Swordmaster Healer

Master healer 196.

Chapter 62 Siege Knights Raid (1)

The situation did not explain in detail whether it was urgent enough to speak over the phone.

Seong-jun immediately got in a car with Han Seok and headed to the administrative agency. Hyundai was a member of the Hunter administration, but the Dungeon Administration in charge of Raid asked me to page them.

When Seong-jun arrived, most Class S Hunters were summoned and gathered.

“Sung-jun Kang! This is it!”

Jupiter was waiting on the first floor. Seong-jun joined him and moved his feet to the Raid Situation Room in the basement of the building.

The Raid Situation Room was quite spacious, and it felt narrow as S rank hunters, bureaucrats, and military and armed police officers gathered together.

“Is the situation that serious? ”

“As you probably know, the bigger the situation, the easier it is to predict in advance. because the dimensional crack opens up early. ”

In the description of Hyundai, Seong-jun nodded. I heard it one day.

Larger raids can cause dimensional cracks to unfold an hour ago, as in the case of the Paju.

In such cases, observation is possible and therefore can be counteracted in advance.

“The larger the radar, the earlier it can be observed. It's usually 30 to four hours. ”

Hyunsung paused and wiped his glasses. Seong-jun focused on him. After a brief silence, he opens his mouth again.

“This time it was observed 24 hours ago. This is serious.”

It was only observed 2 hours ago, but it was rated as a large radar.

“How serious is the situation? ”

“The radar situation was the first 24-hour observation in the history of the world. ”

“What is the rating of the decision? ”

“SS class. However, only 17 dimensional gateways to the Node will be opened. ”

Only when you destroy the Node Dimension Gateway will the magic be summoned and the Raid situation will end.

In a typical one-Raid situation, one Node Dimensional Gateway was usually opened, but several were opened when it was large.

But in this case, it was a bit severe.

“Seoul will be a sea of fire. ”

“If you do anything wrong with the initial response, the capital will be blown away in no time. ”

The phenomenon stopped and checked the clock.

“A briefing will take place here in about half an hour. ”

At the voice of Hyunsung, Seong-jun nodded. He sits in a chair and waits for more high-ranking members of each institution to join him.

As the large Raid Situation Room became crowded, Seongjun opened his mouth calmly.

“When we're close, let's get started. ”

“I understand.”

Seong-jun's words were never light. Lee Seung-tae, executive director, was also there, but did not express any opposition.

There were about 20 minutes left until the scheduled briefing. However, since all the people who received the call have arrived, I thought there would be no problem during the briefing.

When Seungtae signaled, the phenomenon in charge of the briefing walked in front of the central screen.

“We will proceed with an emergency briefing. ”

The introduction was short enough that even though it had just begun.

Briefing describes areas where dimensional gates are expected to open and accordingly deploys troops and armed police stations.

It also deals with the current status of hunters who live in the area and can be used as a force.

It was the first large-scale radar in the history of the world, but because it was observed 24 hours ago, there was time to prepare for this enormous disaster.

I can't say I have much time, but it was better than nothing.

- The Lord's mansion is also at risk at the Dimensional Gateway.

Seong-jun reconfirmed the location of the dimensional gateway indicated on the large screen. The mansion entered the influence of the Dimensional Gateway, as Lischevalt had said.

Seong-jun nodded quietly. There were people around, so I couldn't talk to Lischevald.

- Why don't you call Jennifer? The Raid situation is also tied to this situation, so you might be able to use the council chairman's authority. It would be a great help if only the members of the Road Guild were stationed in their villas without the need to move their troops.

Lischevald has offered a solution. Since all members of the Road Guild have been appointed as members of the Alliance, they will be under Seong-jun's command in a two-way situation and his instructions will come first.

And Raid could also be seen in a two-way situation.

Seong-jun rushed out of the Raid Situation Room to ask Jennifer for more details and picked up her smartphone. Then I called Jennifer.

- Jennifer.

“Will Raid be recognized as a transitional situation? ”

-Not the same as when the committee was founded, but Raid is also recognized as an offshore situation at this point in time when it is believed that the offensive behavior is certain.

Jennifer replied, smiling at Seong-jun's mouth.

“Send an order to the ROK Hunter Administration right away. ”

- What can I send it to?

“In the event of a Raid situation, you can send a command to place the members of the Road Guild around my mansion. ”

- It's not difficult, I'll fill it out and send it now.

After the call, Seong-jun returned to the Raid situation room. I sat in a chair and waited for about five minutes, and suddenly one side became noisy.

“What? The highest-ranking order was delivered? Where?”

“The institution name is unknown, but the highest grade code is correct. ”

“I can't help it. ”

I overheard the conversation. I could see that Jennifer's coalition committee order had arrived properly.

