Swordmaster Healer

Master healer 241 coins

Chapter 74 Righteous Carnage (1)

“The connection between dimensional corrections and cracks is stable. ”

“Good work.”

Calico picks up the staff on his side when he receives the report. Now that the connection is stabilized, it's time to open up the dimensional gate.

As he pulls up his magical power, the dimensional crystal resonates, creating a small sequence in the air.

Joon-suk, Seonwoo and Hunters were curiously glaring at the creation process of the dimensional gateway.

“I've never seen a dimensional gateway being created before, but it's not bad. ”

Joon-suk said, looking at the wave of magical power spreading to all sides with a beautiful look. The sight in front of him was the beginning of Raid's situation, which could have killed a lot of people.

Even though I was deeply involved in the beginning of it, I could not find guilt in his voice.

“The Lord's Guild is fine. There is an SS class Hunter called Kang Sung-jun, but he didn't build an information network properly either. ”

“Right? There seems to be an exaggeration of Kang Sung-jun's assessment, no matter how much I think about it. The SS class hunter is no big deal. ”

It was the third place in South Korea's class S Hunter ranking, Joon-suk who was in tune with Han Seon-woo's words. He seemed to have completely forgotten that he was scared of Seong-jun in the past. Maybe he didn't have to say it.

“That's right! He was the only SS class Hunter in South Korea, so there was no exaggeration! ”

Ahn Hyun-tae, chairman of the Skull Group, also fought back.

“With so many Hunters... We can stop him even if Kang Sung-jun shows up now. ”

The leader of the Titan guild, ranked 5th in the Republic of Korea, said Jung-Seok, a class A magical hunter with his mouth raised and his head nodded.

“Sung-joon Kang? He can cut off his limbs and hit his neck in five seconds. There's a paper difference between an SS and an S. ”

“We only trust you, Ahn Jun-seok Hunter and Han Sun-woo Hunter! Hahaha!”

Seeing the cool inhalation of Kim Chik Souk, Seong-jun shakes his head. Lischewald stares at them with a fierce look.

- How dare you insult the Lord! You have to be smart!

Seong-jun was the same idea. Instead of answering, he shifted his gaze toward dimensional correction. The dimensional gateway seemed to be opening soon. It meant it was time to move. Seong-jun pulled out the ‘Hark's Dagger’ which was hanging from his waist.

You finished transforming Roel with a sword before entering the node, but there aren't many weapons that can be as effective at stopping an enemy's breath as a dagger in close proximity.

- The Dimensional Gateway is opening.

Lischevald reports that Seong-jun is as close to the dimensional crystal as possible to hide his body.

He was good at clearing his head and hiding in the dark, even without using the item's stealth function.

"The Dimensional Gateway is about to open. ”

Caligo's men report. Enough magical force was gathered for dimensional insemination and the connection was stable.

Caligo opened the Dimensional Gateway by controlling the magic gathered in the staff. Hundreds of red glares flash through the darkness.

“Welcome to Earth. ”

The Orc chieftains and swordsmen of the Dimensional Orc set foot on the ground first, as Caligo greeted them in a biennial language.

- The Dimensional Gateway is completely open! At this rate, the Dungeon Administration would have detected it!

Lischevald said, "Seong-jun took a step up with his dagger." I didn't have to do a high-speed maneuver. The distance between you and the Orc chieftain was narrowed in no time.

“It's time for a blood festival! Kuhahaha!”

“The Orcs' blood, of course. ”

With the answer, Seong-jun stabbed the Dagger in the side of the Orc Tribe. I was going to sever my spine, but the Orc chieftain felt faint and swiftly twisted to avoid the worst.

“What, what? ”

“It's Kang Sung-jun!”

Class S hunters and Calico later realized the attack on Seong-jun and pulled out their weapons. Seong-jun slashed the head of the Orc chieftain with his sword while their weapon was pointing at him.

“Me, crazy! ”

“Oh, my God! ”

Despite being ambushed, the beast of the SS class lower tier has lost its life in a single blow. Then everyone who gathered to protect the dimensional crystal realized.

“Hee, were you hiding your powers...? ”

I spit out what someone was thinking.

“Lightning Trap. ”

Calico hurries to complete the High Magic. But it was too late. Seong-jun was already not there.

“I've got all your information. Baron Noble Order. ”


Seong-jun coldly spit it out. Calico senses something piercing his abdomen. At the same time, I felt cold and intense pain.

I was trained, but I was forced to vomit out the agonizing groan. While he was stumbling, the sword that Seong-jun plunged through his heart.

“This is the SS class...? ”

Someone said they had never seen Seong-jun's battle here before. It was too fast to read the movement.

Among the S class hunters in Korea, it was difficult for Joon-suk and Seon-woo at the top.

“Storm Blade.”

“Oh, it's coming! ”

“Absolute Shield! ”

Joon-suk completed the ‘Absolut Shield’, a great magic that was somewhat overpowering and boasting strong defense power.



Others try to defend themselves, but they collapse empty-handed in front of the squadrons. There are more than 30 people, but after one storm sword, only 20 elites remain.

