Swordmaster Healer

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Chapter 22 Devourer of the Grand Maze (1)

The labyrinth was comprised of forks, long passages, and large and small cavities. There were a lot of forks, but I didn't wander around because there was a "map."

Nevertheless, the maze was quite spacious and the distance to its destination was considerable after a long walk.

It's been a day.

- I'll stand guard.

When Seong-jun pulled out the jerky, dried fruit, and water to settle the meal, Lischevald was cautious.

Although ‘Magic Absorption’ was not so easily nicknamed ‘Infinite Power’, nutrition was essential because he was also a person.

“Thank you.”

Seong-jun smiled at him and took the jerky to his mouth.

An ordinary hunter could have avoided eating in a maze narrower and darker than a regular dungeon, but this was nothing for Seong-jun who still had a little blood in his past life.

“Let's go.”

Seong-jun, who finished a short meal in 10 minutes, got up and called in Lischevalt. Lischevald, who was on guard duty, wanders around nearby, returns to Seong-jun's side.

- There's no sign of him anywhere.

Lischevald reports that there is no trace of any progress in Seong-jun's senses, as he says.

Seong-jun walked along a long road.

There are several traps set in place, but Lischewald decides to defeat them and advance. Unlike Seong-jun, Lischevald remembered quite detailed about the 'Grand Veil’.

As you walk along the path, you see a huge iron gate blocking you.

“Can you recon? ”

I felt a lot of movement inside, but I looked at Lischevalt to find out for sure.

But he shakes his head.

- I can feel the magical interference. It will be difficult to scout inside the Iron Gate.

Instead of answering, Seong-jun carefully approached the iron gate. The cold breeze from inside was telling us that there was a large space inside.

The enemies beyond the iron gate didn't seem to have noticed Seong-jun's approach.

‘If you open the door and use the safe house at the same time, won't you notice? ’

Seongjun raised the number of cases and made a plan.

- That's quite a number. Are you ready to move in?

At Rishbalt's question, Seong-jun nodded and opened his mouth.

“I intend to use hiding at the same time as entering. ”

Seong-jun opened the door with a calm expression. At the same time, I threw myself inside and used the hidden language with the starter language.

“What, the door was open? ”

“Gunner Battle stations! Someone must have broken in! ”

The people in the cavity were soldiers from the Knights Brigade dressed in formal armor, not magic.

Soldiers who were striking the scarecrow at the command of the sergeant were prepared to stand guard against unidentified intruders.

Seeing that, Seong-jun was able to recall that the Grand Palace is also used as a training ground for the Knights Brigade.

“Someone must have broken in! The infantry will respond calmly with circular oscillations! ”

The sergeant shouted in a fluent bilingual language. However, it was not difficult to understand because Seong-jun had gained perfect knowledge related to this language as his tune increased.

Seong-jun hid in the hidden effects of the 'veil of black’ item and peered at the opportunity.

“Report to the Wizard! ”

“I'll send a messenger! ”

The soldiers are busy following the sergeant's instructions.

When the Wizard arrived, there was a chance that the hideout would be spotted.

Seong-jun picked up the dagger.

The act of pulling out the dagger did not unlock the hide, but now the excessive action of throwing it will unlock the hide.

'Remove the messenger first. ’

Seong-jun decided to use the opportunity to eliminate the messenger. At the same time, I was going to retrieve the dagger and throw it at the sergeant's heart.


“The messenger has fallen! ”


A messenger rushing toward somewhere with a flag fell down on the dagger that Seong-jun threw.

“Over there!”

Seong-jun's hideout was unravelled by the throwing. Everyone's gaze was focused on the scream of a soldier. Soldiers point their spears and raise their shields. Seeing that, Seong-jun raised her left hand.


Seong-jun threw the dagger back in his left hand with the starter language at the sergeant. A straight dagger dug deep into the sergeant's chest and stabbed him in the heart.

I was wearing a thick breastplate, but I couldn't defend it because the thrown dagger contained an error.


“Sergeant down! ”

“Shields! Forward! ”

Shields are advancing.


Seong-jun used the hideout again and infiltrated the darkness.

“It's gone again! ”

“I will take command! Be vigilant! If you reveal yourself, we'll repel you with a ranged attack! ”

I expected there to be a command gap as the sergeant fell, but the Knights Brigade was not a strong force. The soldiers were all veterans with a lot of practical experience.

Though they had been exterminated once in the Great Plain of Lidonia, they were also poorly organized. The sergeant is defeated, but an experienced soldier lifts his command and replenishes the command gap.

‘Take out the shield first. ’

I lived in Seong-jun's eyes, staring at the shield guard.

Despite being reorganized, the Knight Brigades were the hands of the emperor who betrayed them.

I was not hesitant about Seong-jun's movements that rushed towards them to inflict righteous judgment.


