Swordmaster Healer

Master healer 264 coins

81 Encounters (3)

“Then will Lord Erina be in charge of Node Defense?" ”

Heinz told me that the Imperial Swordsman should be prepared to attack the Node. Erina nods instead of answering.

“I will organize reinforcements. ”

“You don't have to. One Advice is enough. There's a lot of movement, and secrecy goes down. ”

Even if the elites followed, they were only a distraction in the battle between swords.

“I suppose so. ”

Although Seong-jun did not add it, Heinz was not unaware enough to see the hidden intentions immediately.

“Then take Lord Apikel as a guide. I'm from the 88th place in the Knights Brigade... I won't be a bother. ”

Heinz carefully suggested. If you ranked 88th in the Brigades, you could see your skills were proven. Seong-jun happily nodded. I didn't think it would interfere.

“Very well. Let's get going. ”

“I'll get Lord Apikel. ”

In Seongjun's answer, Heinz called Abigail, who was waiting elsewhere for a while.

“You wanted to see me?”

“Do you remember the point of contact with the outside when the Red Forest was surrounded? ”

The Liberation Army had a designated contact point in case the Node was surrounded and communication was blocked. It was to double check if you knew it.

“Of course. I remember exactly. ”

It was a confident voice. Seeing that, Heinz nods with a satisfied expression.

“Excellent. I'll let you be my guide." ”

Soon, Heinz's gaze turned towards Seong-jun.

“Sir Kang Seong-jun... are you leaving right away? ”

“I think that would be good. ”

Seong-jun replied, saying he won the battle a little while ago, but the Imperial Army's siege is getting closer and closer. I didn't have time to relax.

“I'm ready! ”

He shouts. His voice is full of confidence. The fact that he could stand on a battlefield like the sword was enough to raise him.

“Looks like Lord Apikel is ready, too. Can you wait one hour, though? We will mobilize Liberation troops to engage in a disruption operation. Lord Kang Sung-jun will help us break through the siege. ”

“Thank you, Lord Heinz. ”

If the Liberation Army moves its troops for disruption, the Imperial Siege will be shaken briefly. Seongjun and Abikel had to target a small gap that would be created at that moment.

“It won't take long. ”

Heinz said he soon gathered troops from the riot operation and that Seong-jun was ready to catch his breath with Abigail. Soon after, Heinz came back for Seong-jun.

“The army is ready. ”

At first, I said it would take about an hour, but it was only 30 minutes.

“Give me a signal when the disturbance begins. I will act immediately.”

“When the battle with the Empire begins, I will fire a flare. ”

Heinz replies. Seong-jun nods. A band of Liberation Soldiers marched to disrupt the Empire army. Soon after, they encountered the Empire army and started fighting.

“Fire the flare. ”

The messenger fires a pre-prepared flare into the sky. Red sparks drenched the dark night sky.

Seongjun and Abigail, who were hiding from the outside of the Node, immediately took action after noticing a red signal.

“I'll show you the way. ”

Abigail moves ahead. Stealth walking moves like a knight from the Knights Brigade is comparable to skilled assassins.

Seong-jun killed Pilgrim and moved on. Movement speed was faster to use Hidden Skill.

I had to move in secret, so I had to walk without using a horse.

There was a significant decrease in the number of patrols in the forest, either because the Liberation Army mobilized a large number of troops to conduct a riot.

“How much longer? ”

“It's the fastest way. At this rate, you'll have to travel another four hours. ”

Apostle replied to Seong-jun's question. They were moving as fast as they could, as discreetly as possible.

The speed of movement was slightly slower than riding a horse because both of them had surpassed human limits.

“It's only two hours away. ”

Abigail reported.

“Wait, stop. ”

Seong-jun stopped Abigail.

“I can feel a lot of movement from the front. It looks like a siege node. ”

“Then we'd better bypass it. ”

“Yes, the left side is empty. ”

The explanation is complete. He nods with a stiff face and urges you to take a step again.

Up until now, I had nothing to do with patrolling because of the disturbance, but I had to be nervous to cross the proper siege line from now on because the Node appeared.

“There's more than one. ”

You made it past the siege point in one piece. Although a large number of Imperial troops were guarding it, Lischewalt's leading reconnaissance with a high level of background detection and a ghost body allowed him to pass without undue force.

“There were more enemies than I thought, but it was easy to get through thanks to Sir Kang Sung-joon. ”

“It's not over yet. There are more Nodes ahead. ”

Seong-jun said in a calm voice. It wasn't over yet. As he finishes speaking, he casts his silent gaze at Rishwald. It was a sign of something leading up to the reconnaissance.

