Swordmaster Healer

Master healer 258 coins

Chapter 79 Confidential (2)

[Savior of New York!]

[A new best is born!]

[SSS Grade Hunter Kang Sung-jun's Action!]

[End of Raid? But the enemy? The government is silent?]

[Ask the Federal Government for an explanation!]

The next day, Seong-jun decorated the front page of every major newspaper across the United States, as well as New York.

It has been widespread that South Korea's SSS-class hunter, Seong-jun, has defeated some of the most powerful SSS-class hunters in the United States and questionable enemies that have led to Leia's defeat.

Americans who like to talk about heroes showed great interest. The United States heroized Seong-jun.

It was true, but to buy time to explain the sudden emergence of mysterious enemies with the Raid situation closed.


Seong-jun woke up with a deep sigh. After checking the clock, it was already past noon. The first thing he did was check the status of Zoid and Toben.

- There was no anomaly.

Lischevald said, but Seong-jun didn't stop to check. He preferred thoroughness.

I tore the scroll, just in case, to enhance my restraining technique. Then he sat by the window and rested for a while.

Did he spend half an hour drinking tea? A message has arrived from Jennifer.

[Are you awake?]

[Yes, you can come.]

Soon after sending a reply, the door opens with a light knock. Jennifer walks in with a calm expression.

“Sung-jun Kang. Did you have a good rest?”

“Yes. I was able to relax. ”

Seong-jun emptied his tea cup answering Jennifer's question.

“President Aiden requests to see Mr. Kang Sung-joon. If you have a moment, he says he will come himself. ”

“I'm fine. Tell them to come. They'll only be here for two days. ”

Seong-jun happily nodded. It seemed like he was asking to meet again to say thank you for saving New York.

I didn't mean to refuse to come in person to say thank you. I was going to stay in the United States for two days anyway.

Even Hunters accumulate quite a lot of fatigue for long distance flights, so they needed a moderate break. Jennifer's expression brightened upon her acceptance.

“I'll take it to the White House. ”

After finishing saying that, after Jennifer left the room, Seong-jun picked up her smartphone and called Zero internationally.

- Tell me, Sir Kang Sung-joon.

Zeros answered the phone.

“We've got about two subjects, what do you think? ”

If you don't mind, can you tell me the level of the subject?

“They both had the same level of combat skills as SSS-grade hunters. One severed his left arm and his left leg, and the other only severed his right arm. ”

- Interesting. SSS-grade hunters in the United States, the ones who defeated Leia?

I felt an excitement in my voice. The news that he had a good test subject awakened his curiosity and research instincts.

“Yes, it was the top 8 and 10 Knights of the Knights Brigade. ”

- I'm surprised Lord Kang didn't ‘deal’ with it. I know you don't leave any behind...

“I just did too much to kill. I captured him alive because I thought it would be better for him to suffer with his life. ”

Seong-jun replied.

- Well, I wanted to do some research, but I'm going to have to use it as your test subject. It's a Chimera-related study... Are you sure you want to proceed? If you refuse because the process is unethical, I will stop.

Zeros cautiously asked. Seong-jun lifted his mouth. I liked Zero's expression of unethical.

“I like that it's unethical. Okay, get ready to proceed as soon as the test subjects arrive. ”

- Thank you, Sir Kang Sung-joon.

The call is over.

Are you sure you want to authorize a Chimera experiment?

Lischewald asked. He was knightly strong and conservative. It was also a class that did not easily understand the pathological curiosity and research instincts of the authors.

“Lischevald. Once again, I did not promise them a knightly end. I think that's enough of an answer. ”

- Understood, I won't add. Sorry about that.

The faithful soulmate bows his head and apologizes. For a moment, you seem to have forgotten the evil deeds of Soyd and Toben. When Seong-jun reminded me, I thought again and convinced him. Seong-jun nodded calmly.

“As expected, President Aiden will be arriving tomorrow, so let's be prepared. ”

Seong-jun said, Lischevald nods and opens his mouth.

- Excellent idea, as always, Lord!

The forecast was correct, and the next day, before 11am, Jennifer came back and announced that President Aiden was visiting just before 4pm.

“The President has arrived. Go to the banquet hall.”

It was 3: 00 p.m. Jennifer opens her door and heads out to announce President Aiden's arrival.

I didn't have to wear a suit. The priestly uniform I always wore was enough. He dressed up and walked to the banquet hall. Jennifer follows.

At the banquet hall, Aiden arrived first and was waiting for Seong-jun. When the door opened and Seong-jun walked in, Aiden stood up with the attendants.

“You got here first. ”

When asked, Aiden opened his mouth with a faint smile.

“I just got here. I didn't wait long. ”

“I'm glad.”

