Swordmaster Healer

Master healer 051 coins

Chapter 17 Warlord Wellrod (3)

[Empire Army Combat Uniform]

Class A.

Check Defense Effect.

Confirm Healing Effect Amplification.

Check for Fast Enhancement.

Blessing available.

Items that came into contact with Lischevalt's magical power could be perceived as instruments. Options were compliant in 3 ways.

It was my favourite option, especially if healing effects can be amplified and bleached.

- This is the uniform used by the Imperial Combat Priests. It is made of a special cloth that is soft but also has the same defensive strength as steel.

Seong-jun stabbed the priestly uniform with errors from the sword. I felt like I was stabbed in steel. No damage was found in the fibers.

“Just out of curiosity, Lischevald, let me ask you a question. ”

- You can ask me anything.

“If it's connected to Raid and Dungeon, why can't I just feel the items in Awakening Dungeons? ”

- It's because the energy in this world is strong. I don't know how it works, but what I've done so far is I've been able to capture the dual energy of the item.

Lischevald explained, the lack of tuning makes it impossible to explain in detail.

“So there could be drops of second-hand items that are impossible to feel in normal dungeons or raids? ”

Most of the energy in this world is lost in the process of their transition, but there are exceptions, so it's quite possible.

The Awakening Dungeon disappears and returns to the empty boss room of the Class C Dungeon while you collect the item and have a conversation.

- Tuning rate is 19%.

“I thought it would be 20%.... ”

- Very little.

“I see.”

Seong-jun nodded. Seong-jun was about to leave the boss' room and suddenly had an idea to touch his brain. Seong-jun paused for a moment and looked at Lischevalt.

“Is there any benefit to absorbing the energy of this world? ”

In Sung-jun's question, Lischevald opened his mouth.

- Pulsation is rising, so I didn't report it as weak. And I think that if you keep the energy of this world at your side, your memories might become clearer. I think it would be good for you to try collecting as a hobby.

“A collection of second-hand items... Sounds like a good hobby. ”

I smiled at Seong-jun's mouth. Now he was full of money.

“And Lischevald, one more thing. ”

- Yes, go ahead, Lord.

“In the future, if there's any way to raise the tune, report it immediately. ”

- I'll keep that in mind.

Lee said, nodding and answering.

I sold Seong-jun from the Dungeon Administration and moved to the Hunter Administration right next to him.

It's 6: 00 P.M.

It was early to go home. I went up to the third floor with the offices of Hyunsung without anyone disturbing me.

“Kang Sung-joon? ”

“Food, right?”

Seong-jun asked, Hyunsung nodded.

“Yes, not yet. ”

“Let's have dinner together. I have a story to tell you. ”

The phenomenon swallowed dry saliva. Seong-jun was always driving the storm, so he had to be nervous when he said something to say.

‘You're not going to kill someone again...? ’

My anxiety seldom calmed down.

“Let's go.”

“If your team is eating dinner, come with us. You just have to sit alone. ”

“Thank you."

The phenomenon was not rejected.

Six people, including Hyundai, from the Hunter administration survey and survey team, headed to a nearby restaurant with Seong-jun.

Seong-jun and Hyunsung sat a little distance from the investigating team.

“Are there any items that cannot be felt with the instruments? ”

Seong-jun asked as if he didn't know. I lifted my head while I was putting on a towel.

“Did you learn it? ”

“There's very little information on Hunter.com, though. ”

“It's a rare case. Hunter.com probably didn't post much of it either. ”

In most cases, the energy in this world seemed to dissipate as it crossed the dimensional gateway.

“Do you have anything stored at Hunter Administration? ”

Hyunsung shakes his head at Sung-jun's question.

“We don't have anything. They don't accept it because it's worthless. ”

“Is that so?”

“But we know where it's being distributed. They wouldn't accept it from us, so they sold it to some unusual collectors. ”

I looked around and said in a very small voice.

It was common for wealthy collectors to gather items. In the case of collectors, there were also hunters, but there were not a few ordinary people.

If I had the money, the item was a great collection.

Since Hunter Mart is only accessible to Hunters, the sale of items was largely illegal auctions in the black market.

“Isn't that illegal? Aren't you going to catch it?”

“Most of the collectors are powerful, but we don't have the strength. ”

Hyundai smiled bitterly with his answer.

“Tell me where it is. ”

“It's not difficult. ”

At Seong-jun's words, Hyunsung happily nodded. The conversation was temporarily interrupted when the food I ordered came out.

The silence lasted for a moment and the star opened its mouth first.

“What we know is that this is a low-grade auction house. ”

“Do you have grades? ”

“Yes, you need to upgrade your purchase rating at the auction house in order to move to the VIP auction house. ”

“It's a bothersome system. ”

“I think so, too. ”

The conversation was interrupted.

After the meal, members of the survey team thanked Seong-jun and returned to Hunter Management to prepare for work.

There were only Seong-jun and Hyunsung among many people in the street.