- I'll do it!

Lischevald moves forward with a short answer. As the coordination increased, once magical power was supplied, reconnaissance was possible for a certain period of time away from Seong-ju.

- There is a Node in the front. The garrison has about 300 troops!

After a while, Lischevald returns to report. They were still on the move, but it wasn't hard to find each other even when they were separated because they led to magical powers.

The second node passed quietly and was in front of the third one.

Since Abigail said that she could get out of the red forest once she got there, Seong-jun was excited and urged to take a step.

It was that moment.


“Lord Apikel! ”

A flash flashes and Abigail groans in agony. Seong-jun hurriedly raised his sword and looked around.

‘I couldn't feel a thing. Less than the minimum inspection level. ’

Seong-jun was confident that the enemy had the swordsmanship power. The eyes move rapidly.

At first, I didn't notice any signs at all, but the attack on Abigail revealed a faint trace.


With a shout, Seong-jun turned around. The user simultaneously raises its magical power and unfolds the application sword.

“Welcome sword!”

As you swing your sword, 31 summoned welcome swords storm forward.

Suddenly, dozens of glamorous blue lines were drawn in the darkness. 31 welcome swords bounced off with a metal clash.

Then a middle-aged knight with two shortswords appeared in the dark. It had been hiding behind the veil of the sanctuary until now.

“Have you read my thesis? The rumor about the White Devil being the Sword was true. I am Celtron, swordsman of the 13th Knights. ”

The middle-aged man introduced himself. Seong-jun knew the name 'Celtron’. He was a knight who had been a bystander of Balian since before Seongjun, or Rowkel, lost his life in the Great Plain of Lidonia.

He had an ability to hide better than a protagonist. In the last memory of his life, the Knights Brigade sequence of Keltron was third.

‘I never thought I'd become a swordsman...' ’

I thought you were good at hiding, but not very good at swordsmanship. Maybe there was something special about Balian.

He was a cunning man, but as talented at swordsmanship as he was, the modifier "genius."

- Sir Abigail is not well. If we leave it like this, we might lose our lives.

Lischevald reports that Seong-jun is still alert to Celtron. So I couldn't check on Abigail's condition.

Most of the time, the battle with the sword was over quickly, so I couldn't even look back at Abigail for a moment.

“You'd better stop trying to save your colleagues through the Sacred Prayer Gate. I'm also the swordsman of the Empire... I'll die at first glance. ”

A cold voice echoes through the air. Keltron seems convinced of his victory.

“Then I'll kill you first. ”

I smiled at Seong-jun's mouth. You raise your sword and point it at Keltron. In her left hand was the dagger of Hark. It was to counter the two bags of shortswords that Celtron was holding.

“You think it's that easy? ”

“That shouldn't be too hard. ”

The flash flashes. The first one to move was Seong-jun. Keltron picked up his shortsword and took a perfect defensive posture as soon as Seong-jun disappeared from sight. Seeing that, Seong-jun tried to use a ’sword'...

If you use the sword now, you will be counteracted! ’

Although the sword is highly aggressive, it is an application sword with high expression behavior, its use in incorrect situations could allow a fatal counterattack.

“Welcome sword!”

The next option was the Welcome Sword. When Seong-jun performed the application sword, Celtron also wielded the sword glamorously.


An application swordsmanship unfolds with a sharp slash. The swinging sword releases the welcome sword.

Seong-jun stabbed Roel in his right hand with the dagger in his left hand, with a defensive stance.


Despite the use of the welcome sword a moment ago, Keltron groans and retreats as soon as he recovers.

Seeing that, Seong-jun was sure.

I knew it! Keltron specializes in hiding! The training of common swords that are not used in surprise must be lazy! ’

Celtron seemed to be a type who risked everything on the first raid as a knight with the ability to specialize in hiding to excel at marksmanship. It was good for Seong-jun. If he was a skilled swordsman, he would have been a little more difficult to deal with.


I exchanged workshops close to 1,000 times for 5 minutes. Keltron's expression becomes increasingly difficult, and he finally shakes his near-perfect defensive posture.

I did not miss the gap caused by him. You plucked out Keltron's Shortsword with the ‘Roel’ in your right hand and plunged it into him.

“Oh, fuck! ”

Keltron uttered a curse. It is too late to retrieve or withdraw your left or right hand shortsword.

A sharp dagger aims for his heart. The orb in the dagger seemed to be able to pierce everything.

“I'm sorry.”

However, it did not work according to the will of Seongjun. Celtron, who recovers his sword with a cold smile, is on the verge of a perfect counterattack.

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