Swordmaster Healer

Master healer 188 coins

Chapter 59 The White Devil (2)


Han Seok and Shin-cheol cast a defensive spell. The raining arrows strike the shield.

There are many magic arrows mixed together. Magic arrows, such as piercing and explosive arrows, severely damage the shield.

The defensive magic that Shin-Chul developed was broken first, but one stone remained open.

“It won't collapse right now, but I'm not sure how long I can hold out. ”

Hansuk says the elves' quick firing skills are outstanding, and the arrows are pouring constantly.

You need to collect defensive spells in order to counterattack, but if you do so, you're bound to get wounded.

If Seong-jun was still the swordsman of the empire, he would have taken up his shield and opened up his counterattack and healed the wounded, but he could not force the guild members to do such harsh instructions, nor did he want to.

“There are many enemies. ”

Shin-Chul finishes searching the perimeter with his magic inside the shield. The number of enemies that could sense magic was desperate enough.

“Jung-cheol Park.”

Seong-jun called Jung-chul. He raises his spear and looks around with a nervous look.

“Tell me.”

“I'll go and sweep the archers away, so when the assassin classes arrive, block them with Jang Hoon. ”

Seong-jun was well aware of the Elves' tactics because he remembered his previous life fighting the Alliance head-on.

It was a common strategy to spread a single shot containing magic arrows, accumulate the damage, and then send a garrison under the cover of a Spirit Warrior.

If you eliminate the archer and Ranger troops, it is clear they will send the chargers away. Then Jeong Chul and Zhang Hun had to move to protect Shin-chul, who lacked melee combat skills.

Even Han Seok is a magical hunter, but he can defend himself because he is ranked # S.

“I understand.”

“Trust us! ”

Seong-jun, who heard Jung-chul and Jang-hoon's answer, nodded and ran the magic.


I felt like I was being sucked into something scary to spit out. When I woke up, I was outside the shield.

Immediately, his appearance is detected and an arrow attack spills out.

- An Elf Ranger has been spotted not far away. The number is 50.

“Not bad for a warm-up. ”

In Rishbalt's report, Seong-jun slightly raised the tail of his mouth. Then he performed a high-speed maneuver in the direction that Lischevald gave him.

Above the bush, over 50 elves make an arrow attack on the shield.

They were not ordinary Elves, but ‘Rangers’ rated as Class B top-tier. They had better accuracy and speed than ordinary elves.

“I, the enemy... …. ”



The Elf Ranger Squad Leader, considered the lowest tier A, stabbed him in the neck before finishing the warning.

With Seong-jun's outstanding throwing abilities and the acceleration options of the 'Dagger of Hark’, even the Elf Ranger Squad captain boasting agility was able to complete a deadly attack.

Seong-jun dug in the center of the rangers before his wind-broken body touched the floor.

“Storm Blade.”

An elf rangers fell splattering their blood fountains in four directions around Seongjun.

Some fall over the ledge and die. Seong-jun killed all the Rangers in the same way, causing the arrow attack to stop.

“Send the chargers! ”

The elf commander dispatches the chargers after the forced halt of the arrow attack by an unknown attack. Since Seongjun was on the bridge connecting between the trees, I could see the chargers advancing.

-A ranking Elf Raider that is classified as a mid-tier among high-grade horseshit. There are so many people, Choi Seok will magically apply, but it seems difficult to block both Jang-hoon Park and Jeong-cheol Park.

Lischevald expressed his opinion. The role of the magical hunter Shin-Chul and Han-Seok was to clear the distance between them, but there were too many Elven Raiders to handle.


The spring bursts into a bewildered scream. A chunk of flame fell from his nostrils and exploded.

- It's not magic.

“There's a spirit. Deal with it first."

Seong-jun nodded. Common Spirit is Class A, but Elf Spirit is a lower tier, but Class S. It was a tricky spell to deal with.

“Is it a distortion seal……. ”

I focused my mind on finding the location of the Spirit, but Seong-jun frowned because it was not easy to find traces of magical power.

Distortion boundaries were high-level boundaries that hindered the search for traces of magical power. Having the senses of the Holy Grail made me able to track, but I was a nuisance because it took more time.

- I'll locate the spirit.

Even though Seong-jun didn't order it, Lischevald insisted on scouting. Soon after, he returns.

Down below, Jung and Zhang Hun clash with the Elven Raiders in battle. Han-Seok and Shin-Chul supported it with attack magic, but it was never a favorable situation.

- It's not far. I'll show you.

Lischevald has spoken. He guides you to the Elven Spirit Company.

It was not far, as he said. Seongjun, who approached nearby, used 'Blink’ to close the distance quickly.


He reveals himself in front of the Elf Spirit, raising his magical power in both eyes to fire a red ray of the Petrifying Curse.

“Stop, Mural Curse! ”

The body of the elven spirit hit by the beam quickly turns gray. Two Elf Raiders nearby flee in a hurry.

He was afraid of the curse because the mural could be transferred.

