Swordmaster Healer

Swordmaster Healer 222 coins

Chapter 68 Sword of Punishment (2)

“I don't think it's necessary for Kang Sung-joon to show up. ”

Zeros said, he felt there was no need for Seong-jun to be involved until such a ‘trivial’ day.

“The monarch is in a position to rule and reign. Please use Choi Han Seok. ”

“I can trust you with one stone. ”

Seong-jun nodded. The Korean seat was ranked # 1 in the South Korean Class S Hunter ranking. He was a top S ranking performer on a global basis.

I could trust this because it was imprinted on a faithful rune.

“Han Seok!”

“You wanted to see me?”

There was no more reason to hesitate. Seong-jun called Han Seok. Soon after, Hanseok came running.

I was reacting quickly because I was guarding the cell door.

“I think I may have found the culprit behind this terrorist attack. ”

Seong-jun told Han Seok about the current situation. After the explanation, he opens his mouth with an angry face.

“I'll take care of it on behalf of the guild leader. ”

A 'faithful rune’ makes a faithful 'knight’ at the same time as an imprint, provided there is mutual agreement.

The loyalty of Han Seok was similar to that of his former subordinates.

“Bring him in quietly. Don't kill me.”

“I understand.”

That night, Han Seok moved in secret to secure Alexei's identity. Seong-jun didn't stay still either.

He mobilized coalition members to disrupt Moscow's surveillance of Russian intelligence agencies.

For a short time, Han Seok succeeded in kidnapping Alexei while Moscow's surveillance malfunctioned.

“We've been contacted. They're on their way. ”

Jennifer reported, smiling at Seong-jun's mouth.

“Tell him to be careful. ”

The safe house guards are overseen by agents of the Central Hunter's Office, but there is no guarantee that Russian intelligence agencies are not watching the perimeter.

In fact, Lischevald also reported that he felt a suspicious posture.

“Looks like we're here. ”

Jennifer says, Seong-jun nods. I felt the sneaking approach of Han Seok.

Soon, Han Seok came in through the first floor window. A coffin the size of which could barely fit one person behind him floats through the air.

“I'm back, Guild Master. ”

“Good work. What about Alexei? ”

“I knocked him out and put him in a tube. Can I move him to the brig? ”

“Yes. You didn't leave any evidence, did you? ”

It was a matter of some importance. If the Russian intelligence agency succeeded in tracking him down, it might be a bit of a problem for Seong-jun.

He and Leia, an SSS-grade hunter, are the key forces behind Russia's defenses, so there will be no direct damage, but there will be damage to the images he has created.

“We did it perfectly. Don't worry about back-tracking. ”

Han Seok said in a confident voice.

“Good. Take him to the brig. ”

Seong-jun walked underground first, and Han Seok followed. As he gestures, Alexei's ‘storing' coffin moves together, curled up to about a meter high.

The confinement room was not large enough, but it was enough to restrain and torture one person.


The coffin fell to the cold cement floor with a somewhat disturbing sound. As Han Seok waved his hand, the coffin lid opened and Alexei appeared.

“I've put on some stunning magic. ”

“Well done.”

A wise judgment. If you were physically stunned, you might have woken up in the middle and caused a commotion.

It was best to do anything with magic.

“Tie him to a chair. ”

Zeros and Jennifer, who came down to the basement late, take Alexei to their chairs and lock him in a tight squeeze.

After his confinement, Hansuk released the stunning spell he had placed on Alexei.


Alexei opens her eyes. He was greatly puzzled by the strange sight that overwhelmed his vision in fear of returning to normal.

What's going on? ’

But it was also a moment of embarrassment. He's busy moving his eyes to understand the situation around him.

‘Kang Sung-jun kidnapped me...? So you noticed? ’

The Director of Information was quick to judge. There was only Seong-jun's sight, but he was able to guess some of the situation he was in.

But that was the limit. I couldn't do anything while I was restrained.

No, even in a free state.

I heard he was trained, but he was a layman. But there were one unofficial SSS hunter in the cell, two Class A hunters, and one Class S hunter. It was foolish to think of escaping.

“Good morning. ”

Seong-jun said with a fierce smile. Zeros is in charge of translating.


“Alexei's got a good head, so I think he knows what he's in for. ”

“I don't know what you're talking about! Please, let this go! ”

Alexei started by pretending not to know. He didn't seem to confess at all that he was shaking his head violently. When I think about it, it was a natural reaction.

“We have a statement from General Manager Hanoff. You'd better come clean. ”

It was not awkward, but Alexei was embarrassed.

‘There's no way this can be broken...? ’

He did not overcome the tension and swallowed the dry saliva. Although he managed his expression with high acting skills, Seong-jun could easily read that he was embarrassed.