“I'll write it down on a note, because I don't want you to have any messages. ”

Hyundai took the note and pen out of his arms and put it on the wall and gave it to Seong-jun.

“Auction House location. ”

“Thank you."

Seong-jun put the note in his pocket and returned to the officetel. Before going to bed, he sat on the couch and watched TV and took a short break.

- Do you want to go to the auction tomorrow?

At Rishbalt's question, Seong-jun nodded and opened his mouth.

“Yes, I'm going to go pick up the items. ”

Due to hearing that the tune was weak, Seong-jun's attention was focused on the items in the second half.

Moreover, if I kept it with me, I could remember what I had forgotten, or I could do unintended things when I took away the energy of this world.

“I'm going to bed now. ”

After confirming that the time was late, Seong-jun took a shower and threw himself onto the bed. Then I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep world.

That day, Seong-jun had a dream.

* * *

Seong-jun was walking down a long corridor filled with colorful decorations.

‘Is this a memory from my past life...? ’

Seong-jun left his body to 'Rowkel’ and became a spectator. In his previous life, he had little control over his body, unlike any other dream.

“Welcome, High Knight. ”

Upon reaching the end of the corridor with the huge and colorful door, the man in the golden armor looked down at Seongjun. Seong-jun nodded and opened his mouth.

“The head of the SS has been through a lot. ”

“I'm happy to do it. The Emperor awaits. ”

The SS has sent a call.

A large throne room appeared when the guards who were waiting opened the door. At the end of the throne room, which was guarded by dozens of bodyguards in gold armor, the Emperor in uniform sat on the throne.

“Welcome, master knight Rowkel. ”

Seong-jun walked to the front of the emperor and knelt on one knee with manners. Balian, a member of the same 13 knights, stands by the Emperor.

Seong-jun's gaze was on him. Deep down, Rowkel, a former saint, looks up at his unpleasant feelings.

His gaze returned to the Emperor.

“I heard you called. ”

“Yes, I did. ”

The emperor changed his stance to say whether the hard throne was uncomfortable.

“I heard you were against invasion plans. ”

When the word ‘Invasion Plan’ appeared, Seong-jun focused on the emperor.

‘If we do well, we may hear the end of the day. ’

I thought what I was guessing might turn out to be a confirmation today. Seong-jun opened his mouth, raising his head.

“Of course. How can we join forces with the witches and invade this world?" They have been our enemies since the beginning of the Empire. ”

“Can you call it the League of Nations? They don't like the word magic. ”

“But Your Majesty! ”

As Seong-jun spoke more, Balian, who was guarding the emperor's side, stepped forward and opened his mouth.

“Lord Rowkel! I'm told you're the best knight in the 13th Circle, but you must respect the Emperor!" ”

“Can't you see I'm talking to the Emperor now! ”


As Seong-jun worked hard, Balian swallowed his groans and took a step back. He was a swordsman of the same 13 knights, but his level was very high.

“Sir Rowkel, I'm going to ask you again. Don't you have any intention of withdrawing that thought? ”

“Not at all! As long as I'm alive with my eyes open! Absolutely not! ”

“Then I don't care if it becomes a corpse. ”

In the cold voice of the emperor, Seong-jun doubted his ears. Rowkel's emotions fluttered as well. I felt greatly embarrassed.

As the emperor raises his hand, dozens of knights who were guarding the throne room raise their weapons. And as the dimension is torn, the pale faces of the vampires emerge.

“Sex Knights? Are you working with Gekko's magicians? ”

Seong-jun vomited. The Sex-Blood Knights were a powerful fighting group of 100 Vampire aristocrats with exceptional combat strength.

The emperor raises his mouth.

“I can't believe you can't even sense your wits. Duke Riofel's multidimensional stealth magic is amazing! ”

“It's a great magic that hides beyond multiple dimensions. It can't be used except for me, and no one on the continent can notice it in advance. ”

In the back of the emperor, the man wearing the glasses appears in the wizard robe.

“Destroy them for capture. ”

When the emperor gave the order, the Holy Blood Knights and Imperial Guards surrounded Seong-jun. Inside Seong-jun, anger erupted.

“Holy Imperial Palace! ”

“I will avenge Duke Achelles. ”

It was the Crusaders who moved first. Vampire nobles rush in with a flash of blood.

Seong-jun picked up his sword. The 13th Knights were able to carry it in the throne room.

“Roel! Roel! ”

As Seong-jun shouted, the dragon's cry burst out from Roel. Even the Knights of Sexuality, the low-level Vampire aristocrats collapsed powerlessly while demolishing their posture.

“D, Dragon Pier? ”

“The Dragon Soul is Sealed! ”

“It wasn't in the report! ”

Not only were the Knights of Sexuality frightened, but the Imperial Church was frightened.

“Of course. I hid it. ”

“The soul of the Dragon Reuben. ”

The great wizard, Riofel, recognized it at a glance.

“Hit it, hit it! ”

Those unaffected by the Dragon Pier make their move. It was a moment of acceptance in all four directions.

“Welcome, gladiator!”

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