“Empire army combat uniform? ”

“Why is the Inquisitor here? ”

Seong-jun, who attacked the Elven Spirit, was wearing an Empire army combat uniform, enough for other Elves to misunderstand him as a heretic judge or fighter.

And it was a good opportunity for Seong-jun to hesitate for a very short time with their misunderstandings.

“Storm Blade.”

Swinging the sword, the user spits out the starter fish, and the storm of the sword thunders. The elven chargers collapse helplessly, bleeding red.

I wiped out about 20 Elf Spirits and Raiders, but Seong-jun didn't stop.

“Cao Cao! The enemy is disrupting the rear! ”

An Elf Raider hurriedly approaches the Cao Cao and reports. The protagonist, who was violent, stepped back and received a report.

"How many enemies have you mobilized in the uprising? ”

“This is a solo attack. ”

“Solo Attack……? Are you sure it's the sword level?”

The Elven Chargers asked, swallowing the dried saliva. "Swordsman" or "Great Wizard" were fearsome weapons of war that could do deadly damage to enemies, even if they carried out attacks alone.

The Elven Raider silently speaks instead of an answer, and the elder speaks in his mind.

“Reverse! Inform all forces of the appearance of the sword and support... Cough!" ”

The Elf Raiders' leader has not finished his sentence. It was because the ice sphere that threw the stone pierced your neck.

“Joe, Joe! ”

During their panic, Zeros uses the items to launch a stormy magical attack.

Jeong Chul and Zhang Hun hurriedly step back, and a surge of electricity spills out from the sky. Over 10 elven chargers fall helplessly from the electric shock.

“I took care of the rear. Now we can proceed with the attack. ”

Seong-jun said, the white combat uniform is stained with blood. He looks around and opens his mouth again.

“While Jung-cheol and I watch the perimeter, the rest is the stable route. ”

In the attack dungeon, we explained that the bodies of the magical objects do not disappear, so we need to directly route the stone.

I followed Sung-joon's instructions without complaint because it was a matter that everyone agreed on.

The other guild members route the cobblestone from the dead bodies while the two men watch the perimeter.

After the rooting, they advance back to where the boss is. The Elves block the way ahead, but we can't stop the Road Guild from advancing.

- I think we're about to reach the location of the kidney.

According to Lischewalt, the town or town of the Elves is home to a 'rootstock’ that must have some of the world's water roots. Elves don't gather in places without trees.

“As you all know, the boss will be here any minute. Be careful. ”

The guild members responded fearfully when Seong-jun finished speaking. Soon I got near the new tree.

Three Elf swords, rated a class S mid-tier, joined the Elf Spirit to meet the Road Guild.

“Huff... ”

There were dozens of Elf Rangers, but when Seong-jun and Han-suk left, they were wiped out for five minutes.

The blood spills red on the cold floor as they fall, but the instruments do not react. Seong-jun thought it was strange.

It was because the meter reacted when it was cleared when it had previously been attacked alone.

“Sir, aren't the gauges responding? ”

“I think I have a different boss. ”

When Jang-hoon asked, Seong-jun scattered his sharp gaze and replied. The powerful magical reaction that represented the boss was the same.

It was hard to know the exact location, but it was as clear as being near a tree.

“Choi Seok. Can you find it by exploring magic? ”

If he said it was impossible, he was going to send Lischevalt.

“You can use precision navigation magic, but I'll be defenseless. ”

“I'll protect you. ”

“I understand.”

In Seong-jun's answer, Han-seok used precision navigation magic. A wave of blue magic spreads to all sides.

Han Seok focused his mind on everything touching the wave of magical power. Soon after, when he opened his eyes and tried to report the results, red blood poured out from the sky like rain.

“Move! That's acidic!” Last Name

Joon warned you. The Lord's Guild members hurriedly threw to the side and Seong-jun performed a high-speed maneuver with a temporary defenseless rock.

‘Cause I think I know where you are. Not bad.’

Seong-jun lifted his mouth.


Seongjun was confident that sprinkling the blood with acidity was definitely blood magic. The soil is covered in acid blood and burns with black smoke.

- Very high levels of blood magic. Not only is it acidic, but it also contains a higher curse.

Lishwald said that even Seong-jun saw it. He nods instead of answering.

“There he is!”

“Firesphere! ”

Zeros uses the item to pinpoint the enemy's location, and Shin-Chul summons three fire spheres and blows them away. You hear no screams. Instead, three black shadows appear.

When they showed themselves in the space of light, their uniforms and faces were revealed, and the uniform they were wearing belonged to a group of people who knew Sung-joon very well.

‘The Knights of Sexuality...... ’

They were an armed group of factions that participated in the first raid on the Imperial Palace.

Seong-jun felt the memory of his past come back and bit his lip slightly.

“I am the Marquis Jaffro of the Crusading Knights. ”

He briefly introduced himself, but didn't have to. Seong-jun knew Japh. He is the Vampire Marquis and Shrine of the Crusading Knights.

That's why the uniform I was wearing was in the form of a white priest.

‘The magicians are all enemies. ’

Seong-jun raised his sword.


His eyes are full of life.

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