Swordmaster Healer

Master healer 276 coins

Chapter 85 The Beginning of True War (3)

Fleets of attack helicopters have taken off from the 1st Airborne Brigade.

They flew straight for the Arencia.

Shortly after, the Arencia provincial military was captured in a squadron of front-runners.

The army of wizards in the Arencia were unable to concentrate on the attack helicopter squadron while intercepting the missiles raining from the sky.

“Each squadron leader is waiting for an attack order. ”

A dispatch officer from Command and Control just sent it over.

Seong-jun was looking at the situation at a glance through a monitor installed inside the command control room.

“Deliver the attack order. Pour out your charcoal and crush it. ”

Seong-jun's orders were sent through the communication officer.

An assault helicopter squadron launched a primary pre-air missile at the Arencia province.

The machine gun was then fired.



The army of wizards in the Arencia have had a hard time defending the artillery.

Although the firing rate was somewhat low due to the large area being poured out from afar, most of the attacks were directly damaging because the air raids in the attack helicopter fleet were relatively close.

“Intercept those weird flying flies! ”

“Shooting won't be easy! ”

Most wizards maintain a defensive magic, so it's not a situation to intercept attack helicopters.

“Put some wizards holding the defensive enchantment into the intercept! ”

“But! That way more ground forces will be exposed to the artillery! ”

“You can't win just by holding on like this! Go ahead!”

“Oh, I see! ”

The Arencia Regional Army Commander has decided.

I did not behave prudently.

Since you know you can't win by focusing solely on your defenses, you instructed you to mobilize the wizards who were focusing on your defenses into the helicopter interceptor.

Some of the wizards are in shape for an interceptor.

The squad commander, who was pouring machine guns from above, read the unusual atmosphere and ordered the squad commanders to retreat.

It was time to return to the base for resupply anyway.

By the time elite troops were deployed to intercept and the wizards had begun casting their attacks, the troops had already moved away from the Arencia.

“The cavalry and elite troops you sent to directly attack the enemy camp were wiped out during the battle! ”

“The firing continues! At this rate, we won't stand a chance! Defensive magic has its limits! ”

Desperate reports followed.

Even the defensive magic blocking the artillery is not invincible, so if the damage accumulates, it must be destroyed.

“Ugh...! ”

The Arencia Commander bit his lip.

The red blood spills out because it was bitten so hard.

I regret underestimating the power of the Landing Army, but nothing has changed.

“More than half of your defense magic has been destroyed! The wizards are not holding out! ”

“The damage is too great! We must retreat!”

“Deploy retreat orders to all troops! Fall back!"

Unlike the Imperial Army, which in no way allowed retreat, the military from each province belonged to the Imperial Army, but was practically a private army of each lord, so the law was looser.

A retreat order has been issued and the Arencia military has left the base in a hurry.

“The Arencia regime is retreating. ”

Captain Lee Han-kyu, who is in charge of the Landing Army's Chief of Staff, reported.

An unmanned reconnaissance squadron sent me footage that fills the wall of the command control room.

“But it's still within range of the munitions. We can annihilate them before they escape. ”

“Don't spare the cannonballs. Keep firing. ”

Seong-jun ordered it.

The gunfire continued, and as Hangyu assured me, the Arencia military was unable to withstand the bombardment before it was out of range of the K9 Self-Defense Force.

“The Arencia has been neutralized. All enemies who would interfere with the march are gone. There won't be 5,000 troops left in the Ropes, including the garrison, the guards and the mercenaries. ”

Luto has spoken. This has been an excellent opportunity to advance to the city of Lofts.

“Chief of Staff.”

“Yes, Commander. ”

“As soon as refurbished and resupplied, we march on the Lofts City. ”

“I understand.”

It did not take long to resupply and reorganize the landing troops.

They marched on the Lofty City at the command of Seong-jun.

Soon after, they put the city of Ropes in jeopardy.

Unlike the battle with the Arencia, the city was more likely to become a battlefield this time.

Since there are ordinary citizens living there, Seong-jun took Hangyu and Ruto's opinions and decided to make a recommendation for surrender first.

Earth's magical hunters, such as Han-Seok and Shin-Cheol, were not familiar with the magical communication of the two worlds, but fortunately, there was Luto, a class S Mage, who was able to send a recommendation to surrender.

“Let's wait two days. ”

Seong-jun said that in two days, the Lord of the Lofts city will have enough time to consider surrender.

“Seong-jun Kang! You have a reply!”

With a quick knock, the barracks open and Luto leaps in.

“Already? You're faster than I thought. ”

It was only a day after sending a magical communication advocating surrender.

I thought it would fill up for two days, but it wasn't.

“Can you tell us what happened? ”

“I expected it, but Earl Ropes was more trashy than I thought. Your counter-notification for surrender will be rejected. There was a lot of swearing mixed up, but I'll skip that part. He said he would last the rest of the day. ”

“You're going to hold the civilians hostage. ”

“That's right. I would know all the strategies of the Landing Army and reply like this. ”

Luto's voice echoes with anger.

