And the battles he actively chooses to fight, the winning rate will not be below [-]%.


  Seeing the departure of the young god, many gods in the venue were relieved.

  Although the young gods did not show any hostility towards them, they could feel the huge difference between the two just from the level.

  It's not at the same level at all.

  This is also the case with the little rabbit in front of the tiger.

· · Flowers · · ·

  But they were obviously too happy too early.

  Just after the young god left, the crystal dragon slowly fell from the sky one day.

  Savior Star Dragon!

  "This is... that crystal dragon that ran away at Di Shitian just now, has he come back? How is Di Shitian?"

  The Savior Star Dragon has left an indelible impression in the hearts of most gods, and I am afraid that the name of the Savior Star Dragon will be added to the list that the major gods cannot provoke.

  "He said...let me watch you..."

  The crystal girl radiating the light of salvation said softly.

  "Look at us?" The expressions of the gods are very subtle, why do they say it like they are looking at a prisoner?Are they gods anyway?

  "I....don't like troublesome things..."

.... 0

  The crystal girl continued.


  A god couldn't help but ask, does he always have a bad feeling?

  "So, you all don't move here~"

  The crystal girl said so.

  After saying this, the star particles on her body spread violently, and once again changed back to the posture of a crystal dragon.

  For now, the Savior Star Dragon will only act according to Kanzaki Yang's orders, and his subjective wishes are not as much as Mana's.

  This time, too, Kanzaki Yang said that by letting her look at these gods, she adopted the simplest, most direct and most effective method.

  【Light of Salvation! 】

  The light of redemption from the stars was spread over the meeting site.

  "Bang bang bang bang bang!~~"

  "dong dong dong dong ~~"

  There was such a light or heavy expansion sound at the scene.

  Because their posture is different, the posture of falling down when they are incapacitated is different, so the volume of the sound is different.

  No matter how powerful the gods are, as long as they do not reach the level of Shiva, they will all treat them equally in front of the Savior Star Dragon!

  Even Di Shitian turned into a bald head that resisted beating because he lost his strength, and there was no god more powerful than Di Shitian.

  "This power is......"

  Zeus showed a helpless smile.

  He knows why Di Shitian was beaten up by this little girl before. If he has this level of power, it is not surprising that he is beaten up~ Knife.

Chapter 185

  "I said, Sarjax, can't this thing recognize people? It's really uncomfortable for me to lie down here when I'm old~"

  Odin said very painfully.

  How is this thing indistinguishable?

  All the people were arrested in order to prevent others from making trouble?Where is this handled?

  "I'm sorry, Lord Odin, don't you think I'm like this too? I just have to ask Lord Odin to be patient."

  Sarjax also smiled helplessly.

  There's nothing he can do either~ He's not familiar with the Savior Star Dragon.

  This kind of strong control skill that is effective for transcendents of his level is too buggy.

  But the more bugs, the more he worries about the future......

  Obviously the one who has such assistance is still not sure about the future. What level of enemy is this?

  Sarjax didn't know, the things that Kanzaki Yang said were not forty or forty--meaning that the success rate of things was not more than [-]%.

  Especially in such a matter of life, if there is no [-]% certainty, then there is no certainty.

  "Okay~ that's all, this old bone of mine~"

  Odin sighed. He thought it would be easy today if he stood on the right team, but he was still hurt.

  The feeling of being instantly emptied of divine power... It's really a bit uncomfortable~~

  "Fortunately, I can also see in real time when he will be back, otherwise it would be really boring~"

  Odin decided to move his gaze to the screen for a moment.

  "Then please enjoy it, Lord Odin~ After all, this is something that was originally set in the script." Sarjax said with a smile.


  above the moon.

  A golden magic circle unfolded, and the young god came to the enchantment.

  He was quite sure that Shiva would have chosen to throw the array from the very beginning.

  This formation is of the same type as the one set up in Kuwang Town, but there are still differences. This formation is not presided over, so if it is attacked, it will be broken in a short time.

  Of long as I can get here in a short time.

  As long as he is here, as long as his life form does not dissipate, the formation will not be broken at all.


  Just right, when the young god came, Shiva was shot and flew towards him.

  "It seems that you are still having a good time?"

  The young god did not take action to catch him, and just watched him collide directly on the surface of the moon.

  Maybe some humans saw the human-shaped crater he smashed out a long time later, and they would be surprised that humans have already landed on the moon~

  "Ah, happy, of course happy~"

  Shiva got up and conveyed his thoughts.

  "But that's all, the next thing is left to you. Your purpose of looking for me should have been achieved by now, right?"

  Shiva looked at Lugartim in lunar orbit, and then at the young god radiating holy light.

  Hmm...if the God of the Bible comes, he can stop.

  He actually understood why the God of the Bible came to him, but he did it without hesitation.

  What could make those gods more alert than the second in the world without the ability to resist in front of the enemy?

  He had always known why the God of the Bible had come to him, but he didn't say anything about being taken advantage of.

  Anyway...that's what he's been pursuing.

  "Thank you~"

  The young god said with a smile.

  Although....... Shiva certainly can't see his smile.

  "It looks like someone who is more capable of fighting has come?"

  Lugartim slowly approached the two of them.

  Interesting, there is a living body with research value.

  Whether it is from the fluctuation of life or the aura he exudes, the person in front of him should be much stronger than the weak chicken before.

  "I've never felt like a guy who can fight."

  The young god said something that made Shiva's mouth twitch slightly.

  Do you think you can't fight?Yes, Versailles, Versailles, if I hadn't known your true strength, I would have been deceived by you.

  "I just try to do what I can do."

  The young god said lightly.

  "Hahaha~~ What can I do? Send someone over and be beaten with a protective cover on?" Lugartim asked with a smile.

  I have to say, this experiment is also quite interesting.

  It seems to have very similar fluctuations to the good gods in their world.

  If it can be used for research, it may be possible to find a way to restrain the weakness of the good god.

  Leshan Thorashi——The high-ranked elf god in charge of spirits in the different world of E×E "Good God".

  The battle with the mechanical lifeforms is deadlocked.

  Although there is no way to defeat the opponent, it cannot be easily eliminated by the opponent.

  Facing Lugartim's ridicule, the young god stepped lightly in the void.

  "Yes, that's what needs to be done."

  He said while pulling out a dazzling holy spear from the void.

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