Swordmaster Healer

Master healer 271 coins

Chapter 84 Apostle of the Battlefield (1)

Seong-jun was sitting at the window of the library with a chair. In his hands was a cup of tea with warm green tea. In this world, the army was at large, but he was relaxed.

- Empire's dimensional magic skills are excellent. We should have elite troops stationed around the rift zone where the Dimensional Gateway will open. The battle must be at hand by now.

Rishwald said the takeoff operation was going as he expected.

- You'll hear from me soon enough.

I've sent a train to the Landing Army. Reports will be made when the battle breaks out.

Because inter-dimensional communication was impossible, it would be communicated verbally by sending people or by sending people.

“Hunter forces joining the army won't be able to defeat an elite Empire army. ”

Seong-jun calmly said. While the international treaty was amended to allow Hunters to arm themselves, not all Hunters in the Republic of Korea joined the military.

And it was Seong-jun and Lischevalt's idea that it would not be a big force because of the lack of mostly anti-human experience.

“Guild Master!”

With a short knock, the door opens and a stone rushes in.

“Did you hear back?”

Seong-jun asked. Han-suk nodded and opened his mouth.

“Yes, I got a call. General Jung Seok-jin has expressed his intention to surrender. ”

“Good. You muster the guild members and follow them slowly. I'll go clean up first. ”

“I understand.”

The guild members were waiting, but it took some time to assemble.

By comparison, Seong-jun was able to move right now because all preparations were finished.

The request of a proud quartz meant that the continental forces had suffered heavy casualties.

In that situation, the longer we wait, the greater the damage. Seong-jun didn't want to cause more unnecessary damage.

It was because the amphibious force would come under Seong-jun's command if he defeated the stone anyway.

“What about transportation? ”

“A high-speed helicopter is standing by. ”

A satisfactory smile spread over the mouth of Seong-jun. I instructed them to have a means of getting to Gangwon Province quickly, but wisely, they were waiting for a high-speed helicopter with stable stone technology.

Seong-jun immediately took a helicopter to Gangwon Road. It was a high-speed helicopter, so I arrived shortly after.

“Guild Master!”

When Seong-jun's helicopter landed at the rally point in Gangwon Province, the train was waiting in front of the Dimensional Gateway.

“What's the situation?”

“Not good. I think you should go right away. ”

Jung-cheol said, Seong-jun went with him to the front of the Dimensional Gateway. Fortunately, the Dimensional Gateway has not been destroyed.

Although the Empire has deployed elite troops, the number of landing troops is not so small as to be easily defeated.

The amphibious force survived this much, as expected. Given the basic strategic tactics of the Imperial Army against unknown enemies and the amphibious forces, the next three hours have been a stable time. He didn't rush.

“The Dimensional Gateway is ready. ”

Jung-cheol checked. Seong-jun nodded. The two of them entered the dimensional gateway. A flash of pure white blinded my eyes.

It was the non-dragons that filled the sky that made their eyes afraid that their vision would recover. An imprinted javelin with explosive magic is pouring down like rain in the sky.

“Where's the command post? ”

It is not easy to find the Commander in the chaos of the battlefield.

“I'll show you. ”

Jeongchul led the way and led Seong-jun to Command. The command side was in close proximity to perfection in this situation, so it did not take much damage from the bombing of the non-dragon knights.

“Is General Jung Seok-jin here? ”

Seong-jun opened the door of the barracks that are being used as a temporary command.

There were many instruments in the barracks for command control, and the officers and deputies were busy moving.

Their gaze was focused on the appearance of Seong-jun. Among them, there was a stone that ignored the strategic value of Seongjun.

“Commander……. ”

“How is the army in this world? Chief of Staff.”

“I'm sorry…… this is my mistake. ”

The gem bows.

“I'm not asking if I made a mistake, I'm asking how I feel about the army in this part of the world that I ignored. ”

Seong-jun said in a cold voice. The gemstones were not easy to answer. I could see his furious heart as he broke his lips to the point that blood was leaking out.

“This is an unexpected power difference. It was my mistake. It was a mistake. I'm so sorry."

The gem kneels. It was a big decision for a high-ranking soldier named the commander to kneel before his subordinate officers.

It meant admitting everything and throwing away my pride to save the land troops.

On your knees, your head bows. The other officers had to get used to it. The expression of Seong-jun who was stiff-necked was somewhat relaxed.

“You asked me politely... I can't help it. But I don't want to let the Chief of Staff slip up, so you'd better remember that. ”

Seong-jun said decisively. It was surprising that the gem fell to its knees, but it required disciplinary action.

“I know that much. Please, help me. At this rate, the landing army will be wiped out. ”

“Now that I'm here, things will get sorted out. Please report the current situation first. ”

There was no information because we just crossed the Dimensional Gateway and arrived on the battlefield. There was a limit to what the naked eye could see.

