Swordmaster Healer

Master healer 165 coins

Chapter 52 Righteous Shield (2)

“Orc Wyvern Rider ahead! ”

Someone shouts. The Orc Wyvern Rider threatens the helicopter because he uses explosive Javelin as Class A magic.

Seong-jun moved towards the cockpit and moved his gaze forward. The number of Orc Wyvern riders moving toward the squadron was over 30.

Seong-jun temporarily enhanced his vision by focusing his magical power on his eyes. The saddle is hanging with a javelin, and the explosion spell is clearly marked.

If a helicopter is hit, a chain blast will bring a terrible end to it.

“Don't worry too much! Ethan Hunter will take care of everything! ”

Even with the assault helicopter fleet wiped out, the X.O. is not desperate. They had Eden, one of the S-rank hunters.

He stands in front of Chinook, watching the Orc Wyvern riders fly towards Chinook. It looked like a crest guarding the gate.

“My mission is to ensure that there is no loss of power until Kang Sung-jun reaches the ‘nuclear’ level gateway. I'll take care of this place. ”

Eden raises his hands, saying so. As he pulled up his magical power, the word ‘transformation’ came out, and the ring emitted light and became staff. At the same time, he cast magic.

“Windcutter. ”

There were hundreds of blades of wind covering the blue sky.

- It's multicasting, and it looks like we've cast more than 15 wind cutters at once.

Lischevald admires you. Multicasting was a higher skill than double casting.

It was a very tricky technique, so it could only be used by people with magical talents and senses.

Of course, multicasting also varies depending on how many enchantments you cast at once, but even though Seong-jun saw it, Eden's talents were not unusual.

‘You seem more talented than me. ’

It was Seong-jun's personal idea. The Oak Wyvern Riders splatter into windcutters shot by Eden and scatter blood into the air while he thinks differently.

“More and more are coming! ”

Eden was an excellent magical hunter, but there were too many horses.

Dozens more Orc Wyvern riders were flying in from the air, and more than 100 horses were flying in from the ground.

“That's enough. I will drop.”

“But... but, Hunter! It's still a long way to the Dimensional Gateway and surrounded by hostiles! ”

The pilot expressed concern about Sung-joon saying that he would drop right away. You've infiltrated the depths of the battlefield, so your surroundings are brimming with hordes of horses.

“It doesn't matter. I'll take it from here. Go back with the cavalry.”

Seong-jun jumped out of the helicopter without even listening to the pilot's answer. It was quite high, but he landed steadily, being an SS class hunter with no injuries.

However, the man-riders, who thought they would go back, jumped from the helicopter behind Seongjun.

Last but not least, Eden clears out all the Orc Wyvern riders, then comes down and opens his mouth.

“There's no going back. We have been instructed to support Kang Sung-joon in this operation. ”

Seong-jun shook his head. Breaking Eden's stubbornness seemed hard and I didn't want to waste my time in the middle of a firefight.

“Don't be left behind. ”

“I'll do my best. ”

Eden replied with a confident voice. Seong-jun nodded instead of answering, and started running in the direction where he felt a strong magical force.

Eden and the cavalry also ran behind Seong-jun. There are no stragglers, thanks to the Haist Buff cast by the Auxiliary Hunter.

He went deep into the battlefield, but for the first 10 minutes, he avoided Seong-jun so well that he did not encounter the horde of witches.

Shortly thereafter, however, the horses began to besiege and the inevitable came about.

- 16 Orc swordsmen and one anamfatha. And the herd is over 300!

Rishwald hurries to report on the enemy's power. If there were 16 Sgrade swords, it would never be small power.

There was even an Orc chieftain of the SS class.

You don't seem to be the boss, acting away from the Dimensional Gateway. If so, it was most likely a sub-tier among the SS classes. A sub-tier is a small SS-grade object. I couldn't let my guard down.

“We'll clear a path! ”

Eden's voice hits his ear. As he steps forward, he swings his staff and a red flame storm swallows up the orcs.


Most of the Orcs were caught in a flame storm, but the anamfatha and swordsmen swung their swords and pierced the flames. My skin was a little scorched and I couldn't find any burn marks.

“Swords, please. We will help you as soon as we deal with the Orc Tribe. ”

“I'll do my best. ”

Eden replies with a nervous voice. The number of Sgrade Orc Swordsmen was 16, even if Seong-jun was in charge of the SS chieftain. But among the manpower gathered here, Eden was the only S class.

“I'll reduce the number of swords a bit. ”

Seong-jun ran forward and gave his magical powers to Lischevald.

- Die, you magician!

Reshvald, who received his magical power, steps forward and swings his sword. An Orc Sword was ambushed.


