Swordmaster Healer

Master healer 074 coins

Chapter 25 Acquisition Point (1)

The Hunter administration controlled the information, but the S-rank Hunter's death spread quickly across South Korea through Hunter.com and the media.

Instead of ‘Infinite Power,' the nickname ‘political defense’ raised its head again.

Thanks to his efforts at the Hunter Administration, nothing bothered Seong-jun. I received an interview request, but they all refused.

[Cha Kyu-tae, a Class S Hunter, who commits all kinds of crimes, looks good.]

[I knew I'd die like this one day. Causality.]

[The appearance of a supernova? Hehe!]

The internet reaction was hot. There was no one who mourned the death of Kyu-tae, and most of the writings evaluated Seong-jun well.

South Korea's government has remained silent in the ‘political defense' event. Since Seong-jun was likely a new class S hunter, I had to be cautious about his attitude.

In the meantime, I also contributed to the poor conduct of the manners.

- Are you going to the training ground?

Lischevalt asked, looking at Seong-jun, who had finished her lunch and was in a hurry to prepare to go out. However, Seong-jun shook his head.

“No, I'm going to the auction house today. We need to level up.”

- I see.

In Seong-jun's reply, Lischevald nods. He said ‘level-up’ was to increase the rank of auction house members.

With Hunter Sedan's repairs finished, I was thinking of starting an 'activity'. On my way back from the auction house, I thought of stopping by the Dungeon Administration to schedule a Class B Dungeon Soldier.

At 30% coordination, Lischevald said he was qualified to enter the next Awakening Dungeon.

“Not bad. ”

Seong-jun looks at the status of the Hunter Sedan after finishing repairs and speaks to himself.

Yesterday's repairs were finished, but I couldn't get a closer look.

Today, I couldn't find out if the status quo was good mechanics or where it was damaged. Thanks to that, Seong-jun got into the driver's seat with a pleasant heart.

The Auction House is not far. Soon after, I was able to arrive.

“Have a nice day. ”

Seong-jun entered the auction house with a greeting from the security guard. I came to upgrade my membership, so I looked at the screen on the wall and looked for the fastest starting auction.

There was one that started in 10 minutes.

‘Auction number four. ’

Since I knew the location, I moved on without asking the guide.

“Auction is about to start! ”

The speaker's voice echoes through the speakers as he enters Auction No. 4 and holds the microphone in fear of sitting in the chair.

Seong-jun looked around while waiting for the auction to start.

The auction was about to start soon, but there were only four people waiting, except Seongjun.

‘There's no one here today. ’

Seong-jun was curious, but not curious. If the competition was not intense, the price of the auction item was likely not to jump much.

“You've waited a long time! Auction will begin shortly! ”

The auction facilitator said, taking the microphone to the mouth. Seong-jun carefully examined the items from the auction with the tablet in front of him.

‘Are these boots...? ’

It was more like a boot than a regular shoe. Like an item in this world, it was a design that I saw somewhere in my dreams.

- I don't remember the exact affiliation, but it's similar to what some special forces in the Imperial Army use.

Lischevald said, "Sung-jun nodded instead of answering." The tablet also provided brief information on auction items.

[Unknown Shoes]

Class A.


All I could find out was the item grade.

While Seong-jun was viewing the item information on the tablet, the facilitator briefly explained the appearance of the item. There was no time to explain the function of the item because the energy of the two worlds made it impossible to feel.

“Let the auction begin! The starting price is 20 million won! ”

The start was OK 20 million won. Seong-jun did not press the bell and waited, but no one was bidding first.

We weren't exploring each other by looking at them. From the look of them, it seemed that most of them had come to the auction house for a simple tour.

Eventually, Seong-jun pressed the bell first and transferred the bid to the tablet.

“Here's 21 million won! Is there any more?”

The moderator, who was standing in safety because the bidder didn't come out, shouted in an excited voice.

‘Did you win……. ’

Very rarely, the next bid did not come up, whether most of them were simply out for a look. It was a moment when Seong-jun was sure of winning the auction.

“23 million won! ”

Someone pressed the bell and bid. The amount was never small. However, it was rather strange that there was no bid, so Seong-jun did not panic and pressed the bell with a calm face and sent the bid.

“Here's 25 million won! What's next?”

Someone else pressed the bell and sent the bid, as if the facilitator was excited and waited.

“It's 26 million won! ”

The presenter and the participants who were watching were excited as they competed against items that they did not expect because of their crude appearance.

The auction house was overheated. The bid went up to KRW 30 million in no time. Seong-jun was still relaxed, but the young man who was sitting not far from him was serious.

I didn't think it would be a competition with Seong-jun.

“Ugh... ”

The man shakes his head with a furious face. I was short on money. Eventually, he left the auction house.

“Anything else? We're up to KRW 31 million! Congratulations!”

