Swordmaster Healer

Master healer 203

Chapter 63 Upcoming Risks (4)

This time, a major failure of the United Nations's mission to land at the South Korean capital city gate.

Some of them withdrew or were beheaded because they could not avoid responsibility, and in order to discuss countermeasures, the Lieblehwain summoned representatives of each faction to the council.

“Smells human. ”

Hellod, the leader of the Orcs, was busy moving his eyes at the smell of ‘Humans' coming through the end of his nose in fear of opening the door to the Chamber.

Later, he was able to find the presence of Earl Ares, the Imperial Secret Service commander. Ares was naturally wedged between other delegates.

“Is the head of the Orc here? ”

Bheg, the ogre leader from the same faction, approaches Hellod.

Hellod goes and sits where the representatives of his faction are gathered.

“Does the ogre leader know why humans are in the council? ”

“I don't know about that. But I'm pretty sure the Vampire Representative brought him in. ”

Bheg answers, but does not meet Hellod's curiosity.

It was the first time Humans had appeared to the council chairman of the League, so other faction representatives seemed reluctant, but did not feel strongly inclined.

They were all representing one race, recognizing the importance of empires and alliances.

“What's the Vampire Representative's idea? Bringing Humans to the Sacred Assembly Chairman... ”

Hellod frowns. Members of the Faction tend to underestimate Humans, but Vampire factions are the worst.

But those who knew the importance of the alliance more than anyone else were also part of the Vampire Faction.

“Something must have happened. ”

It was Kurae, Troll leader. He took notice of Ares' stay.

“Something happened? What's that supposed to mean? ”

Bheg asks, "Ares has reached the Council Chairman. You'll find out soon enough, but Bheg can't help but have a few questions." Kura shakes her head and opens her mouth.

“You're still the ogre leader. I don't have to explain it to you. ”

“Something wrong with the front lines of the Royal Alliance...?" ”

I wasn't sure about Bheg's voice. Even though he had high intelligence, he was an Ogre. I didn't like to think complicated.

“There may be a problem with the invasion plan. ”

“Wasn't the invasion plan part of the League? ”

“Landing and dungeons are under our control, but information procurement and operations are under the control of the Empire. ”

“Oh, I did.... ”

In Kurae's explanation, Bheg nods. There were difficulties with infiltration and craftsmanship because the species had to use items or magic to become human.

That's why the empire, comprised of the same humans, was in charge of intelligence gathering and peacekeeping.

“It looks like you're all here, so I'll start the meeting. ”

While Hellod, Bheg, and Kurae were talking, the leaders of the Faction gathered.

In a clear voice, Isria, the leader of the Dark Elves, announced the start of the Alliance meeting.

“Representative of the Dark Elves. I want to ask you something. ”

“Speak up, Orc representative. ”

“I wonder why there's an Earl of the Empire in the council.”

Hellod asks a question.

“It is……. ”

“I came here myself because there was a problem with the invasion plan. ”

As soon as Isyria opened her mouth to explain, Ares, the Imperial Special Forces commander, stood up and replied.

He steps into the center of the meeting.

“What is the problem with the invasion plan? ”

As one of the leaders of the faction asked the question, everyone's gaze focused on Ares.

They were wondering why Ares, the Imperial Special Forces commander, came to the head of the Conference of the Tribe.

Only the representatives of the Vampire Faction who received the information in advance remained calm.

Ares opened his mouth with a calm expression.

“The hunt has begun. ”

“I don't know what kind of hunting you're talking about. ”

Kurae asked for a detailed explanation in a calm voice.

“This means that the Noble Order and Imperial Rangers are being hunted by forces that have infiltrated Earth under cover. ”

“Is that possible? I thought you were confident that the imperial conspiracy would not be spotted? ”

The woman who pointed out the empire's past remarks was Nias, the Elf representative. Ares' gaze was also on Nias.

“It's not possible with Earth's technology. It seems one of the Imperium's archaeologists has betrayed us. ”

It was the most common case to speculate on in the current situation.

“How serious is the situation? ”

This time it was Kurae, Troll leader. He thought that in order to combat variables, he had to first figure out what was going on.

“It's worse than I thought. By the time the report arrived at the Special Forces Command, the hunting had already accelerated and I was unable to use my hands. The network is virtually paralyzed by more than half of the troops that have infiltrated major countries. ”

“So you no longer have information and peacekeeping support when you open a dimensional gate and land troops?" ”

As Ares answers, Kurae continues to ask questions.

“Other major countries than Russia are the same. We don't know why, but our undercover troops are safe and our network is undamaged. ”


The voice of the Ribble Servant. I find further explanation unnecessary.