They were all A-rank hunters. But not all of them were fine. Some were wounded and bleeding red.

Seong-jun scattered his cold gaze at them and threw himself into the dimensional crystal. Seeing that, Sunwoo wields his two shortswords with his high-speed movements.

However, I quickly narrowed my distance to Seong-jun, like a class S combat hunter who is considered to be close to SS.

“Do you think I'll let it go! ”

A shimmering error has been deformed by the shortsword. It stretched like a whip and flew towards Seongjun.

The speed was so fast that a typical Class S hunter could not avoid it easily. However, it seemed very slow to Seong-jun.

Seong-jun took a step back and avoided the Sun Wu's attack. He swung his sword and smashed the dimensional crystal.

“Oh, no... ”

Dimensional Gateway Destroyed. The summoned Orcs have been summoned and the remaining hunters have not been able to hide their pale faces.

“What the hell is going on……. ”

Ahn Hyun-tae, chairman of the Skull Group, noticed Seong-jun's intervention after the dimensional crystal was destroyed. The reaction rate was slow. He was only a Class B Hunter.

“Welcome sword.”


When the welcome sword was used, Sun Wu screamed. The left arm is severed. Red blood spills out and he hurries back. You attempt to defend yourself at the same time as the completion of the Welcome Blade, but you are unable to stop a Welcome Blade from allowing your left arm.

“Ahn Jun-seok! What are you doing!”


Joon-suk completed the Great Magic instead of the answer. A huge ball of fire flew towards Seong-jun in the magic circle painted in the air. With a heavy crash, the flames of hell spread all over the place.



It was a hastily completed spell that failed to control its power. Several other hunters have been caught up.

“He's not dead yet! The magic system pours out all the attack magic! ”

“Hah, but Ahn Jun-seok…… his friend…. ”

“It doesn't matter! Focus all your firepower! ”

Everyone was reluctant to follow Joon-suk's orders and cast attack magic where Seong-jun was. The ground shook like an earthquake.

The magical bombardment strikes the ground relentlessly and dirt clouds your vision.

“Joo, are you dead? ”

Someone says, there's nothing coming out of the dirt, and I can't feel the flow of magic. At first glance, the existence of Kang Sung-jun seemed to be disabled.

“Don't stop! Keep pouring!”

Joon-suk sent a blast to come with instructions. The magical hunters did not stop bombing the area.

“Magical response? ”

“I can't feel it at all! ”

You cast attack magic that changed the terrain. In general, I felt like I couldn't survive. The problem was that Seong-jun was not a ‘common’ hunter.

“Boss! There's no more magic left! ”

Hunters' magic had its limits. To stop Seong-jun, the magic of the magical hunters in the higher ranks was inevitable.

“Stop the attack! Clear view!”

Joon-suk gives the order. A magical hunter who still has his magical powers opens his mouth, shaking his staff.


A magical force stirs up the wind and banishes the dirt. And there was a torn corpse.

“Han Sunwoo……. ”

It wasn't Seong-jun's body. A precursor. The arm is cut off, and either it hasn't escaped the influence of a magical bombing, or the corpse has been badly damaged to find its way back to life.

“Where did Kang Sung-jun go? ”

Joon-suk shouted in a sharp voice. The user raises its sword and injects a magical force to inflict an error. He was a magical hunter, but a user who came at the same time. He raises his horsepower for near-detection, but he feels nothing.

“Well, I'm not sure……. ”

“I don't feel anything at all. ”

Joon-suk at the top of the S-Class Hunter couldn't detect anything, but there was no way other hunters could read Seong-jun's movements.

“Is the fun over? ”

You're behind your back. Joon-suk feels a chill and casts his magic towards the back.


A class A combat hunter collapses screaming. When Joon-suk turned around, there was no Seong-jun there.

“Where did you go.... ”

The sharp gaze sweeps around. However, I couldn't find Seong-jun.


“Oh, where are you! ”

Another Class A Hunter spills red blood and collapses. Someone groaned at the feeling of helplessness.

Joon-suk gripped his teeth. The same was true of feeling powerless.


Hunters continue to fall by an invisible blade. There are fewer than 10 people left.


“Requested! They'll be here soon! ”

He replies with a trembling voice to the question of the situation. You hear someone scream again, and shortly after, other guild leaders gather with the executive hunters.

“Is this how all the guild leaders get together? ”

Seong-jun showed up. I stopped time so that all the other guild masters could gather.

“Kang Sung-joon!”

A flash flashed. Joon-suk burst a magical light to confuse Seong-jun's vision. At the same time, he threw himself at Seong-jun and swung his sword. The blade flashes.

“This is my fastest! ”


“Huh…? ”

Joon-suk lost his balance. I saw my left arm and left leg, cut off in a wobbly field of vision, dancing with blood scattered.

I applied enhanced magic to my whole body, but I couldn't keep up with Seong-jun's movements. I couldn't even see it.

Seeing Joon-suk's face filled with despair for a moment, Seong-jun opened his mouth with cold water.

“This is the difference between you and me. ”

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