Swordmaster Healer

Master healer, 153 coins.

Chapter 48 Raid Hell (5)

The sword swings. His arms are being cut off when the dragon mage wakes up. Before the severed arms fell to the ground, Seong-jun retrieved the sword and prepared for the fight.

“Now, wait... ”

He tried to say something urgently in this language, but could not find the light of mercy on Seong-jun's face.

A swiftly swinging sword slashes the head of the dragon horse swordsman. He can't even scream.

When the severed head fell on the floor, Seongjun was already closing the distance from Hezling.


At the same time, one of the defeated stones flies back and crashes into a thick wall in the battle with Hezling.

“Khh, khh... Was it too much...?" ”

Han Seok groaned in agony. I felt overwhelmed without much magical power.

Most of the bones that play an important role in moving were shattered even though the magic slowed down when hit and flew.

“Are you hurt?”

Hanseok turns his head in the direction of hearing his voice. There was Seong-jun.

“Party room... Kang Seong-jun? ”

“Do you know me? ”

“How can you not know the first and only SS class Hunter in Korea……. ”

Due to the incoming pain, Han Seok continued to talk with difficulty. In Korea, Seong-jun was a celebrity. He opened his mouth with his gaze fixed on Hezling.

“May I ask for reinforcements? I will repay your debt. ”

Han Seok said, he thought that Seong-jun wouldn't help. Seong-jun's image was not good among the hunters because he had a background in getting nicknamed 'political defence’.

“Clearly, he said he'd pay back the debt. ”

“I don't talk with one mouth. ”

“I'll deal with Hechling and ‘heal’ him, as I'm a bit of a charmer myself. ”

The lack of magical power was an excuse to prevent the intervention of Han-suk. If you restore him, he'll almost join you. Luckily, Han Seok convinced Seong-jun's excuse and nodded.

“You don't have to worry, I can protect myself. ”

Han Seok said in a confident voice. The situation was not moving properly because the bones were crushed, but casting was possible.

“I'll clear the area. ”

Five dragons were approaching. Seong-jun stretched out his high-speed maneuver towards them in fear of finishing his horse and narrowed the street.

The heads of the five dragons flew away. And Seong-jun turned his head toward Hechling.

Hechling was also watching Seong-jun. I was drawing a magic circle in the air with the tips of my claws, but the magic was clear.


Seong-jun hurriedly opened his mouth to attract the magic in his eyes to control it.


You aim for Hechling and shoot a red beam. Hechling completed the defensive magic without interrupting the great casting.

The created magical shield defends the rays.

- Double casting!

Lischevald says that Hechling's skills are better than I thought, so I couldn't be careless. Soon the Great Magic was completed.

Dimension cutter! Great magic!

On Rishbalt's warning, Seong-jun had no choice but to abandon his intention to use the ‘Blink’. The dimensional cutter was a great magic that cuts through dimensions.

In a torn dimension, a magical storm thunders. Due to their interference with the dimensions, the ‘Blink’, a short-distance leap magic, was also inevitable.

An invisible magical blade aimed at him. Seong-jun managed to avoid the magical blade that even tore the dimension.

However, when the dimension was torn, the black abyss appeared. A magical storm swept through it under all kinds of curses.

- Joo-gun!

Rishwald shouts. Sung-jun opens his mouth, enchanting the necklace, the Dragon's Blessing.


A red gem tucked into the necklace emits a bright light as it absorbs its magic. A magical force field was created around Seong-jun and protected him.

In the dimensional cutter, the magical blade had a great level of attack, but the magical storm that erupted as it tore through the dimension was at a high level of magic, and was able to stop it with the Dragon's Protection.

- Hezling is casting attack magic.

When the Grand Magic was completed, it was already casting a second attack spell. When the magic circle painted in the air with sharp claws was completed, flames poured out from the sky and lava soared from the ground.

It was a high magical 'Inferno’.

‘It's not an attack. It's distracting. "

Seong-jun calmly judged the situation. I couldn't have seen Seong-jun endure a magical storm with the shield.

Knowing that high-level magic did not work meant that it was not intended to cause harm.

On the other hand, while the flames and lava caused by 'Inferno’ distracted Seong-jun's gaze, Hezling flew up to the sky and stared at Seong-jun. Cold was coming out of my mouth.


Rishwald warns. Concentrating deep magical forces are warning of the coming Bress.

‘Ice attributes……! ’

The 'Dragon's Blessing’ had a fire-resistant option attached to it, but unfortunately, it felt cold around Hezling's mouth.

‘There were still unstable dimensions to use the blink, and the surrounding area was on fire because of the inferno for high-speed mobility operations.

I have no choice but to endure the Dragon's Blessing Shield. An ordinary hunter would think so. However, Seong-jun was not an ordinary hunter.

‘The best defense is to attack! ’

He leaps to Hechling. As an SS class hunter, your distance from Hechling has decreased at a terrifying rate.

“He's going to die.... ”

The one who was watching from afar kicked his tongue. He was a class S magical hunter, so he was able to use his magical powers to understand Sung-jun's weak movements.

You can't turn in the air. So, it was best to lure flying magic to the ground when hunting.

