Swordmaster Healer

Master healer 191 coins

Chapter 60 Nasty Blurry (2)

Seongjun, who had received good news from the principal of the research institute, called Seongjun on his way back from the Western New Drug and Development Institute with Han Seok.

- Kang Sung-joon, it's been a long time.

Since Seong-jun had called for a long time, Seong-goo couldn't hide anything from his voice mixed with happy emotions. Seong-jun noticed it, but didn't feel like it.

“I need to talk to you about work. ”

- Work? Talk to me.

I was disappointed that I contacted him because of work. She was waiting for Seong-jun's personal contact.

Nevertheless, a public phone call was also not bad because I could hear Seong-jun's voice.

“Because of the development of new drugs. ”

Seong-jun informed Theorem that the development of the new drug has been completed at the Western New Drug Development Institute and that he has left behind some final testing procedures.

- Really? Thank God...

Seolja was just as happy as her work that Seong-jun's father could be cured. Seong-jun's attitude caused a smile to spread.

“I want to spread the new drugs at a low price. ”

- Ah... Kang Sung-joon... That's a great idea. His voice was slightly shaken whether he was moved or not.

“It must be complicated to get permission...... Can I ask you to solve your problem? ”

- Don't worry, I got this.

He felt like he was leaving everything behind, but he replied without hesitation.

I was willing to do something annoying for Seong-jun.

- I don't know, but I'm new to the cure for this blood cancer, so even if it's available at a low price, it could bring a lot of profit.

He explained.


Seong-jun replied. The more money I had, the better. Moreover, I was going to supply it at the lowest price possible, so I was also doing something good.

- Kang Sung-joon has given it to me, so I will take care of this in the Blue Dragon Group.

I ended the call with a confident answer. When I put my smartphone in my pocket at a good time, Han Seok's car was driving past the open gates of the mansion.

“Well done.”

Seong-jun looked at the seat that finished parking in the garage, and then moved to the basement of the mansion where Zeros' workshop was.

I've had a lot of conversations with Zeros lately. So I often visited the basement.

“Are you here?”

When I opened the basement door and went inside, Zeros' voice greeted him. It was a slow response because I was focusing on some research.

However, Seong-jun sat on a hard chair in the middle of the workshop.

“Finish slowly. ”

Seong-jun did not rush because he knew how important research was to the mathematician.

He picks up the cookie on the table with a relaxed expression and takes it to his mouth. It seemed quite old, but tasty.

“Did you make this yourself? ”

“No way. I bought it at a bakery nearby. ”

When Seong-jun asked, Zeros answered with a faint smile. Soon after, he gathered the magical ingredients together with a short sigh, whether he had finished the study. After clearing up, he dragged the chair in front of Seong-jun.

“What are you doing today? ”

“Remember I told you I got a warm prayer? ”

“Of course, I remember all the details. ”

Zeros replied: Seong-jun took off his‘ Unpleasant Prayer ’priestly uniform and placed it on the table.

The mysterious light was on Zeros' face because he could not understand the meaning of his actions. “

I want to see how high the curse immunity is. I came to see if you could help me. ”

“Just in time for something else. You could do an experiment right now, what would you do? ”

Zeros said, it seemed like the timing was right.

“I'd love to experiment right away. ”

When Seong-jun answered, Zeros got up from the chair first.

“Let's move on.”

The mansion was large, so it was also used as a magic workshop in the basement. Seong-jun followed Zero deep into the workshop.

“This is it?”

“Yes. You can't just hang items on an unprotected wall and cast a high curse. Here is the appliance. ”

When Zeros' footsteps stopped, Seong-jun asked. Now, the competent Madeologist looking at the middle-aged man was excited and began to explain.

By the end of the description of what equipment was in place, he secured the 'warm airway’ to the wall.

According to him, the wall is full of magical devices to keep the high curse from spreading.

“And I'm going to put this in my pocket. ”

Zeros lifted the red stone and showed it to Seong-jun, then put it in the pocket of the 'Unwarm Prayer'.

“Oh… that? ”

“Yes. That's it. It's a paleolithic stone that checks how it was affected by magic or curses. You know Kang Sung-joon, but he doesn't have a name and calls it the Red Horse Stone. ”

Seong-jun nods, and Zeros steps back and picks up the dagger-shaped item.

“I'm not fluent in curses, so I'll borrow the power of the item. It's going to take a while. ”

“Then I'll start with me. ”

I was wearing an item called the 'Eye of Medusa' that allowed me to use the Petrifying Curse. The petrification was also well worth experimenting with because it included a higher curse.