“I'll keep you posted. ”

Colonel Lee Han-kyu, who is the operations chief, said as he approached. He explained the situation quickly while being easy for Seong-jun to understand.

Dimensional Maneuvers and Wizards Disable the Aerial Network and Deploy Non-Dragon Knights to Disable the Core Power? Classic Noble Order tactic. ’

Seong-jun found out from Hangyu only that he was part of the commander in charge of the troops. It was not difficult for Seong-jun to have the memory of Rowkel, the top knight of the 13th Knights.

“Bring me a military map. ”

“Here you go. ”

A chief of staff lays a military map on a wooden table. The progress of the landing troops was detailed.

The Tablet PC that followed was clearly showing the status of the line of defense under attack.

“Is the Unit Layout Chart accurate? ”

“Of course.”

Hangyu replied. Seong-jun nodded, looking at the tablet PC and the military map alternately.

“Deploy a 3rd Infantry squad in the rear and retreat from the front with at least the Hunter Squad of the 1st Utility Special Forces. ”

“But if you do, the wire will collapse in no time. ”

The gemstones expressed their concerns cautiously. There were hunters from the First Utility Special Forces who were avoiding the breach of the defense line to the Dimensional Gateway.

“Very well, then. Only hunters of Class B or higher should step back. We need to regroup and deploy to defend the major defense lines. ”

The Imperial Army's maneuvers were elite troops. Then the landing troops also needed to assemble and operate as maneuvered units.

There was no rebuttal, and the operation was swift. While the 3rd Infantry advanced to buy more time, more than Class B Hunters retreated and reorganized.

However, the key personnel of the amphibious force were elite, so it was not a waste of time organizing the troops.

“Troops are assembled! ”

“Very well. Now place the reorganized hunters at the points I marked. ”

Seong-jun painted a circle at several points on the military map with a ballpoint pen handed to him from the Chief of Staff.

He remembers his past life as the top knight of the 13th Knights, so he was well aware of how noble commanders of the Noble Order behaved in battle. That's why they deployed elite troops where they could be focused.

“Oh, my God! The situation is stabilizing! ”

“Reactivate the air defense! ”

Thanks to the deployment of elite troops at the anticipated point of attack, the damage decreases over time.

As the situation stabilized, the eyes of the chief of staff looking at Seongjun changed as well.

You solved this? It was a losing battle... ’

‘After arriving at the command post, the situation was reversed in 30 minutes. He's a great guy. ’

As trained soldiers, they only thought about their mouths, but they were amazed at Seong-jun's performance.

“The situation is more stable than before, but still disadvantageous. ”

Operation Chief, Colonel Lee Han-gyu said calmly. Seong-jun nodded. I stopped the Imperium from marching through the main gate, but not enough to defeat them.

“We must hit the communication node with the command post. ”

Seong-jun said, the Imperial Army is principled not to retreat, so even if it hits a communications node with command, they will not be able to retreat, but at least as the command system collapses, it is clear that a substantial amount of combat power will be lost.

“However, we don't know the location of the communication node with the enemy command. ”

“That's right. It's hard to fly scouts because we don't have enough clearance." ”

The Chief of Staff said: Seong-jun opened his mouth with a faint smile.

“I know roughly where the enemy command and communications node are located. ”

Since the Noble Order often teamed up with the Knights Brigade and went into battle, Seong-jun was well aware of their fighting style.


Hangyu asked. Seong-jun nodded.

“I don't know about all the communication nodes, but there are a few places you might expect to go. If only partially disabled, there will be a major communication failure. I'm going to put it on a military map now. ”

Seong-jun circled several locations on the military map with a ballpoint pen. The Noble Order's general noble commander was one of the most reliable locations to use as a communications node when preparing to attack forward.

“80% chance there is a Communication Node. You can dispatch a task force or fire a firearm at will. However, in the latter case, the wizard is most likely to defend by magic, so it is best to send a maneuver consisting of Hunters. ”

Although he had just started conducting for more than 30 minutes, Seong-jun was conducting calmly like a general who had been in the military from the beginning.

The Chief of Staff continued to be amazed at that.

“I will instruct the task force immediately! ”

The dispatch officer picked up the radio. Hunter Maneuvers move under the protection of the chariot troops.

It was recently reported that the communication node was destroyed successively. Cheers erupted from the command post, but Seong-jun kept his calm expression. It wasn't over yet.

“Enemy command remains. ”

Seong-jun said.

“Then the command is……. ”

“I'll take care of it. ”

Seong-jun answered Hankyu's question with a cold smile. In his hand was Roel, who had recently been shaped by a sword.

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