Swordmaster Healer

Master healer 234 coins

Chapter 72 Situation of the Empire (1)

“Thank you… Priest……. ”

The chief and the villagers thanked Seong-jun sincerely. I felt cautious because I was healed by a boy named Jay.

“Thank you so much……. ”

The chief keeps his head down. Seong-jun opened his mouth with a faint smile.

“Of course I did what I had to do. ”

In fact, I didn't intend to help at first, but I acted because I felt disgusted by the act of the knight who put the Brigades' sentences on my chest and did crazy things.

Not only did I defend the honor of the Knights Brigade, but I also diluted the vigilance of the villagers, so it was not a loss.

This should give you some insight into the surrounding geography and the situation of the Empire.

“Can you take a break, though? I'd like to serve a cup of tea to my savior. ”

“No, thanks. ”

“This way, please. ”

The chief led Seong-jun to his home. It was a small, old hut by the well.

“You may sit comfortably. ”

The chief said, wiping off the sweat on his forehead. I was still extremely tense after the knight's liberation a while ago.

Seong-jun nodded his head and sat down in a chair. The chief brought out a warm tea.

“I don't know if this will suit you. This is all we have... ”

“No, it's delicious. ”

Seong-jun smiled and replied. In his past life, he could have been a knight by recognition of his talents, but he was not a nobleman with a title. So I didn't have a fancy mouth.

“I'm glad.”

“May I ask you a few questions? ”

“Of course. I'd be happy to answer any questions I might have. ”

The chief nods happily. All he could do now was answer a question.

Seong-jun didn't intend to ask a lot of questions. It was a small town, so there must have been limited information available.

“I'm lost, but is there a city nearby? ”

“About a day's ride north of Avenhal. ”

The flag the soldier was carrying a while ago, and if the chief is sure the city of Abenhal is nearby, this was the province of Terence.

“Thanks for letting me know. ”

“I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful to you. ”

“That's enough. ”

It was luxurious to expect big help in a poor and small town. Seong-jun, who repeatedly told the chief she was sorry, began to move toward Abenhall.

The horse came with a knight, so I was able to arrive in one day, as the chief said.

There are guards at the gate, but there are no inspections. Most Imperial cities did not conduct inspections unless something special happened. Of course, since the immunity, there have rarely been any inspections.

- If the Emperor ordered the conscription, the announcement would remain in the square.

Lischewald said there is a billboard in the city square. It was mainly a place where the name, lord's order, or guild quest were posted.

In addition to those, it was also a place where many outsiders searched because the Empire and the city's current status and information were posted.

Seong-jun nodded his head and moved to the square. I had visited this place in my past life, so I was able to arrive in the square without getting lost without a map. Properly installed signboards were also involved.

Soon after arriving in the square, Seong-jun examined the bulletin board, but nothing related to the order of enlistment was published.

- I don't see anything special. The story of the war against the Royal Alliance is all about victory, and there is nothing about the battle of Riddick Plain at all.

“Of course you didn't announce because you lost. ”

Seong-jun told me that only those who know about the battle in Riddick Plain are involved in the military.

The nature of the Imperial Army would have given them an order. That's why the square must be so quiet. It was obvious.

On the contrary, the Royal Society will announce a great victory on the plains of Riddick. For them, the battle of Riddick Plain was a meaningful battle that turned the tide with the help of Seong-jun after the ongoing defeat.

“Is the order for a massive conscription yet...? ”

Seong-jun stepped into the back alley and spat out to himself. Hearing that, Lischevald opens his mouth calmly.

- Even if they resist, it's like recruiting a hierarchy that's easy to push with force.

“The poor and powerless.... ”

Their other name was‘ Slum ’. In retrospect of history, they were always forced to fight on the front lines if there was a danger to the empire or if the conditions of war were not good.

After deploying a large number of human shields to weaken the enemy's stamina, mobilizing elite troops was a basic strategic tactic used by the Empire.

“Should I go to the Slum? ”

Once the conscription targeted at the Slum has begun, it will be hard to get information about it at the inn.

Basically, it was because ordinary people were not interested in the poor.

- I think so, too.

Lischevald nodded and agreed. Soon, Seong-jun moved on. Luckily, Seongjun remembered the structure of Abenhal's city, although there was no way to tell him how to get to the Slum.

- I can't feel a thing.

The Slum was empty. Seong-jun urged me to take a step. I was going to look around a little more.

Abenhal was a big city. The size of the slums was not small either. They would have collected more than 3,000.