“How long should we stay here? ”

Someone speaks. You turn your head in the direction you hear your voice, and a man who appears to be a hunter sits down.

- The amount of magical power is Class S.

At Rishbalt's words, Seong-jun nodded his head. Many of the S-rank hunters were selfish.

Even the buttocks were heavy and were often refractory to the calls of the state unless the situation was really serious.

The Republic of Korea was not on many S class hunters, so it was not possible to punish them carelessly even if they refused to call for the Raid situation.

‘I can't remember the name...... ’

My face looks familiar, but I can't recall. I just stared at it for a while because it was noisy, but I wasn't interested. I didn't even bother trying to remember.

“I'm sorry. Mr. Ahn Jun-seok... ”

Only after Hyunsung lowered his head and mentioned his name was Seong-jun able to remember.

A Class S Magical Hunter ranked second in South Korea, he was the team leader of the Official Attack Team and Invasion Command.

“I came all the way here as second in class S ranking, so don't waste your time and do it right! ”

He approaches the star and pushes his forehead with his index finger. The phenomenon had to be overcome.

He was an executive, but Hunter administration was powerless. Others were the same.

Even the Executive Director turned his head and did not involve other S-rank hunters.

‘You don't have a fever. ’

If there was a fever, he would have stepped up and stopped it. However, I couldn't find any kind of heat here.

“Don't piss me off! ”

Joon-suk was annoyed like a teenager who was going through a period of turbulence.

The attack on the dungeon didn't seem to have gone well recently, but it seems that the stress is being relieved of the weak phenomenon.

It didn't look good. Seong-jun took his hand to Roel, who looked like a ring on his right hand.

- Are you going to intervene?

Seong-jun didn't answer, but the cool gaze was staring at Joon-suk.

However, he did not feel Seong-jun's gaze whether it was fun to play with reality.

I also contributed to Seong-jun's lack of living in my eyes.

-Interventing now will make Ahn Jun-seok the enemy of Class S ranking, but executives from various institutions, including the Bureau of Administration, will help establish a favorable stance.

Seong-jun didn't hesitate anymore. He spread a high-speed maneuver and blocked between Jun-Seok and the star.

No one would notice because he was so serious about his high-speed movements.

Only after Seong-jun grabbed Joon-suk's right arm, which was pushing him off his forehead, some class S hunters realized that Seong-jun had ‘moved’.

“W-what...! ”

“Don't touch me. That's my man."

One word of Seong-jun was enough to impress the phenomenon standing behind him.

“Oh, damn it……! ”

Joon-suk took his hand with a weapon around his waist.

Despite knowing that the opponent is a SS class hunter, Seong-jun is close to instinct because he can't overcome his anger. It was the moment I touched the magic wand in the form of a command rod.

Seong-jun opened his mouth.

“Think carefully. If you pull that out...... ”

Seong-jun gave Joon-suk a full life span.

“You're dead. ”

At that moment, Joon-suk eroded to life and saw his death.

The moment I pulled out my magic wand, my right arm was cut off and I saw fragments of a future where my torso was brutally slaughtered.

It could have been just a meaningless dream, but it could not be ignored because it was so terribly realistic for Joon-suk. In fact, for Seong-jun, Joon-suk made it so.

“Yi, Profit……! ”

Joon-suk gripped his teeth. However, there was nothing he could do against Seong-jun.

He took his hand off the magic wand and turned away from Seong-jun and Hyunsung. It was that moment.

“Where are you going?”

Joon-suk's footsteps stopped because of Seong-jun's sharp voice. A lot of thoughts hit my mind.

It was true that I was scared, but I didn't intend to show it to Seong-jun.

He calmly breathed and turned back to Seong-jun.

“May I help you? ”

I tried to behave calmly, but my voice was trembling, whether it was a sequelae of exposure to a powerful life.

Joon-suk was well aware of his condition. There was nothing I could do, and I couldn't help but shake his hand.

“Apologize and go. ”

“Apologize? ”

It was unexpected that he would even ask for an apology. His face was overwhelmed with embarrassment. The same was true of the other hunters.

“Fun, isn't it? ”

“All this time, I thought Kang Sung-jun was too quiet. ”

Other hunters looked at Seongjun and Joon-suk as interesting, but did not intervene.

Joon-suk clenched his fist in humiliation. My arm trembles like an asphalt.

“Humiliating, isn't it?"

Seong-jun ridiculed me. Joon-suk didn't answer. But his actions proved it.

Seeing that, Seong-jun lifted his lip slightly. I felt that I shouldn't stimulate him anymore and decided to step back.

“So don't talk to me when I'm an adult from now on. ”

I got to live with that.

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