Swordmaster Healer

Master healer 176.

Chapter 56 Kill Orders (1)

“We got the information from the CIA. ”

Jennifer said at Seongjun and Jeongchul, and at the meeting of Hanseok and Zeros.

Since the death of U.S. Vice President Rudell, the CIA and the Central Hunter Agency have mobilized all personnel to investigate high-ranking U.S. personnel. If I caught anything suspicious, I went into intensive research.

It was primarily focused on those who had any contact with Rudell, and as a result, the CIA and the Central Hunter Agency were able to identify a few suspects who may be of a second nature.

“From now on, the role of Kang Sung-joon is important. ”

Jennifer said that Seong-jun was the only one who could identify the other person for now. I had to rely on him.

“Access is required for confirmation. ”

“I'll make room. ”

“Very well, but who are you doubting? ”

“Senator Gast. Here's a brief demographic. ”

Seong-jun received and read the documents that Jennifer handed over. Gast's photographs were on them, and his personal information was written on them.

After about three minutes of reading the document, Seong-jun returned it to Jennifer.


It was to ask when the schedule to confirm whether Gast's succession was over. Jennifer opens her mouth with a calm expression.

“Two days from now. ”

“Are they being handled on-site? ”

Seong-jun showed an active appearance. The Empire and its alliance were his enemies. But I was happy to be able to kill them with the help and remuneration of the United States.

“That's not it. According to intelligence gathered by the CIA, there must be some sort of secret gathering at Gath's mansion. Once he's confirmed as a 3rd party man, he'll move in and attack the troops. ”

Jennifer explained her future plans. Seong-jun nodded. It was better to clear up this opportunity for those involved than to capture and kill one Gast. The more we hunt, the more enemies will hide in the dark.

- Looks like Rudell's dead and trying to figure it out.

Lischewald says, "I couldn't answer because of others, but I nodded a little because of the same idea."

Rudell, the Vice President of the United States, would have been in charge of the Noble Orders dispatched to Earth.

With his death creating a commanding space, it seemed that some of the remaining people would gather as representatives to discuss it.

“Tell me more about your schedule later. ”

“I understand.”

Jennifer's answer ends with a briefing. The guild members left the room first, and Seong-jun spoke with Jennifer a few words before leaving the room.

He's waiting for him outside. She looked at Seong-jun and worried.

Since she wasn't a fighter and didn't attend the meeting, she only knew that Seong-jun and the Road Guild members were on the verge of battle.

“It's not dangerous, is it? ”

Seong-jun's gaze turned towards him.

“Nothing's going to happen. ”

I felt confident in my voice. It was not a vain confidence.

“I believe you.”

Seolja trusted Seongjun. She replied calmly, and Seong-jun smiled. Then Jennifer and I went back to the room and came up with a plan.

Two days passed quickly. Seong-jun went to the White House banquet hall to check if Gast was a successor.

“Gast mustn't find out. ”

If Seong-jun suddenly appears who is not invited, Gast will also be wary. This could cancel the meeting that was presumed to be the convergence of the Noble Order.

“Don't worry. ”

“I told the guards. I'm not going to stop it. ”

“I understand.”

Seong-jun moved secretly. I didn't use hiding, but I gently infiltrated the banquet hall without the guards noticing.


You hide behind the pillar, killing the pillar, and sweep through the dining room. He soon discovered Gast and lit up both eyes.


Seong-jun called out the name of his loyal deputy. Lischevald gasted instead of answering.

Then I opened my mouth with a calm expression.

- It must have come from this world. There are traces.

“Good. We're going back. ”

Seong-jun went back to where Jennifer was. She was waiting for Seong-jun with a nervous expression.

“What's the result? ”

“The 3rd generation is right. ”

“I didn't think so, but Senator Gast... ”

Jennifer is somewhat shocked. Gast was not on Aiden's side, but one of the strongest supportive bases.

He was shocked to learn that he was chairman of a committee specifically related to the Central Hunter's budget.

“The 3rd generation has infiltrated deeper than I thought. ”

“Rudell, who was vice president, was also a third party. There's nothing surprising about a third party executive budget. ”

Seong-jun judged calmly. Jennifer nods.

“I'm not wrong. ”

She pauses and looks around.

“I'll be going back now. ”

“Let's do that.”

She agreed with Jennifer. Soon after returning to Blair House, Seongjun called for Jeongchul, Han Seok, and Zero.

When the three people entered the room used as a temporary briefing room, Jennifer opened her mouth with a calm look on the beam projector screen.

“The goal is the mansion of Senator Gast. The CIA has obtained information that five members of the Senate and House of Representatives, including Gast, will be gathering there. The coordinates are here.”

As Jennifer finishes speaking, the map appears on the screen as she presses the remote.