“I will activate the seal to prevent the curse from spreading. ”

Seongjun, who saw Zeros activate the barrier, lifted his magical power by gazing at the ‘warm prayer’ that was fixed on the wall.


Red rays of light shoot from both eyes with the starter fish. After the red rays hit the 'warm prayer’, Zeros carefully approached and took out the red cobblestone from his pocket. And with a simple enchantment, I read the information inside the stable.

“It was a high-level Petrifying Curse, but the immune effects of the ‘Unwarm Prayer’ only made it seem a little ‘Stiff’. Excellent item.You deserve to be chosen by the Crusaders as well. ”

Experiments were continued to confirm the cursed immune effects of the 'warm airways’.

Since Seong-jun didn't have a higher curse available except for the mural, Zeros had no choice but to use the item even if it took time.

After five curse trials, Zeros was able to determine that the curse immunity effect of the ‘Unwarm Prayer’ was very good.

“Great item. Would you like to test the error amplification effect as well? ”

At Zeros' question, Seong-jun nodded. The instruments were not skilled enough to quantify the effects of the items, so there were a lot of things you could know if you tested them yourself.

And it's better to know these kinds of things through practice than in practice.

“I will summon the rock. ”

“Well done. ”

“It's no big deal. ”

Seongjun put on the ‘warm prayer’ again and changed Roen in the form of a ring.

Zeros summons the rock. He blows the error into the sword, then flinches without hesitation.

“I'll recall the rock again. Would you please proceed without ‘warm prayer’ this time? ”

When Seong-jun nodded and removed the ‘Unpleasant Prayer’, Zeros summoned the rock again.

A swinging sword cuts through the rock. Zeros analyzes the enchanted rocks.

“The error amplification is definitely doubling. ”

“I think the amplification is better than I thought. ”

“I think this is an option for a class S item. As you rank items, the efficiency of the options you attach also increases. You know, right?”

“I know that much. I'm a hunter, too.”

“Anyway, this is enough to cut a standard Class A Hunter's error without any skill. ”

Zeros explained that even if he could ‘overwhelm’ the opponent's error, he needed a very strong one if he could ‘cut’ it without any particular skill.

“You know there's also a personal difference in error. So I can't guarantee that I'll be able to cut off all Class A Hunters' errors, but more than half will be cut in front of Sir Sung-jun's. ”

It was a satisfactory result. A smile spread over Seong-jun's mouth. Zeros opened his mouth when he saw it.

“Do you want to see it in action? ”

“I can't say it isn't. I'm thinking of scheduling a Dungeon Soul as soon as possible. ”

Enemies using error in the dungeon will be able to see the effects of amplification.

“Well done. ”

“It was no big deal. I'm glad it's almost time to aim the sword at the Emperor. ”

Zeros says he's lost everything by the Empire. So there was a deep grudge against the Empire.

He was helping him because he knew he was Rowkel's disciple, but he believed that he could avenge the impossible on his own.

Seong-jun organized the conversation with Zeros and moved to the library. After checking the item, I spent about 30 minutes reading the book and felt someone approaching me.

“I'm Jung-cheol Park.”

With a light knock, the voice of the train flows in.

“Come in.”

“Excuse me.”

As soon as Seong-jun gave me permission, the door opened and Jeongchul came in.

“Sit down.”


Jung-chul sat down in front of Seong-jun and opened his mouth calmly.

“I just got a call from the United States. ”

At the end of Jeongchul's words, Seongjun checked her smartphone with a heavy heart. There was one missed call.

Looking at the time, I didn't seem to have received it to test the performance of the 'warm prayer’ in the basement. That's why he reached out to Jeongchul.


Seong-jun covered the book and asked.

“I didn't get the details either. That's all Jennifer left. ”


“Maybe Jennifer will pass it on directly to the Guild Master. ”

Seong-jun nodded at Jung-chul's words. The Central Hunter has always been thoroughly prepared, mobile, and has taken great care of security.

It may not be unreliable, but it seemed necessary to pass it on directly to the party.

“Any guesses? ”


Right now, there is only one job for the United States to find Seong-jun.

“Is that a negative thing? ”

“That's not it. ”

“Well, that's a relief. ”

Jung-chul was relieved when Seong-jun shakes his head. And I didn't ask again. Jeongchul was an informant who was in business with the senior class.

So I always refrained from useless curiosity. And Seong-jun liked that side of Jeongchul.

Jung-chul left the library and Seong-jun quietly organized his thoughts. Seeing him like that, Leishwald opens his mouth carefully.

- Is that……?

“Yes... that's it. ”

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