Eventually, Seong-jun won the bid. Others left the auction house with a good look and the staff came to deliver the auction items to the remaining members alone.

“Congratulations, sir! ”

When Seong-jun showed me her membership card, the facilitator delivered the item with a celebration.

‘Seeing that there's nothing to talk about, send me a message to enter the VIP auction house that a class S item will appear... …. ’

Seong-jun left the auction house with his regrets.

- It looks old, but it's an Imperial army boot. But it's a bit different from the formula...... I think it was used by the Special Forces.

On the way down to the parking lot, Lee said in a confident voice after listening closely to the winning shoes.

“Yeah, I think I remember. I don't know where, but it must have been used by the Special Forces. ”

Seong-jun, who grabbed the wheel, drove to the officetel. After parking, he returns to the room, placing a thick cloth and boots on a large table.


Although Seong-jun did not explain it, Lischevald understood his orders.

- Confirm the existence of new items.

As Leishwald reached out and released his magical power, the meter he was holding reacted. The energy of this world is gone.

Seong-jun used the emotion function of the meter.

[Army Boots of the Imperial Army Dimensional Mobilization Unit]

Class A.

Check Blink Effect.

Items with lots of blink options.

“Was it used by the Imperial Army's Dimensional Mobility Unit? ”

Seong-jun examined the boots carefully. I couldn't find the crest of the Dimensional Mobility Unit because it was worn out a long time ago.

- Blink is the parent magic. Magical power consumption is severe, but can leave the danger zone faster than high-speed mobilization.

In Lischevald's explanation, Seong-jun nodded his head. If not, he needed means to escape the battlefield urgently.

Seong-jun was a monster who could fight back even if he was injured in 10 minutes if he opened up his distance to his enemies.

‘This should help us combat more efficiently. ’

I smiled at Seong-jun's mouth.

- Congratulations, sir.

Reshvalt congratulates me for seeing him.

“Yes, thank you. ”

Seong-jun nodded and went back to his room and turned on the computer. Suddenly I was curious about the price of the item with the Blink option.

Recently, Lischevald, a close friend of the Internet, came to the side of the monitor some time after he became curious.

I searched Hunter.com for information on items with the Blink option and came up with a list of quotes. Seong-jun was surprised to find it.

“The cheapest 10 billion...? ”

The cheapest shoe-type item with only blink options was 10 billion. I thought it would be expensive, but I was surprised at the unexpected price.

- Congratulations, sir.

Lischevald congratulates you once again.

In other words, more than 10 billion items were purchased for 31 million won. Seong-jun lightly trembled at the excitement that was rising.

“This... is worth it...?" ”

I smiled at Seong-jun's mouth.

I felt like I was scratching the lottery, not just collecting it. Especially this time, I felt like I won first place.


- Go ahead, Lord.

Lischevald replies. Seong-jun turns his head and looks at him.

“Let's give it a try. ”

He was excited like a child buying a new toy.

* * *

A few days later, a Class C Dungeon Soldier was scheduled. With Seong-jun's grade and rating, a Class B dungeon could be easily solved, but I chose a Class C dungeon with low target difficulty in order to test the weapons items.

I was going to test the performance of Blink in the boss' room and enter the Awakening Dungeon.

“You may enter. ”

Seong-jun entered the dungeon after completing the verification process by showing the Hunter's license to a staff member of the Dungeon Administration who was waiting.

As you rush along the back of the drone, the horses appear.


Even though a group of Orcs appeared, Seongjun ran without stopping. As he passed by, the Orcs collapsed, gushing blood.

He advances without stopping and arrives at the boss' room.

The boss was an ogre and there was no servant magic.

-It seems like a good environment to test the blink.

In Lischevalt's words, Seong-jun nods instead of answering. Then you slowly narrow your path to the ogre.

An ogre who recognized the presence of Seong-jun started running towards him.


As the ogre screams and wields a giant battle axe, Seong-jun opens his mouth, pulling up his magical power.


Seong-jun's body disappeared. The battle axe that the ogre wielded was just there, but now it's forcefully slicing through the air with no one.


The ogre is embarrassed. After him, Seong-jun appears. A swinging blade cuts the ogre's back throat.


The ogre collapses powerlessly.

- Assault confirmed, measurement complete. You have cleared a Class C dungeon.

The instruments reacted.

Seong-jun absorbed the magical power from the Ogre corpse and took the horseshoe and put it in a dimensional pocket.

- How's your performance?

“Casting speed is fast, but it consumes a lot of magic. I have to refrain from using it unless it's dangerous. ”

Seong-jun calmly evaluated the option skill of the boot item, 'Blink’. It seemed to be used even in the case of an emergency exit from a surprise or rebuilding for a kill strike.

- Open the Awakening Dungeon?

In Lischevald's question, Seong-jun raised his mouth.

“Of course.”

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