Swordmaster Healer

Master healer, 254 coins.

Chapter 78 Receive the Imperial Order! (2)

Ares' footsteps from the wagon rushed towards the imperial palace.

It was said to be in a SEAL uniform, but the imperial guards suddenly appeared, trying to move forward.

“Commander of the Special Forces! We need to get to know the Emperor now! ”

Ares reveals his identity in a loud voice. Then the Imperial Guards, who were trying to block his face, quickly stepped back. The Imperial Guards knew that Ares was the closest thing the Emperor had to an emperor.

The road is open. Ares heads for the throne room. After a 10 minute walk along the long, wide corridor, I was able to arrive in front of the throne room.

“To the Emperor, tell him the Commander of the Special Forces is here. Tell them it's urgent! ”

“I understand!”

The imperial bodyguard guarding the door responded in a forceful voice and told me that Ares had come.

“You may enter. ”

An Imperial Guard told me the Emperor's words. The door opened, revealing the spectacular interior of the throne room. The emperor sits on the throne at the end of the red carpet.

“Welcome. Earl Ares. It's urgent to see you here without any contact. ”

“Emperor! This should be addressed in the locker room! ”

There is a passageway to the throne room. High-class conversations come and go here, usually not in the throne room.

“Open the door in the locker room. ”

The Emperor commands. The Imperial Guards have opened the door to the Chamber. The emperor entered the locker room with Ares.

For the Emperor's safety, only one of the SS commanders was accompanied. The rest of the SS remained in the throne room.

Ares did not stop the Imperial Guard commander from accompanying him. He was the nearest to the Emperor and was one of the few to know of the existence of classified documents stored in the underground Royal Library of the Central City of Terence.

“I'll close the door. ”

The emperor nods and the imperial guard closes the door to the Chamber. It's completely isolated from the outside. There was no worry that the sound of the conversation would leak as powerful magic tricks were guarding it.

“Now that there is only 'we', tell me. ”

Ares opened his mouth calmly because everyone in the locker room knew the existence or contents of classified documents that were being kept in the Royal Library of the Central City of Terence.

“The main city of Terencia was attacked. The full report will be published shortly. ”

“What? Is confidential document number 13, which was being kept in the Royal Library, secure? ”

Scared of hearing Ares' brief report, the Emperor's first question was the whereabouts of the Confidential Document 13, which had been sleeping in the secret vault of the Royal Library, not the Lord's survival or damage to the city.

I could give a rough idea of how important it was to sleep inside just by looking at the priorities above the other questions.

“I've been robbed.”

Ares said with a trembling voice. I dared not raise my head, because I was the one who suggested that I keep Confidential Document 13 in a place other than the capital.

“Earl, are you telling me that Confidential Document 13 was stolen? ”

I asked as if the emperor blamed me.

“I'm not making excuses. ”

“Didn't the Brigades say they had high-ranking knights? I thought they were the strongest in the 15th place...? ”

“Lord Shillings was guarding it in 11th place... but he was killed in action. ”

Ares' answer shook the eyes of the emperor. The name of the Knights Brigade's 11th rank was never lighter.

“Given the power surge to defeat the Knights Brigade's 11th rank, there's a good chance he knew the existence of Confidential Document 13. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been able to move this much power by attacking the underground Royal Library. ”


“We don't know who's behind this yet. But they will never be friendly to the Emperor. ”

Ares replied calmly. The emperor's expression became serious.

“Earl Ares. You know how important classified document 13 is, don't you? ”

“Of course, Emperor. ”

“I think I would know just how much harm I would do if the content was made public. ”

“I will do my best to reclaim it. ”

That was the best answer I could give right now.

“I will tell Lord Balian, the Knight of the Brigades, not to spare any reinforcements. Take back Confidential Document 13, by all means and means. ”

“I accept your order! ”

“You may step back. ”

The emperor says, "Ares bows his head and leaves the Imperial Palace." When he returned to the mansion set in Hwang, he sat on the chair in the library and filled his cup with a short sigh.

Later, Bolt, the Chief Investigation Officer, entered the library and submitted a report.

“A sign of using a dimensional gateway? ”

Ares, who finished the first fast reading by moving his eyes quickly, asked. Bolts nod and open their mouths.

“According to the research team's maestrologists, it's clear they've gone to Earth. ”

“Then was it the ‘White Devil'...? ”

“The most powerful. ”

I read the other reports, but everything was telling me that the White Devil was powerful.

