Swordmaster Healer

Master healer 231 coins

Chapter 71 Land of Misery (2)

Riodin's crystal was obtained in an unexpected location. I thought I could go back to Korea quickly, so Seong-jun endured the attempt to smile.

It was important not to display items that were really needed.

“I'll give you this and half of the stables we had. ”

Elisha told me that she wanted to give you the whole stable, but that could have been a complaint in the Acrobal Guild.

Seong-jun was aware of the situation. I could ask for more, but I didn't intend to hurt the feelings of an SS class hunter in a situation where the money was neither urgent nor urgent.

“Are you sure about this?”

“Yes, I think half of it will be fine. Kang Sung-jun saved us, but you can't send us back empty-handed, right? ”

With a smile, Elisha said.

“Well, that's a relief. If you want to get out of the hunting grounds, come with me. ”

The answer will be fixed. Elisha and her Acroheat guild have suffered so much damage that they will not be able to refuse Seong-jun's favor.

Of course, it wasn't just a favor. This was meant to be a debt.

“Are you sure? ”

“Yes. I was going to do more hunting. ”

I originally intended to continue hunting, but I appealed to sacrifice my time for the Acrobal Guild.

With the Riodin Crystal, Seong-jun was thinking of returning, but it was more important to give color to Elisha and the Acrow Guild than that.

“Thank you so much…… I won't forget this grace…! ”

Elisha thanked me sincerely. He said he was released from prison, but he found it difficult to leave the hunting grounds because he was damaged both physically and mentally.

So I needed help.

“I'll settle the debt. ”

Seong-jun smiled and said, but Elisha could tell that it was never a joke.

“Let's move.”


Elisha replies. Seongjun guides Elisha and the Acrobal Guild members out of the hunting ground.

The hunting ground was a dangerous place. There have been three raids before crossing the border. Some of them were mixed with more than five Class S narcotics.

It is said that there is an SS class Hunter, Elisha, but she was also quite tired, so without Seong-jun, the damage of the Acrow Guild would have been severe.

Elisha seemed to be aware of that as well. So, I showed a particularly clinging to Seong-jun.

- I don't know what you're gonna do with him.

Lischevald raises his voice. Unlike in Snow's case, impure intent was clearly seen.

Seong-jun smiled faintly at the faithful Soul Deputy. It was a sign of something telling me not to worry.

In the past, he may have been easily seduced by women, but after reviving his past life, he had greatly increased his immunity to women.

Elisha's gentle temptation was only trivial for Seong-jun to see.

“Well done. ”

“Too bad we broke up like this. ”

Seong-jun said, since we left the hunting ground and accompanied them to a nearby airport, it was time to split up.

Elisha looks bitter as if she wants to be with Seong-jun more. For an ordinary man, it was enough to pass directly, but it did not work for Seong-jun.

“I'm sorry, I'm busy. ”

“Yes……. ”

Elisha answered powerlessly and handed over the cobblestone to the doctor who refused.

“Be sure to contact me the next time you come to England! ”

Elisha cried out, looking behind her. Seong-jun waved his hand instead of answering.

I thought I might be going to England, but I didn't think it would be good to act too brazenly. After a busy pace, you arrive at the place where you promised to meet Liverpool.

“You're here early. ”

Liverto spoke a stable Korean language.

“Work ended quickly. Are you ready for your flight to Korea? ”

“Of course. The Russian government has prepared a charter for Mr. Kang Sung-joon at all times. ”

Seong-jun, who saved Moscow, was hailed as a hero in Russia. So, the government had no choice but to treat him with respect.

“When can I leave? ”

Seong-jun said, Russia was very cold, unlike Korea. I eagerly wanted to go home and rest.

“Everything will be ready in an hour. ”

“That was quick.”

“In Russia, Kang Sung-joon's convenience is a top priority. Go upstairs and rest and we'll get back to you as soon as you're ready. ”

It was quicker than I thought. Liverto emphasized that he was looking after Seong-jun's convenience in Russia. Seong-jun nodded his head instead of answering, then climbed into the room and threw himself onto the bed.


The soft feel of the bed was enough to make me drowsy. Seong-jun barely woke up after 10 minutes of rolling around. Then I searched the 'Baltger Dimensional Pouch’.

Among the common stable stones, one stone shines pink. Seong-jun picked it up and put it out.

- I'm not an astrologer, but I'm pretty sure the crystal is Riodin.

Lischevalt said that the Riodin Crystal is classified as a rare stallion in this world, so the knight, Lischevalt, has not had a chance to see it often.

With this, a happy smile spread to Seong-jun's mouth thinking that he could open a permanent gateway to his hometown if he handed it over to Zeros.

With an elongated nod and a pink glow, he felt a growing popularity towards the corridor and put the Riodin Crystal back in a dimensional pocket.

