Swordmaster Healer

Sword Master Healer 208 Coins

Chapter 65 Moscow Defense Battle (1)

U.S. SSS-grade Hunter Leia pledged support. If her assailant supports her, destroying the collapsed 4-dimensional Gateway with more than half of the blockade should not be too difficult.

Fortunately, all hunters organized according to his attacks were from the government, so they would have followed somewhat excessive instructions.

‘Ordinary hunters would have disagreed immediately. ’

Seong-jun, who thought of the general case, shook his head.

Usually those hunters who are not affiliated see money and move around, but most of the time they don't want to take more than a certain level of risk because life comes first.

Perhaps that unsteady psychology brought down the blockade, but no one could force the unaffiliated hunters to sacrifice themselves. That was the Earth in the 21st century.

“We will proceed to Gateway 4. Any objections?”


“You may proceed! ”

Most of the hunters in the assault zone were Russian citizens, so not only did they have no objections, they also voted proactively.

Positive news that Leah, an SSS-grade hunter, would also contribute to eliciting this response.

“I will proceed. ”

Seong-jun said that the three unfair approaches were shot down by one stone and Jennifer, as well as another horde of horseshoes approaching from the right.

In the sky, fighters and bombers were constantly flying in groups, disrupting air forces in the Alliance and repelling ground forces.

“Leia's assailant has entered the influence of Gateway 4. ”

“How long do you think it'll take to join us? ”

“Two hours is enough, even if you encounter a horde of witches. ”

In Han Seok's answer, Seong-jun nodded with a satisfied expression.

There were two battles during Leia's attack party's entry into the influence of Gateway 4, but no Hunters were killed in Seongjun's attack zone.

There were injuries, but Seong-jun healed them all.

It was surprisingly viable because Seong-jun, an SS class recovery hunter, was together.

The fact that no one has died in combat so far not only increases the morale of the attacking party hunters, but also makes them more active in combat.

- A herd of witches is approaching.

Seong-jun also wanted to avoid encountering a large group of narcotics, but it didn't work out.

Even if I sensed the approach beforehand, it was not easy to evade because there were swarms of magic everywhere.

“Coming! Forward! ”

Seong-jun shouted. I didn't know how many times I'd said this today.

Combat hunters rush forward. Seong-jun turned his head and looked at their faces.

With the battle going on indefinitely, not everyone seems to be starting to accumulate fatigue.

‘I have to step up.... ’

I thought, raising my sword. To date, we have minimized our efforts to conserve magical power, but there is little left to join Leia's attackers and it seems that we can truly ‘intervene’ in a situation where the distance to the Dimensional Gateway is quite narrow.

Moreover, because he has a technique called 'absorption’, some of the magic power consumed can be recovered.

“I'll go. It doesn't matter if you keep pouring attack magic. ”

“Are you sure about this?”

“No problem.”

Han Seok was worried, but Seong-jun replied with a relaxed expression.

Normally, when melee warfare broke out, he had to stop supporting the attack magic, but he was confident that even the blind attack magic of his allies would be avoided.

Although it was a difficult combat skill, it was an SS grade hunter, and not impossible for Seong-jun, who was the best knight in his past life.

“Here we go.”

Seong-jun performed a high-speed move towards a horde of magic objects in fear of finishing the horse. Suddenly, the distance narrows and the attack magic spills out behind you.

He swings his sword, avoiding the magical flames that pour out. The blade of error slaughtered the living armors.

“We're under attack! ”

“Oh, where are you? ”

Seong-jun, who plays a high-speed maneuver without rest, was also invisible to the dragon horse swordsmen who were rated as Class S magic.

The chaos deepened and, hypothetically, was pouring from the sky to the Hunters' attack magic.

“Oh, it's coming! Aah!”

A short scream swept through the wave of attack magic. Magic in a vast enough space to suit you. There was a great deal of dirt.

“Is the commanding officer all right? ”

“The attack magic was pouring out enormously.... ”

The hunters' worrying gaze is focused on the dirt. Someone magically stirs up the wind to remove the dirt, and there is only one person, SS grade Hunter Sung-jun, standing still.

“You're an SS class Hunter! ”

Hunters from the attackers cheer. Seong-jun opened his mouth with his hands raised.

“I will proceed. ”

Seong-jun's attackers continued to advance towards Gate 4. The Russian Federation troops did everything in their power to provide firepower support.

You led the bombardment towards a horde of horseshoes trying to get close to Seong-jun's attack and sent ground troops to draw Aggro away.

Thanks to this, they were able to get close to Gateway 4.

“Looks like Leia's assault squad is nearby, too. ”

Han Seok reported. Seong-jun nodded and opened his mouth.

“Should we join Leia's attackers and move on? ”

“We'd better keep moving. A new wave appears to be opening from the dimensional gateway. ”

Before the waves spill out, he suggests we destroy the dimensional gateway.

“Let's go.”

Everyone was tired, but I followed Seong-jun's opinion.

“Magical response! Wave has occurred!”

Jennifer reports urgently. Waves started earlier than expected. Everyone was in a hurry, but Seong-jun remained calm.

