. However, Seong-jun's expression was that she expected everything. I never panicked.

“There's a lot of graves to bury today. ”

Seong-jun put magic in the ring of green jewels, the 'scent of poison’.

“It's time to clean up now. ”

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