Ares nods, thinking his role is over and returns to his seat.

“As you all know, information and destruction is critical when attacking enemy nations. With the information networks and peacekeeping forces that the empire has worked so hard to build in most countries……. ”

The Riblehammer pauses and gives a cold glance at Ares. This was also the responsibility of the Empire, so Ares had to bite her lips quietly.

“We have no choice but to attack Russia now. ”

The Rivalmaid has stated its intention to attack Russia.

He led the most powerful faction in the League, and there was no objection because he was actually the leader of the League.

“Then I will plan an attack on Russia. ”

A smile spread over the mouth of the Ribbon Servant. This time, I was pleased with the feeling that I would succeed.

* * *

- I think we're in the best shape. We'll be able to fight our battles with maximum power.

Lischevald examines Sung-jun's condition and reports back.

He could easily understand Seong-jun's condition. It was connected to each other.

“Let's do some prep exercises and schedule an A-grade dungeon souffle. ”

- Sounds like a good idea. You are the Lord.

A Class A dungeon allows Hunters of the highest rank to enter the area, or the so-called upper rank. Selling all of the dropped horseshoes will result in a commission of at least KRW 500 million up to KRW 20 billion.

Although the difficulty was high and dangerous, it was only a level of preparation for Seongjun, Korea's first and only SS-grade hunter.

- By the way…… I heard you have an appointment with Dr. Lee Jin-ho today.

“Y-you did, didn't you? ”

As a loyal deputy, Leishvald reminded me of a promise he had forgotten.

Jinho was a skilled and renowned doctor who announced his name overseas, and he spent a lot of money and hired him as Suhyuk's dedicated head of medical team.

Seong-jun checked the watch. I had forgotten, but it was appointment time in 30 minutes.

If Jinho hadn't decided to come to the mansion, it would have been too late.

“I need to get to the reception. ”

I was wearing my outfit because I was just after going for a walk. Seong-jun muttered to himself in a voice that could only be heard by Lischevald and urged to step into the reception room.

“Han Seok, escort Dr. Lee Jin-ho to the reception on the second floor. ”

“I understand.”

Shin-chul, Jang-hoon, and Jeong-chul were not at the mansion because of the Dungeon Attack Schedule.

That's why Seong-jun asked Han Seok who was standing around the main house for guidance.

He nodded and replied straightaway, and Seong-jun entered the second floor reception room and sat on the couch.

“Dr. Lee Jinho has arrived. ”

An employee at the main residence reported. I have spoken to Hansuk. He will be coming to the reception room on the second floor shortly.

“Can I get you something to drink? ”

“I understand.”

Later, the servant brought a warm tea and snacks and placed them on the table. The door opens with a light knock just after the officer finishes his work and walks in.

“I'll be going now. ”

When Han Seok left the reception room, Jinho sat in front of Seong-jun. He looked at Seong-jun and opened his mouth with a faint smile.

“It's been a long time. ”

Jinho was the head of Suhyuk's medical team, so she often entered the mansion's main residence, but she was so busy with other things that she never met her.

“I see. It seems time has passed since I took the newly developed cure... … How is your father?" ”

“Things are improving. I can confidently say that's a positive phenomenon. ”

“Is that so?”

I've heard a few times that my condition is improving. I wanted to hear a more positive answer, so Seong-jun sighed.

“Glad it's not getting worse, though. ”

“The cure seems to be working properly. No side effects at all. ”

In the beginning, there were very few side effects, because the cure made at the National Drug and Development Institute was made for him while checking the body condition of Soohyuk.

“And Yoon Seolna asked me to tell you something. ”

“What is it? ”

“We're in the process of releasing the cure, and they want us to wait a little longer. The process seems a bit tricky. ”

“Maybe so. ”

Seong-jun nodded. I thought there were a lot of useless procedures in the world.

“Then I'll go see Kang Sung-hyuk. ”

“Do it. ”

Jinho left the reception room first, and Seong-jun was about to wake up after dumping the cold tea into his mouth.

With knock, the door opens and Jennifer walks in.

“Do you have a minute? ”

“Is it the Russians? ”

“That's right.”

“Let's go to the locker room. ”

It seemed like a story that needed security. The most secure places in the mansion were the "lockroom" and "situation room."

Seong-jun and Jennifer soon moved to the locker room. Jennifer opened her mouth calmly as she closed the door in the locker room.

“The United States offered to join the United States Commission, but Russia insisted on refusing. ”

“Looks like the Russians aren't getting the hang of it. ”

“I agree."

“I think I need to wake up after a big Raid situation. ”

Seong-jun said, and in this world, it was a situation where a great army of the League of Nations was ready to land in Russia.

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