We found out who did it, but the problem was the White Devil. According to the information collected so far, the 'Haran Devil’ was clearly an Earthling.

But that was all the information the Imperial Reconnaissance had on him.

“Get me everything you can on the White Devil. ”

Ares gives the order. Bolt acts immediately. I've brought all the information related to the White Devil. But there was no useful information.

“I understand the League has a lot of information about the White Devil. Why don't you trade intel with them? ”

The bolt bites carefully, but Ares shakes his head nervously.

“I'd like to avoid creating a debt to the League, if possible. ”

The Empire and the Tribal Alliance were allies, and Ares was the noble who supported it, but the honest perception of the Tribal Alliance was no different from that of the late Fae.

Even though it was not a personal perception, in the long run, I felt it was not good to create debt in the Tribal Union.

“You have an order, are you sure about that? ”

“It doesn't matter if there's another way. ”

The report is over. Bolt has retreated and another visitor has come for you. The new guest was Balian, the top 13th Knight of the Council.

“I came to follow the imperial decree. Good morning, Earl Ares. ”

After entering the library, Balian sits in front of Ares.

“It is difficult to support the 13 Knights. ”

Balian said decisively. Ares nods calmly.

Among the imperial swords, there were 13 knights assembled by a powerful force of 13 elite.

I wish I could get their support, but it was a luxury to ask for their help in a situation where the Royal Alliance is taking on a great opposition. Ares didn't even expect it from the beginning.

“But I think we can support the Knights Brigade. ”

With the order given, we can at least anticipate the support of the Knights Brigade. It was a question of which order the knight was moving.

“What is the top number of articles you can send me? ”

“Sequence 8 soid. Rank 9 Harrence. And I'm going to send you top-10 toben. ”

“Are you sure you want to do this? ”

As the war against the Royal Alliance escalated, I did not expect to support three talented people within the ranking of 10.

“Of course, Earl Ares. Confidential 13 is of great importance, isn't it? We must reclaim it for the Emperor and the Empire as soon as possible. ”

Balian says. Ares nods, too.

“The Imperial Tower has agreed to send the Grand Wizard Antelk. With this much power, we can bring down a small country. I think Earl Ares has a great plan. ”

“Of course.”

Ares raises his mouth. He is the Commander of the Special Forces. The plan was always ready.

* * *

“I have to go to Russia for a while. ”

Seong-jun said, Jung who was sitting in front of him reviewing the report raised his head.

“Russia? ”

“Yes. At the same time, I wanted to see how far I could move the Russian Federation forces. ”

“Very well. Leave the guild to me. ”

Jung-cheol said, Seong-jun smiled and nodded. I could trust her because she was confident about what she was doing with the train. And Hanseok would always be with us just in case. So, no worries.

After the report, the train returned. Seong-jun sent an email to Liverto, a former Federal Security Service agent, saying he would visit Russia soon.

[I will send a charter.]

Liberdo replied. Seongjun took a charter from the Russian Federal Security Bureau to Moscow.

Across the border, a fleet of Russian Air Force fighters were escorted. Seong-jun's charter landed at the temporary airport used in Moscow's defense war.

“Mr. Kang Sung-joon! This is it!”

It was in Korean. Liberto was waiting for you in the service corridor. Seong-jun approached him and lightly shook his hand.

“It's been a while.”

“Yes! Welcome back to Russia! ”

Liverto greets you with a lively voice.

“What about the Director of Federal Security? ”

“I'm waiting at the shrine. ”

I came out of a temporary airport building. Seong-jun and Liverpool took a car waiting for them and headed to the shrine that Hanoff had been waiting for. Hanoff is waiting for you and Liberto in the Oval Office.

“The Guild Master is here? ”

Hanoff bows.

“Everything okay? ”

“Yes, there were no special issues except what I wrote down in my periodic report. ”

Liverto translated the conversation between the two. The usual conversation ended. Seong-jun opened his mouth calmly to get the point out.

“How far has the Russian military taken over? ”

“To put it simply, half of the Russian Federation will respond if the guild leader summons them. ”

The results were good, although Seong-jun used to have top command of the Russian Federation forces, but he needed a lot of military consent to mobilize properly. But now Hanoff's answer tells us that he has been devoted to taking over the military.

“Can you take over? ”

“It's hard to say. The rest of us are in control in the United States. The current Russian president, Piotr, is an American. ”

Hanoff replies. Seong-jun narrows his eyes and bites his lips slightly.

“America is the problem……. ”

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