“Located just outside of Washington. The detailed coordinates are shown in the lower-right corner of the screen. ”

Han Seok nodded his head and Jung, an informant, took a thorough note on the notepad.

“How many guards are there? ”

Jeongchul asked. The deployment of the guards was one of the most important pieces of information you should know before attacking.

“The guards have 20 regular mercenaries with 6 Class E Hunters, 11 Class D, 5 Class C and 3 Class A PMCs. Nine elite teams, led by Class A combat hunters in the Central Hunt Bureau, will support the main war and surround the area with CIA agents. ”

“There are more guards than I thought. ”

Jeongchul said honestly. If you have 45 guards and half of them are hunters, it's not small. Jennifer opens her mouth to explain.

“We in the United States don't care about hiring personal security guards. The laws vary from state to state, but they're basically based on it. ”

With the advent of Dungeon Raid, South Korea was not the only place where weapons sales and bodyguards increased.

The same was true of the United States. The law that had been loosened from the beginning was as good as no more. The world has become too dangerous to regulate.

“How many CIA agents are under siege? ”

This time, Seong-jun asked. I thought we should proceed thoroughly since we are attacking.

“More than 50 people will be mobilized. They're all heavily armed. And three Delta Force squads will be standing by with a helicopter in case there's a breach. ”

Jennifer replied: Although it was only a matter of time before the CIA acquired the information and drafted it, it was a well-completed plan. The momentum to seek cooperation and mobilize troops with the CIA, the Central Hunter's Office, and the U.S. Special Operations Command during a short preparation time was impressive.

“I understand.”

Jung Cheol replied with a confident voice. Jennifer closed the briefing after a further 30 minutes overview of the operation. Seong-jun returned to the room with Jennifer.

“I need you to strengthen my father's security while I'm gone. ”

“Central Hunter's office has agreed to send a escort team led by a Class S Hunter. Perhaps Mr. Eden will come. ”

“Ah…… Eden is relieved. ”

Seong-jun nodded and replied. Lischevald said he didn't detect any signs of dimensional magic in Eden. That alone gives me one reason to trust Eden.

I was relieved that Seong-jun would leave if the Central Hunter's security team led by Eden joined Blair House's team.

Moreover, Shin-chul and Jang-hoon also decided to pay attention to Su-hyuk's protection without tourism.

Seong-jun was able to sleep comfortably that day without worrying about Soohyuk.

“Operation is just around the corner. You have to go now. ”

Jennifer silently informed Seong-jun on the day of Operation Zec of Senator Gast's manor. Jung, Han Seok and Zero were ready.

“Here we go.”

Seong-jun replied calmly and took the item. In the white priesthood, Seong-jun looked like a sincere ‘bride.’ However, there may be those who feel the bitter smell of blood full of resected life and body.

“Let's get to the car. ”

Jennifer said it was difficult to use the helicopter because we had to move in secret.

In Delta Force, the moment the draft operation was completed, the helicopter moved nearby and waited for several days.

“Observers have confirmed Gast has entered the mansion. ”

Jennifer reports scared to get in the car.

“Have the agents arrived? ”

“We have a covert siege in the nearby forest. The guards at the mansion didn't notice. ”

Jennifer replied to Seong-jun's question. The map and satellite imagery show a small forest near Senator Gath's mansion.

Most Delta Force, CIA, and Central Hunt agents were there, waiting undercover.

Soon they arrived in the woods around the mansion. Jennifer steps out of the car first and opens her mouth.

“We need to walk from here because of the risk of exposure. Contact agents from the Central Hunter's Office at Alpha Point to move to the target point. ”

Everyone nods. They move to the Alpha Point, keeping an eye on the perimeter. Alpha Point isn't far. It's an hour's walk and you're there.

“I don't think there's anyone.... ”

Seong-jun narrowed his eyes and looked around. As expected, the team from the Central Hunter's office had to be on standby, but I could not feel it at all.

“Do you use navigation magic? ”

“You can't do that. You might notice it in the mansion. ”

Hansuk cautiously suggests, but Jennifer disagrees. Seong-jun took out her smartphone and checked the time.

Suhyuk made me carry my smartphone during the operation, but a message arrived from Anfels. I didn't know it was silent mode.

Seong-jun checked the message. An image file was attached.

- It's an old password used by the Knights Brigade.

Like Lischevald, Seongjun recognized the code. It had not been used at any point, but it was definitely a code used by the Knights Brigade in the past. To interpret it…….


Seong-jun's eyes were filled with cold life. It was because I felt a lot of initiative.


In his hand was a sword transformed ‘Roel’. One stone sensed a late reversal and turned the ring into a staff and the train was holding a spear. And I knocked something in front of them. Jennifer opened the way, but Seong-jun checked what it was and gripped it.

“Anfels……. ”

It was Anfels' head that was rolling at their feet.

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