They wouldn't mobilize all of them, because they would be mixed up with women, elderly people and children.

At least Seong-jun thought so. But it soon came to me that it was a mistake.

“No one...?" ”

The vast slum is empty. I couldn't find any rats. That was the moment I thought about it.

“If you don't want to die, come out now. ”

You feel a tingling sensation. Not only does your voice sink low because you're not in a good mood, but it also flows to a clear life. Suddenly, he had a sword in his hand.

“I'm sorry. Knight... Please save me... ”

A small head protrudes from the narrow sewers. It was a child. Seong-jun was in a hurry to live. Then the boy's expression improved a little.

“Please save me... Knight... If I'm not here, my brothers will starve to death..." ”

The boy kneels and bows. When I looked closely, I had an awfully dry body to match the expression that there were only bones left.

Seeing the pathetic little boy trembling, Seong-jun sighed and turned the sword back into a ring.

“It's going to be okay. Nothing's gonna happen. ”

Seong-jun said in the softest voice and threw off the old robe. Then the priestly outfit of pure white appeared.

“Sa, were you a priest? ”

The boy who raised his head cautiously asked. There were many who thought that priests were unconditionally good.

Seeing the restorative nature of the priest's uniform, even the child in front of me seemed to be that kind.

“Let's just say that for now. ”

“Priest! Please help me! ”

The boy asked for help.

“Is anyone hurt? ”

“Yes! This way! ”

The boy grabbed Seong-jun's collar and led her somewhere. Could she have walked for five minutes? You've reached the outskirts of the Slum.

A terrible stench touches the tip of my nose. Seong-jun immediately recognized the identity of the stench.

"Dead bodies. Lots of them. ’

You can smell the massive corpses you can smell on the battlefield in the Slum? I had an ominous thought.


The boy is in a hurry. He walks for another five minutes. And Seong-jun should not have seen it. A hell of a place to go to.

“Please… please treat these women……. ”

Dozens of Slum have gathered. Half of them were rotting to death. Half of the people who survived were also in poor condition. It was bloody.

“I don't have anything...... but I'll do anything, so please...! ”

“Healing spray. ”

Seong-jun did not hesitate to scatter a white swarm of light. Those who were still breathing were healed by Seong-jun's divine power. Those who were unconscious opened their eyes with difficulty.

The boy glanced at the scene and saw both eyes.

“Sa, Priest! Thank you so much!”

“Oh my! The priest saved us! ”

In the terrible pain, those who were released gathered to Seong-jun with tears. I could glimpse the emotions in their tears.

“I need to ask you a few questions. Just one more minute. ”

At the same time, if you heard from several people, it could not be communicated properly.

At Seong-jun's words, the old man raised his hands with a calm expression. I didn't seem very wary because I was healed by Seong-jun.

“If that's what I know, I'll answer it. ”

The old man said.

“What happened? ”

“Soldiers came and enlisted the people here. The rebels were killed. This is what happened when we tried to keep our families from being taken from us. ”

“There aren't many of us left, but are the women and the elderly in prison? ”

Seong-jun asked. He looked around the Slum, but it seemed like everyone who was hiding was all he could see.

“Because we resisted, women and the elderly were imprisoned. Even young children.... ”

The old man was furious and could not finish his sentence. He has lived as a slum in the Empire for many years.

So I knew where the Slum was in the Empire. Usually, when the Slum is mobilized in war, they receive short training and then only carry spears and shields to the front. Even the armor is not paid.

“How long has it been? ”

“I think it's been about three days. ”

Seong-jun shakes his head. He must have traveled quite a long distance in three days. I wanted to help if I was nearby, but I didn't want to give up intelligence gathering and leave the city.

- State troopers approaching.

Lischewald said, "Sung-jun bit his lip a little." The expression of divine power was detected by the healing spray on the side of the city guard.

Since the sacred power was used in the remaining favelas, most of them were enlisted and dying, they seemed suspicious and sent troops.

“Behind me. ”

“W-what's going on? ”

When Seong-jun's expression became serious and the atmosphere changed, people shook. We did not transform 'Roel’ into a sword, because people could shake more heavily.

“Looks like the guards are coming this way. ”

“Yo, guard? ”

People's faces turned pale. Soon, knights and guards were coming from the place where Seong-jun's gaze was directed.

“Priest! Did you heal those poor rats? ”

The knight said in a sharp voice. At the end that was poured out from the beginning, Seong-jun frowned.

“If so?”

“Haven't you heard the Lord's command? ”

“There's no one who can give me orders. ”

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