“They're coming right at us! ”

“About 10 minutes to Wave…? ”

A swarm of horseshoes making up waves has been detected.

As waves appear to indicate whether the commander of the dragons gave the order, all the summoned hordes of horses are converging to the attack squad commanded by Seong-jun.

“Guild Master...... It seems that Leia's attackers have also encountered a horde of witches. I don't think we can get support right away. Falling back... ”

“We can't just walk away from this. Go ahead.”

“I understand.”

Seong-jun's decision nodded his head, but the other hunters reacted negatively.

Unlike in the early days, he was exhausted from constant combat. Seong-jun opened his mouth, looking at them.

“You're not going to die with me. Rest assured.”

The hunters have calmed down for a while. It was possible because the Raid situation started and as we came here, we have seen the powerful ‘Hill’ of the SS class recovery hunter several times in front of our eyes.

If Seong-jun had not proven his ability, he would not have seen the effect because there was no reliable part of what he said.

- Hezling has two sides.

Lischevald reported on the results of a prior reconnaissance. Ever since I realized that the Alliance troops summoned by the Wave were headed straight for this place, I thought there might be a corner they could believe, but Hechling, as expected, was classified as a Class S large horse.



At the end of his warning, Bress of Hezling slammed into the battlements in fear. It seemed to have been approached using a ‘Blink’.

Seong-jun dodged, but some of the hunters in the attack force were unable to avoid it properly and were burned.

Ordinary people would have become 'ashes’ as soon as they touched the Brest, but fortunately Hunters were in a state beyond the human body and were wearing defensive items.

“Healing spray! ”

Han-Seok casts out the flames with magic. Seong-jun used ‘healing spray’ for hunters who struggled with pain.

The burn recovers at a rapid rate when it touches a white swarm of light. However, half of them were unconscious without overcoming the pain.

“Wake him up!”

Seong-jun gave the order and moved his gaze towards Han-suk.

“I got that one. You take care of the other one! ”

It was harder to deal with ‘big’ than equivalent magic. However, Han-Seok and the current attack force would be able to deal with a Hechling.

Seong-jun raised his head without even listening to Han Seok's answer.

In the sky, one Hezling is preparing to breathe again, and the other Hezling is flying at a rapid rate towards one stone and the attacking party.

Since then, an army of mercenaries has been closing in on the streets.


Seong-jun used Blink at the same time as jumping with high-speed mobile techniques. Suddenly, the distance from Hechling was narrowed.

Hechling stops the brace first and casts a defensive spell in the cold tension that seems to freeze his breath.

“Welcome sword!”

It was multi-casting with 6 higher-grade and 1 higher-grade defense magic simultaneously, but was powerless in front of the welcome sword. The 31 welcoming swords in error destroyed all the defensive enchantments and sought Hechling's main body.

- Kiehaek!

Hechling was also not a worthy opponent of a high-S class large magical object. I was behind Seong-jun for a while, avoiding the welcome swords.

- Kieeek!

An attack spell spills out with a sharp cry.


The air had no place to set my foot, so I had to use the blink.

He swings his sword as he digs in front of Hezling. You aim for the heart of the threatening Black Hezling. And at the same time...


- I will destroy your enemies!

I gave Lischevald magic to use 'Soul Soul’.

- Kiehaek!

Red blood splattered. He defended the sword that he wielded, but he was unable to stop the sword Lischewald stabbed unwittingly. The left wing was pierced.

Rishwald wields his sword and tears its wings long.

Hechling felt a great deal of pain and embarrassment. In the gap, Seong-jun cut Hezling's torso with a sword like lightning.

- Kiehaek!

At first, he did a defensive spell, but it was meaningless in front of a sword storm that wielded more than a dozen times a second. Soon, the air was covered with the screams and blood of Hezling.


Hezling's fall to the ground never resurfaced. After finishing "absorbing," Seong-jun landed next to him, he was busy moving his eyes and trying to understand the situation.

Hechling, who is facing Hansuk and the attacking party hunters, is also covered in deep wounds.

The damage to the attackers was not great, and there was still some time left before the dragon army arrived. Seong-jun pulled out the ‘Hark's Dagger’ without saying anything and threw it toward Hechling.


The dagger that was accelerated and flew with the starter fish was inserted into the chest of Hezling.

Han Seok and Seong-jun were unaware of the attacks while performing fierce magical warfare with the attacking party's magical hunters.

Hezling vomits a painful cry as he stabs the dagger into his chest. His body floats in the air, shaking dangerously.

“Lightning Sphere. ”

The lightning spear thrown by Han Seok acts as a crystal blow to Hezling. The Lightning Sphere was able to raise its power to a higher level of magic, depending on the user's strength.

Hechling is struck down and helplessly falls, whether it is a high level of magic.


A scream erupted. I quickly defeated the Hezling II, which belonged to a large magical object.

This was amazing. However, Seong-jun did not get excited. It wasn't over yet.

- The main force of the Dragon Warrior is coming.

Lischevald warned you.

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