However, Seong-jun broke it and narrowed the street in a straight line and eventually became a target of Bress to look good.


He swiftly twists, but without wings, he has a limit on evasion in the air. A portion of the left finger was exposed evenly to the ice brass.

My fingers don't stop frozen. The cold has spread. His elbows froze quickly, but Seong-jun was not embarrassed.

“I expected it!”

He flies his left arm with the sword of error without hesitation. I felt terrible pain, but I held it in my grip. I've been through worse in my life.

As I cut off my arm, the transmission of the cold stopped. I thought I was going to be sick with the pain I felt in my severed arm, but Seong-jun did not lose his cool. He swiftly shoves his sword back and takes his right hand to the wound.


The heel of a Class S Recovery Hunter regenerates a severed arm. The heel of an SS class recovery hunter is extremely fast, even at the rate of regeneration of a severed arm. My arms regenerated in an instant. The pain was gone.

Seong-jun made sure that his left arm was swung lightly and pulled out his sword again with his right hand.

And when it was determined that the distance with Hezling had been somewhat narrowed, Seong-jun pulled up his magical power.

“Welcome sword!”

I didn't have enough magic to use a sword. If you do not get a fatal wound with this somehow, the situation will be disadvantageous to Seong-jun.

He is said to have recovered to ‘Absorption’, but he has already consumed a considerable amount of health and magic.

- Kiehaek!

Hezling urgently performed multiple defensive spells, but he couldn't stop all 31 welcome swords. Hezling scatters red blood with a scream.

The body leans uneasy due to a fatal wound to the left wing. It was impossible to stop a proper flight.

Seong-jun climbed on Hechling's back. Then I pulled out the dagger and stabbed him. Hechling's hide was thick and magical resistant, but it was useless in front of 'Come’.

- Kieeek!

Hezling's body twists, vomiting a painful cry. However, only the fall accelerates with the wings fatally injured.


Hezling's body hit the ground. It seemed to have used deceleration magic before the crash, but the shock was not negligible. Seong-jun flew to the side just before the collision and avoided the shock.

- Joo-gun!

“I know! ”

Lischevald warns of danger. Seong-jun felt a magical reaction and swung his sword in a hurry. The five fire spheres that were aiming for him disappeared after being struck by a sword that was wielded by him.


Seong-jun counteracted with a beam of petrified curses. A red beam crosses through the air.

Hezling was critically wounded to the point that his whole body was covered in blood. It did not respond well to the Petrifying Ray.

You try to dodge quickly, but the right wing is hit with a red beam.


Hezling summons the blade of the wind and cuts off its right wing. The petrified part falls to the floor and is crushed miserably with a sharp sound. Seong-jun raised his sword, looking at Hezling.

- You don't have enough magic to use a skill.

“What is the duration of the remaining error? ”

Seong-jun asked. Lischevald remembered the magic consumption of the error by checking the amount of magical power he had and the recovery speed.

- Calibration of the Knights Brigade's ‘Ring’ and ‘Necklace’ is also limited to 30 seconds.

“That's enough. ”

Even though the technology was unavailable and there was no longer time left to come, Seong-jun's face was full of relaxation.

He spreads his high-speed maneuver and swings his sword for a moment to narrow his distance from Hezling.

- Rrrrgh!

Hechling was also very tired after the battle with Han-Seok. I could not even develop a defensive magic and just roared hostile toward Seongjun.

When I roared with a ragged body that was covered in blood, it was almost a lament. It was never a threat.

Seong-jun dug deep into Hechling, who was terrified. You left a deep wound on the twisted black Hechling's neck. There was no mercy in his assault.

- Glug glug!

A fountain of blood leaks out. There was red blood on Seong-jun's face. Seong-jun continued to stab the sword into Hechling's chest. Hezling collapses powerlessly, trembling with a sword to his chest.

- That was a great finish. 14 seconds.

Lischevald was amazed. He smiled at the fact that he had finished it sooner than he expected, because he had anticipated for about 20 seconds.


He absorbed health and magic from Hezling's corpse. A small amount has recovered.

Seong-jun took a step towards the dimensional gateway. Some of the remaining dragons stopped him, but he didn't become a match for him. You destroyed the crystals that killed them all and maintained the dimensional gateway.

- The witches are being recalled.

Dimensional Gateway Destroyed. All the magic that entered the Earth through 'this’ was recalled. I smiled at Seong-jun's mouth.

This increased my chances of becoming an MVP. It was a moment when he changed ‘Roel’ to ‘ring’ shape and then moved on.

“Me, don't forget me! ”

You hear an urgent voice from nearby.

‘It's annoying, but I can't help it. ’

Seong-jun approached Han Seok who had fallen down. Then he reached out his left hand and opened his mouth.


“Huff...! ”

A single heel injury was completely healed. Hanseok woke up with a short groan. And I checked his condition.

“Is this the ‘Hill’ of the SS class restoration system...? That's amazing.”

He was truly impressed.

“I will repay you. ”


“It doesn't matter. If I can do it. ”

In Han Seok's answer, Seong-jun smiled coldly.

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