He falls down, spilling blood from his neck. Seong-jun broke through their advance and slashed 3 more Orc swords with his sword.

Distance from the Orc anamfatha was reduced in an instant. He holds a large sword in both hands, the ugly Orc chieftain with green skin.

As Seong-jun approached, he crossed the two Great Swords and caused a powerful error. The orb in the Great Sword was threatening to cut everything down.

“Welcome to Earth. ”

“Do you speak Spanish? ”

The Orc chieftain looked surprised to see Seong-jun fluent in Spanish, but that was also brief. He glanced at Seong-jun and swung his sword.

At the same time as the shooting, his body aims at Seong-jun like a bullet. If you stop the attack, the Great Sword of the Orc Tribe will target you. On the contrary, it was clear that he would be struck by an error. But there was no way to stop it.

‘The best defense is an attack. ’

You can slaughter the Orc Tribal Chief with a blast to come as a 'sword.' I did not avoid Seong-jun. Rather, he spread a high-speed maneuver, narrowing the distance in an instant, and used a 'sword.’


You slit your torso with the great sword of the Orc Tribe, as well as the devastation caused by the powerful blow that cuts through the dimensions.

“And welcome to Earth. ”

A red solid line forms over the Orc Chief's torso, and it rolls around on the ground, blazing and helplessly. The lower body, which lost its torso, collapses powerlessly, spilling out a fountain of red blood.

“Oh, my God! One Orc anamfatha? ”

A member of the task force was astonished. I couldn't see the process because it was so fast, but I could clearly see what was happening. The Orc chieftain, a very SS grade potion, was killed in a "strike."


Seong-jun absorbed the health and magical power from the corpse of the Orc Tribe, but the use of the 'sword’ did not fully recover.

- Pulse is 62 percent.

Lischevald reported.

‘As expected, a sword is not a common skill... …. ’

The sword was more powerful than the welcome sword, so it should not be wasted. I had to use it this time to minimize the damage to Eden and the maneuvers, but I thought I should save it as much as possible.



A scream of pain erupts. Half of Eden's 20 maneuvers are down. It was a natural outcome.

There were many enemies who fought them and were elite. Since there were more than 10 Class S Orc Swordsmen, there was no need for further explanation.


There were those who were still breathing. Seong-jun did not hesitate to use magic to heal them.

It was mostly severe, but recovered in an instant in front of the overwhelming amount of healing by Seong-jun, an SS class recovery hunter.

A few of the men who had fallen down recovered completely and held up their weapons again.

“I'll help!”

Seong-jun performed a high-speed move. It looked like lightning.



As soon as Seong-jun wielded his sword, there was a residual vision. Every time, the Orc Sword falls. After five minutes, the Orc Swordsmen were extinct. Seong-jun turned his head toward Eden.

“Mr. Eden! Wide area magic, please! ”

The horde of witches trembles after the fall of the Orc chieftains and even the swords.

If Eden were to cast out powerful wide magic in this situation, we would be able to drive them out. Since there was still some distance to the Dimensional Gateway, I liked to save my health and magical strength as much as possible.


Ethan completed the Blizzard while Seong-jun and his maneuvers were dealing with a horde of magic objects.

An ice storm swept through a horde of witches. More than 100 of them were killed and the rest scattered in chaos.

“Let's move!”

Seong-jun urged Eden and the movers. I was sorry I couldn't recover the body, but I had no choice.

Eden did not vomit because he knew that destroying the dimensional gateway was the most important thing in the current situation.

Soon they reached the Dimensional Gateway. A group of horseshoes, who were setting up their garrisons, rush out to defend the Dimensional Gateway.

- Not enough blood wind. In the battle of the Great Plain of Lidonia, the anamfatha Baralod would have been killed by the Lord. Perhaps Kalaeak inherited the anamenfath.

The flag embedded in the gateway connected to the other side was from the Blood Wind, one of the tribes that was the main force of the 'Orcs' in the League.

“Are there only 13 of you against our great army? ”

An orc with a glaive appears with a resounding voice. An Orc with a tribal flag on its back was Kaleaq, as Rishvald expected.

He was formerly a 'great warrior’, but appeared to have become a chieftain on behalf of Baraload, who was killed by Rowkel in the battle of the Great Plains of Lidonia.

“Thirteen, but enough to bash your head in." ”

“Do you know our language? I've heard there's a guy like that sometimes, but it's weird to see him in person. ”

Caliac raises his jaw.

“Well, it doesn't matter. He's gonna die anyway. ”

“That's it.”

It was the moment that Caliac lifted the Glaive. At the same time a clear voice rang out, a massive flow of magical power was detected. Lightning fell from the sky.

It's also enormous.

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