“Did you think there was no way to break the taboo? ”

Seong-jun said, it flew like a sharp blade and dug into Alexei's heart.

His expressions collapse, revealing his trembling eyes. The keyword "golden rule" brings despair to everything.

“We have a man who is knowledgeable in the magic of this world. ”

“I, I don't know. ”

Alexei continues to shake her head. But the Pokerface collapsed and was ready to make a perfect statement.

“Zero. I need an explanation. ”

“Leave it to me.”

With a fierce smile, Zeros takes a step closer to Alexei. I didn't forget to pick up the torture tools to create an atmosphere of fear.

The atmosphere of a skilled person who had handled countless samples made even Alexei, who had been trained to endure torture, nervous.

“Don't be so scared. I don't intend to use it now. ”

Zeros said, with a cold smile on his face, he told me what Hanov had said. But Alexei still shakes his head.

"Damn you, dicks! You assured me it would never be breached! ’

Inside, I cursed at the ‘aliens’ who had secretly come into contact with it. They've given Hanoff a golden rule and assured him there's nothing to worry about.

“Sung-joon Kang. We may need some training. ”

“Well, I'll guard the door. ”

Zeros waves his torture tools lightly, and Jennifer takes her head out of the brig.

She had seen Zeros play with samples once. From then on, I left every time there was a trauma or situation like this.

“Go ahead.”

When Seong-jun's permission fell, Zeros glanced at Alexei with a slight lift in his mouth.

“I'll proceed.”

“Torture won't help! I don't know anything. ”

Even as the torture device was approaching, Seong-jun opened his mouth with a cold smile as he shakes his head to the end.

“I think you're mistaken. You don't need a confession. ”

“W-what…? Then why torture...! ”

“Let's call it punishment. ”

Seong-jun no longer spoke, and Zeros began to torture. Alexei has been trained professionally, but has declared surrender for less than half an hour.

“P-please stop...! Aaahhhh!”

Zeros groans, but does not stop. After six hours of torture, Alexei is no more.

Zeros dealt with Alexei's corpse by magic, then moved to Seong-jun's room.

“Sung-joon Kang. That's me."

“Come in. ”

Zeros walks through the door.

“Looks like we've found the lair of the 'Noble Order’. ”

I learned that during Alexei's torture. Alexei pleaded with me to kill him for all the information he knew about Zeros' mysterious torture skills.

As a result, I learned that Alexei had taken a large sum and hid the remains of the Noble Order in the lair.

“Where are you?”

“It's in Moscow. Shall we send the Alliance members? ”

“Kill them all. ”

Seong-jun replied, "I didn't tell you to catch the prisoner." It was because he knew better than anyone that it was very difficult to capture the Noble Order alive. In the current situation, the best order was to ‘annihilate’.

“We've given the order. ”

Zeros forwarded instructions to the coalition members using an app dedicated to executive members.

Several members of the coalition who were on standby in Moscow moved to designated coordinates to carry out instructions.

Early the next morning, Zeros came to see you.

“The result?"

Seong-jun asked. It was obvious why Zeros came early in the morning. It was to report the results of the attack on the Noble Order's lair.

“This is the result of an attack on the Noble Order's lair. ”

Zeros took a report out of his bag and passed it on to Seong-jun.

“16 people are dead. I checked and found that there were two successors. One of them was the Baron of the Noble Order, and one of them was a Special Forces assassin. ”

The report also matched the verbal reports. Seong-jun nodded with a satisfied expression.

“I think we can clean up the rest of Russia now…… What do you think? ”

I was talking about the remnants of the Empire that I had left behind for the Information Counterterrorism.

“I think that would be good. As far as the rest of the Residues are concerned, there's no value in the situation where Russia is stable. ”

“All right, bring in the Alliance Committee and wipe them out. ”

When Seong-jun gave the order coolly, a bright smile spread over Zeros' mouth.

He hated them deeply because he had been betrayed by the Empire, just like Seong-jun.

Given the empire's blood flowing, my heart was pounding.

Zeros gave his instructions without hesitation using the app. Reports that remnants of empires scattered across Russia have been subdued in succession.

“The Sanitarium is over. ”

It did not take a week for the final report to arrive. A smile came from Zeros' mouth as he announced the end of the party.

“This wiped out most of the remaining Empire on Earth. ”

“Are you sure? ”

“At least the intelligence agency is completely destroyed. Rest assured that this has been checked multiple times. ”

In Zeros' answer, Seong-jun nodded with a satisfied expression. If the intelligence agency deployed to Earth had been disabled, the alliance between the Empire and the Tribe would have been in disadvantage.

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