Seong-jun sat in front of Aiden with an answer. Then Aiden sat down in a chair. The conversation began in a warm atmosphere.

At first, I simply asked him how he was doing, but soon the topic of the conversation changed to New York.

“Thank you so much for saving New York and America. Just when Miss Leia was defeated, I thought the world would crumble. ”

Leah was America's best hunter. It seemed that there would be no defeat in her name. So this time, her defeat was a shock to the Americans.

“I hear you have the prisoner. Did you find out who they are? ”

“This is the second man. It looks like he landed for reconnaissance. ”

Though not investigated separately, the armor of the Knights Brigade and the robes of the Imperial Tower proved that they were imperial guards. Since Aiden doesn't know about the Empire yet, Seong-jun explained appropriately.

“A two-sided man... I didn't know he was this threatening. ”

“I think we're here to test our defenses. This is just the beginning. We don't know when the mainland will land. ”

Seong-jun deliberately told Aiden the worst situation and instilled a sense of awareness about the dignity of this world. If you're lucky, you might get a head start in the United States.

‘Unlike magic, modern weapons work for humans in this world. ’

It was because there was no magical skin.

‘It'll be easier if the Americans move. ’

Seong-jun smiled inside. In this disaster, the United States would have also raised the bar for the existence of this world.

“You mean the headquarters is landing...? ”

Aiden's voice trembles. Seong-jun nodded and opened his mouth.

“Dungeon Raid is the beginning of an invasion. If we stay still, we will be defeated. ”

“You mean a preemptive strike? ”

“I can mobilize half the Russians. If you cooperate in the United States, the entire Russian army will move. Depending on the situation, we may be able to move the Korean military. ”

Violent empires can be threatened by Russian, American and Korean forces as they move. At least the regular soldiers will be able to handle it.

It was a matter of elite troops, perhaps superhumans, but it was a matter of contacting the Liberation Army to get their help or mobilizing Hunter forces.

“Madam President, it's time to make a decision. The United States has already been attacked. Are you going to stand there and do nothing? ”

Seong-jun said in a sharp voice. The attack has begun. If the Empire wishes, we can still land the expedition on on Earth.

“If the United States is ready, can you send troops to this area? ”

“It's hard right now, but it won't take long. ”

The archaeologist Zeros said he could find a way to send an army into the second world once he had enough Riodin crystals.

“Very well. In time, I will mobilize the American army. ”

* * *

Having received confirmation from U.S. President Aiden that he was moving to the U.S. military, Seong-jun returned to Korea the next day. He returned to the mansion in a car prepared by Jeongchul and made rings and necklaces of the Knights Brigade of +21 and +16 rivers, respectively, and immediately visited Zeros' workshop.

“Are you here?”

Zeros welcomed you.

“These are the subjects I told you about. ”

Seong-jun took out two large bags from the dimensional pockets. Zeros gives you an interesting glance and opens his bag. Soyd and Toben reveal themselves.

The magical shaft was broken and bound with a restraining technique, but his consciousness was intact. Their eyes were filled with fear.

“Do you want me to untie you? ”

“Leave it alone, it's gonna be noisy. ”

“I understand.”

It was a voice full of regrets, but I did not disagree with Seong-jun's words. Zeros whistles a nostril and magically transports Zoid and Toben to the test subjects' spaces.

They tremble with a face of horror, whether they have faced a terrible end.

Even the trained knights were terrified of the future, and Zeros' workshop and experimental area were terrified.

“What happened to confidential documents? ”

“I was going to report it if I didn't. We uncovered a release procedure about an hour ago. ”

It was good news. A smile spread over Seong-jun's mouth.

“I was just about to open it. ”

Zeros pulls out the cylinder. As Seong-jun approached, Zeros held a release ceremony. The seal breaks and the cylinder opens and scrolls out of the recorded contents. Seong-jun swallowed it and picked it up.

Expand the scroll and look down. Zeros, who saw it, opened his mouth trembling with his eyes.

“Sung-joon Kang. What does it say?”

Seong-jun didn't answer. No, I couldn't answer.

“Seong-jun Kang? ”

“It's a cryptography. Those Empire bastards... They annoy me. ”

“May I take a look? ”

Zeros cautiously asked. Seong-jun handed me the scroll instead of the answer.

“It may take some time, but it's not impossible to decipher. ”

“That's what Zeros says! ”

Seong-jun was amazed. Zeros opened his mouth with a smile on his mouth.

“I was the best mathematician in the empire. There's no trick I can't decipher. ”

I wasn't overconfident. He was an archaeologist who had the best name in the empire, and his skills were excellent.

Seong-jun, who had memories of her previous life, knew. His loyal Soul Deputy, Lischevald, was also aware of it.

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