Swordmaster Healer

Master healer 183 coins

Chapter 57 The Day of Counter (4)

“Ugh... ”

His vision was blurred and his body was dying. I raised my head and looked around. A few survivors of the plains, filled with human and magical corpses, were unable to reach him easily, surrounding him.

Rowkel bites his lip slightly.

‘Is this it...? ’

I didn't fight to survive in the first place. I came out to the Great Plain of Lidonia to make as many enemies as possible as possible.

You killed most of the 13th Knights' swords and destroyed 50,000 Imperial pursuers. You defeated close to 20,000 of the 30,000 troops of the late alliance. I had no regrets, but I couldn't help feeling sorry for myself.

‘I should have killed the Emperor...' ’

At that time, I was lacking in arousal. Perhaps he could have killed the emperor if he had just decided to go through the first raid in the imperial kingdom.

However, because the assumption was worthless, he immediately shook his head and gave up cleanly.

“As expected, the 13th Circle is the greatest knight known as Rowkel. ”

With a cold voice, someone approaches from the darkness. The dying body's vision is blurred, so he can recognize his face only after he approaches.

“Bleh... Bleh... ”

“Remaining in the memory of the greatest knight... what an honor. ”

He was a leader of the Vampires of the League and a Republican.

Unlike other swordsmen who barely survive and pant, he was fine because he arrived late. He casts an indifferent gaze at Rowkel.

It was a mocking voice. Soon, two ogres of the orb appeared with another stance.

It was Becky, Ogre Representative, and Lukidu, Dark Rock Ogre Chief. Bheg looks calm, but Lukidu is furious. He approaches Rowkel and swings his axe.


The left arm is cut off with a short groan. Rowkel gives a silent look at life.

Although they were all dying, even the anamfatha, Lucidu, who lived in his sights, made him take a step back.

“Everyone's dying! ”

Lukidu wields a giant axe into the air to forget his fear.

“Calm down, Lukidu. ”

Bheg tells me that an army of the League arrived late, but close to 20,000 fell in confrontation with Rowkel.

Among them were many of the dark rock tribesmen of Rukidu. So he was angry.


Rowkel says that his left arm flew away and shattered the bones of his entire body. And several critical areas, including the heart, were stabbed and cut.

There was no chance of surviving unless you brought in the Great Saint because of the massive bleeding.

He gave up everything. I told you to kill him decisively, but Lukidu raises his jaw and gives an evil smile.

“Do you think we'll die easily? ”

And so began the torture.

* * *

“Oh my... ”

A swinging sword slashes the abdomen of an ogre warlord. The ogre warlord shakes his head with a hollow look as he looks at the spilling intestines.

It was not easy to endure the extreme pain. He staggers after feeling dizzy from excessive bleeding. A sword wielded by Seong-jun cut the head of the ogre's Great Warrior.

Bang! When the bowl fell helplessly, the ground shook momentarily as if it had been mistaken for a short earthquake.

“Wind Blade.”

Seong-jun did not stop swinging his sword. Using a windmill, the heavily armed ogres gathered in front of you fall in blood.

He wiped out the gathered garrison and urged his feet to the place where he felt a strong magical force thought to be the boss.

Ogres have blocked the way ahead. It was only a Class B magic item, but many of them were consumed by absorbing it.

‘We don't want to waste technology. ’

Seong-jun thought. Even a heavily armed ogre could handle it without using a skill.

It takes a little time, thanks to your lack of magic, but you can make it to where the boss is. A familiar ogre appeared in front of him.

“What a dark rock tribe. ”

Seong-jun muttered to himself. The ogre who appeared with the two Great Warriors was the one who led the torture on Seong-jun in the Great Plain of Lidonia.

“You've come all this way, you're not usually that good! ”


Lukidu said. Seong-jun recovered from his heel injury instead of answering, bringing his body to its best.

Although fatigue has accumulated over the years, it is not so severe as to disturb the battle.

Seong-jun dreadedly raised his sword to see that the injury had fully recovered and was ready for battle. I didn't answer what Lukidu said.

“Are you ignoring me? ”

Lukidu is bloodthirsty. He raises his axe as he looks dismissive.

Two ogre warlords step forward and the ogre priests who are waiting behind cast their spells.

Seong-jun gave a lively look to the Ogre priest.


Ogre priests were class S horseshoes, but they were SS grade hunters, and Seong-jun, who had been the best knight in his life, could not stay healthy in the sown life.

It wasn't a big hit, but the casting was forced to pause. And Seong-jun did not miss that gap.


The petrified beam hits the ogre priest's torso. He quickly turned to stone. The anamfatha Lukidu couldn't hide his surprise.

“Stop, the mural? ”

Shooting the Petrifying Curse rays was a rare and high-quality skill. Lukidu gestures at two of the Great Warriors. It meant to run and be a shield, but they had to follow the anamenfath's orders.