A powerful artillery tactic with modern weapons from the landing army is difficult to target with precision due to its range of attacks.

That's why we were unable to attack civilian populations. I could have pretended to be crazy and bombed the rug, but Seong-jun didn't want such carnage to happen.


Seong-jun called Jang-hoon.

“Yes, sir! Did you call?”

“Get the Chief of Staff. ”

“Yes! I understand! ”

After a while, Jang Hoon returned to Seong-jun's barracks with Hangyu.

Seongjun, Ruto, and Hangyu came into the barracks with the eyes of two people, saluting with stealthy movements.

Seong-jun replied with a clumsy salute.

“How long has the siege been going on? ”

Seong-jun asked.

Although the city of Ropes has entered into the purgatory, the siege has begun since a little more advanced and is still in progress.

“About 80% complete. You have four hours to completely surround the city. ”

“Very well. When the siege is complete, stand by without first hitting. However, in the event of an enemy attack, it permits a certain level of counterattack. ”

“I will inform each unit of your instructions. ”

Hangyu replied, he was a natural soldier. I absolutely obeyed my supervisor, Seong-jun.

“Seong-jun Kang…… What do you think? ”

The person who carefully asked the question was Luto, who was in charge of the Liberation Army operations. The indiscriminate shooting of the city was also a disagreement.

“There won't be a firefight against the whole city. So, rest assured. ”

“That's good…… but what would you say? You cannot leave the Ropes and march into the city of central Arencia. ”

Leaving fewer enemies behind poses a great threat.

“I don't intend to leave the Lofts alone. ”

“Do you have a plan? Land troops may not seem like siege wars to me, but I don't think they're familiar with this world's civil war. ”

Luto's point was accurate. Landing forces were familiar with modern warfare.

Although the battle in the plains may be unfamiliar, the Civil War here will be much stranger.

The vast difference in numbers means that the amphibious forces will not be defeated, but there will be few casualties.

“With a small number of elite troops, I plan to infiltrate the city and wipe out the territory and major troop camps. You can conquer a city by annihilating its commanders and armed forces. ”

Citizens will not resist.

Occasionally, those who are too loyal to the Empire will resonate, but if you execute them by example, it will be quiet.

Seong-jun thought that executing an example would be better than shooting indiscriminately.

“We will assist our Liberation Army Special Forces. You're more familiar with this side of the Civil War than any of the Landing Army Hunters. This should help. ”

“Thank you. We need to assemble an infiltration unit right away. I'll leave the Liberation Army organization to Sir Ruto. ”

“Leave it to me. I'll support the best fighters." ”

Infiltration unit formation has begun. It didn't take long.

By the time the siege on the Ropes City was completed, infiltration forces had already been assembled.

The lead was a road guild led by Seong-jun.

“We move at night. ”

Seong-jun passed it on to the guild members. And then it was night.

“The vanguard penetrates first. The rest of you wait.”

As I told you yesterday, the leading men, Seong-jun, and the Road Guild, moved first.

Seong-jun and Jang-hoon first climbed up the wall and removed the guards from the wall.

The train was guarding other guild members below and guarding the perimeter.

“Sir, we got rid of all the sentries guarding the Wall. ”

“All right, send the signal. ”

As Zhang Hun signals, the rest of the Lord's Guild and the Liberation Army's Special Forces climb over the wall, hiding in the darkness.

“Each of the elders came here for a moment. ”

Seong-jun, who called the elders, once again confirmed the attack target for them.

The territory was the target of Seongjun and the Road Guild, and other invaders decided to attack the garrison of guards and garrisons.

“Well, good luck with that. ”

After that, everyone scattered.

Seong-jun and the Road Guild headed straight for Yeongju Province.

The permanent residence, located in the center of the Resistance, was heavily guarded.

However, thanks to Seong-jun's removal of the sentries in advance, he was able to quickly reach permanent residence.

“Everyone, form a siege here and kill everyone who comes out. ”

“Sir! Are you going to be okay by yourself? ”

“These two are enough for me. ”

When Jang-hoon cautiously expressed his concern, Seong-jun pointed to the two chimeric knights who were guarding him.

It was Zoid and Toben whose body was refurbished by Zeros and whose runes of loyalty were branded.

Even the Knights Brigade were skilled within the top 10 ranks, so they didn't seem to get in the way.

“Follow me.”

Seong-jun instructed the two chimeric knights and moved first.

Instead of hiding my body in the dark, I revealed myself to the front gate of the lord.

Since the siege began in the Lord's Guild, there was no concern that the Lord was running away.

“Nu, who are you? ”

“Am I an enemy? ”

When I saw Seong-jun's sudden appearance of the guards at the watchtower, I was surprised and pointed at the crossbow.

Seong-jun lifted his mouth and looked at them.


The nightmare begins now.

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