The blade containing the error deeply cuts the soldier's torso with its shield. The hideout was lifted, but Seong-jun was already there when the soldiers' spears reached the end.

Seong-jun penetrated deep into the dust beyond the fallen soldiers. He swings his sword so fast that it's hard to chase through the soldiers' eyes that he breaks the dust.


“Dust is collapsing! ”


“Herd! Opponent is a comer! ”

Soldiers assembled in the Knights Brigade were elite troops to assist the elite Knights of the Brigade, but they were forced to appear weak before the user.

If there were many, there would be a way to drive them to sea tactics, but unfortunately, there were fewer than 50 soldiers who were training in this joint.



Soldiers fall like scarecrows. Forty-eight soldiers are all dead in five minutes.


You've dealt with over 50 enemies, but you can choose to breathe in one short breath. Seong-jun lifted his left hand, absorbed his magic, and then busily walked along the path of the Grand Maze.

“Was it this far?”

Seong-jun checked the map. There was an item inventory not far away. A smile spread over his mouth.

I was curious about what items would be stored. It must have been locked with a locking spell or a lock, but Seong-jun had the 'Angel's Universal Key’.

- I've never been to an item locker before. I wonder who's guarding it.

“Looks like the Knights of the Brigade are guarding it. ”

- Probably. The Grand Maze is the jurisdiction of the Knights Brigade.

Lischevald agreed with Seong-jun.


The closer you get to the storeroom, the more frequent the patrol is. Seong-jun decided to use the item's ability to hide, even if it consumed a little bit of magical power to act in secret.

With the Hidden Effect of the item and the killing of Seong-jun, the soldiers couldn't find him at all. Thanks to that, Seong-jun arrived at the storage without interruption.

“There seems to be an intruder in the 'Grand Maze’. ”

“We've lost contact with some of our training units. ”

You get close enough to eavesdrop on the sergeant's conversation with the soldier. The entrance to the storeroom is locked away because the soldiers are holding up their shields.

- The battle will be inevitable.

Seong-jun raised his sword instead of answering.

‘Break the ranks in an ordeal. ’

When Seong-jun pulled up his magical power, Hidden was unlocked. Soldiers aimed spears at Seong-jun, and the archers in the rear put arrows in the demonstration.

However, Seong-jun was much faster than the archers.


The assault cut everything in its path as it flew straight ahead.



Soldiers cut off somewhere collapse screaming in agony. The attack not only shattered the advance, but also struck the rear archers.

Six out of ten archers spill blood and fall.


Seong-jun dug deep into the trenches with a short sigh. It's so fast that the soldiers can't even react.

Before they knew it, Seong-jun's sword killed him.


“Where the hell are you attacking from?! ”

“Sergeant! Half of them are already... Khhh! ”

The soldiers were the elite, but it was chaos because of Seong-ju, who was moving so fast that he couldn't chase them with his own eyes.

“I can't fight it! Hurry up and ask Lord Delpho for help...! ”

“Lord Delpho must guard the vault! It could be a double act! ”

They did not escape extinction.


Seong-jun, who absorbed magic from them, carefully entered the storeroom using a cloak. The warehouse was spacious.

The vault was full of vaults on the left, right and front walls.

- Knight of the Brigades. I believe the Wizard belongs to the Imperial Tower.

The knights and wizards were guarding the vault.

Lischewald saw the color of the robe worn by the wizard and found out he belongs to the Imperial Tower.

The wizards of the Imperial Tower wore yellow robes.

Seong-jun was going to deal with the Wizard first. He draws his dagger and throws it into a throwing position. And I threw it hard.

At the same time, I was unmasked and the knight's gaze was on Seong-jun.


I had no doubt that the dagger that flew in a straight line would pierce the wizard's glabella, but I was stunned by the defensive magic the wizard cast.

The amount of magical power given to the defense spell was large enough to stop the dagger with the error.

“Knight Brigade ranks 465th, Delpho! In the name of the Emperor, we kill intruders! ”

The Knight of the Brigades, who introduced himself as the 465th rank, performed a high-speed move toward Seongjun, wielding a warped sword.

Seeing Delfo closing in fast, Seong-jun lifts his sword and takes up a defensive posture. There was no room for a firefight.



Moaning comes from the mouth of Seong-jun who survived Delpho's assassination. The power on the sword was quite heavy. The stone floor cracks with a bang.

While Delfo was stopping Seong-jun, the wizard was praising the spell while moving his lips.

- Lord, we must stop the Wizard!

Lischewald warns you. The wizard senses an unusual blur of magical power. But Delfo is intact.

Seong-jun decided to use the repentance technique that he realized when he reached 25% of his tune, and took a step back and took an attack position.

Apart from the error, his whole body was filled with magic. Delfo fixes his sword and prepares for a counterattack.

And Seong-jun was about to spit out the starter language.

The enchanted wizard casts his cold gaze and opens his mouth to spit out the starter.

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