Knock, knock.

“Mr. Kang Sung-joon! The chariot is ready for takeoff! We think you're good to go! ”

It was Liverpool. After placing her luggage in a dimensional pocket, she was guided from her room to the airport.

“It was a short time, but it was an honor to have you. ”

“Yes, thank you. ”

Seong-jun, who broke up with Liverpool, boarded an airplane. There was no speed of boarding because it was only a century for him.

All necessary procedures were omitted when boarding the aircraft and all other runways ceased to function.

- Taking off.

The pilot's announcement streams out from the speakers. Seong-jun lay on the bed in his private room and closed his eyes.

The crew wakes him up just before landing. After simply finishing washing, we sat down and waited for the landing to finish.

“Well done, everyone. ”

Seong-jun moved to the entrance and said. The crew stood in line and bowed their heads as Seong-jun passed by.

Last but not least, the pilot and deputy director remain. The two people who received Seong-jun's gaze smiled. The pilot opens his mouth.

“It has been a great honor to have you as the hero of Moscow, Kang Sung-joon. ”

“It was an honor for me, too. I need to go home and tell my son a story. ”

The deputy warden nodded. Seong-jun urged them to walk through the corridor to the airport, leaving a faint smile on their faces. All necessary procedures to access the airport have been omitted. Thanks to that, Seong-jun was able to leave the airport in 5 minutes.

“Here you go.”

I heard a voice familiar to me as I was leaving the airport. Seong-jun turned his head in that direction.

There was a suit and a horse. I was contacted in advance and came out.

“Well done. ”

“Everything okay? ”

“Yes. Thanks to Mr. Choi, I managed to attack a Class A dungeon without fail. ”

Han Seok was not accompanied on this trip to Russia. Remaining in South Korea, he supported the Road Guild members in attacking the dungeon.

He was a great help because he was ranked # 1 in the South Korean rankings among the S rankings.

“The sale of the stable stone was handled through the secretary. ”

Jung-cheol said, "Of course it was, but I think he said it while making regular reports."

The Lord Guild was unable to trade with the Blue Dragon Group because it had an exclusive sale agreement with the Blue Dragon Group.

“You're doing great. ”

Seong-jun nodded with a satisfied expression. The time spent in Russia was short, but we were thankful to those who carried out the dungeon raid and took care of the guild work.

“Where would you like to go? ”

“Let's go home. ”

Seong-jun answered Jung-chul's question.

* * *

Alcohol, now more intimate than friends who spent decades together. The charming blonde and green-eyed sword, Erina, took the bottle to her mouth.

The expression 'murderous’ was strong enough to match, but there was no hesitation.


She sighs with a mixture of alcoholic notes. I'm used to feeling like my esophagus is going to burn.

Even if the sword had been sober for more than a decade, my body would have been broken.

Erina quickly emptied a bottle of alcohol. I could feel the moist gaze on the dagger on the table that I didn't know when I took it out.

“Lord Rowkel……. ”

A dagger that was once the greatest knight of the Brigades, Rawkel the Swordsman gave to me in life. This is all that was left of her.

Her eyes glaze coldly as she steps forward to bring the bottle. Eyes turned to the entrance of the inn.

“You're uninvited.”

At the end of the talk, the door opens fearfully and a man with deep pressure on the gray hood walks in.

Erina raises her lip slightly. You see a faint smile on the man's mouth, who was not friendly but looked under the hood.

“You must be Earl Fade. You came to see me because you know I hate nobles. ”

“Haha. You noticed. ”

In Erina's words, Fade takes off his hood with a light smile.

“Earl Alone always comes to visit...... What brings you here this time? ”

“He's got eyes on him. ”

“I see.”

“I know you hate nobles...... but can you spare a moment? It's about Lord Rowkel. ”

Fade cautiously asked. After a brief thought, Erina nods with a short sigh.

“Good. Talking about the past shouldn't be so bad after a long time. I'm going to get us a drink.”

She brings out the green bottle. As Fade sat in the chair, Erina sat in front of him.

“Don't you miss Sir Rowkel? ”

After missing the name again, Erina's body flinches. My eyes were filled with memories whether the memories of the past had awakened.

“I miss you. I miss you so much, I can't sleep. ”

Erina speaks the truth. You'd be lying if you said you forgot about Rowkel. She had no intention of deceiving herself.

“What if... what if Lord Rowkel's swordsman shows his will?" ”

The one who crossed Rowkel's will, it soon meant disciple.

“What did you just say? ”

Erina's eyes changed. It was different from her who had been helpless so far. Seeing that, Fade opened his mouth with a smile.

“Rowkel's apprentice appears. ”

Something burst in my mind. Erina shed tears.

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