While the two ogre paladins stood in front of Seong-jun, Lukidu blew out the error that was inflicted on the axe. I flew to Seongjun while breaking the breeze that was filled with sharpness.

- I think we should evade.

You seem to have made an error with the ‘Heavy Strike' level.

Leishvald has judged it calmly. It is called an ‘Error Strike' when it attacks with enhanced error.

It is said that those who are skilled at controlling errors can send enhanced errors.

Unlike the dull-looking appearance of Lukidu, he was also a skilled person who boasted sophisticated error control.

Lischevald naturally thought that Seong-jun would not be able to accept the enhanced error.

At the next moment, however, Lischevald's actions surprised even Luki.


Seong-jun poured out the enhanced error with a smile. Lukidu was frightened because it was a technique that required a high degree of sword.

“Was it a sword? ”

There was only a sword with enough sword to send the enhanced error into ordinary error without being shaken. No wonder Lukidu was surprised.

- You're the Lord!

Lishwald was as surprised as he was, but he was less surprised than Lukidu because he knew that Seongjun was at least the top 13th Knight of the Empire, which was made up of powerful swords.

“Hit it, hit it! ”

Lukidu shouts. Two ogre Great Warriors wield axes and clubs late. The weapons they wield pierce the air fiercely.

However, Seong-jun opened up a high-speed mobile technique and moved behind them. The club that lost its target strikes the ground and the axe slashes through the air with nothing.


And the ogre warlord wields his axe, vomiting red blood. I did not fall down, but I fell to my knees completely. It was taken by a sword that was wielded by Seong-jun from behind.

“Oh, fuck! ”

“Too late.”

The ogre fighter with the club quickly turns around and retreats, but Seong-jun raises his mouth and mocks him.

Ogre Great Warriors' movements were swift enough to be invisible to the eyes of an ordinary person like a Class S magical object.

However, it seemed so clear and slow to Seong-jun, an SS class hunter.

“Glug glug!”

A stabbed blade pierces the ogre's Greatest Warrior's neck. His neck snaps with the sound of boiling sputum.


Seong-jun felt a sense of nearing speed and gave his magical powers to Lischevald.

The loyal Soul Deputy swung his sword at the Dark Rock Ogre Tribe Chief, Lukidu, who was aiming for his master.


Lukidu feels something approaching and quickly twists, but is unable to completely avoid an invisible gunshot.

Rishvald's black Lukidu's abdomen is cut deep. The abdomen opens and a piece of your gut spills out with red blood.

The posture of Lukidu shifts due to the fatal pain. Once again, Seong-jun's sword flew and Lukidu's right arm flew away. The axe he was holding falls to the ground, producing a heavy noise.


Lukidu groans for a short time, unable to cope with the pain. He hurriedly retreated back, but immediately, Seong-jun chased after a high-speed maneuver. But Lukidu also moves quickly, unlike an ogre. He hides himself among his men.


Seong-jun scattered his cool gaze and swung his sword at the same time. Dozens of heavily armed ogres spill blood. They are said to be top tiers, but they are only Class B horseshit. They are no match for him.

Seong-jun, who defeated the heavily armed Ogres in front of him, swung his sword as he flew towards Lukidu. It was like a gust.

The Dark Rock Ogre Tribe Chief Lukidu performed a high-speed maneuver in a hurry, but his torso was injured because he was not faster than Seong-jun.

“Don't think it's over! ”

Seong-jun took a step forward while collecting his sword. At the same time, he opens his mouth, pulling up his magical power.

“Welcome sword!”

“What about this sword? ”

31 welcoming swords were aiming for Lukidu. He was perplexed by the splendid clash, but soon he calmly reinforced it as he wrapped his errors around his whole body. "Armor for reinforcement."


I strengthened my armor to come, but I couldn't stop all the 31 welcome swords that stood in the way.

I even tried to dodge, but 13 welcome swords hit Armor, one of which severs the left leg clean.

Lukidu, who lost his right arm and left leg, collapses powerlessly.

“Humans…… what is your relationship with Rowkel……. ”

Lukidu asked. The welcome sword was the sword only known to Rowkel. I was late in arriving at the Great Plain of Lidonia, but I had seen Rowkel use a ‘welcome sword’. So I knew a little bit about the Welcome Sword.


Seong-jun ‘hemorrhaged' Lukidu's wound instead of answering. I just stopped bleeding and did not heal.

“Wh… son…? ”

“Don't think it's going to be easy. I haven't forgotten what happened in the Great Plain of Lidonia. ”

Seong-jun said, Lukidu's expression was that he couldn't understand English. Seeing him like that, Seong-jun smiled.

“Think slowly. There's plenty of time and no magic to help you. ”

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