This is because there are not enough places for most of the gods to move freely...

  However, in this world, the Church of the One God has been established.

  There is no first-comer, and there is no comparable competitor.

  And the close relationship between himself and Hestia is not ordinary.

  It's not the kind of relationship Hephaestus thought, it's a little deeper than he imagined~

  Staying here, you can also enjoy some benefits brought by such a country. It is an idea that is beneficial to both parties~

  "Why don't I go back, you haven't counted yet..."

  Hephaestus couldn't help but rolled his eyes at him, for such an obvious reason, she didn't believe that the other party couldn't think of it~


  Kanzaki Yang was at a loss for words, and did not know what kind of words to find in response.  …

  But at least being able to meet Hephaestus in the Holy City is a relief for him~

  Before forging Esther, he suffered such serious injuries.

  Its purpose is to complete the contract and create a powerful weapon of that level that does not belong to this world~

  For this god of forging, it is a new challenge and a higher yearning for his own strength.

  Although there was only one chance, it was enough for Hephaestus.

  What's more, Kanzaki Yang still has the blood of a god, the blood of that person~

  "What happened during this time? During the time I left, there shouldn't be any changes in the Holy City, right?"

  Regarding the situation here, although I have browsed it roughly, I still want to ask more, so that it can be very safe.

  "This matter will be discussed later, but why do I feel that your temperament has changed differently? Can you tell me a little..."

  Since they didn't return to their world, where did Kanzaki Yang in front of him go?

  Why did it suddenly disappear that day?This is what Hephaestus is eager to know in his heart.

  Or to put it in a better way, this is the holy son who has a close relationship with Hestia, and of course she has defined herself-knowing everything about him~

  This may not sound like a complete possibility, but it is enough.

  At least Kanzaki Yang can reveal something to her, and Hephaestus is very satisfied with 2.2...

  Kanzaki Yang smiled bitterly, but it seemed that he couldn't hide it from the other party~

  Is this a kind of soul torture?Or from the soul torture of Hephaestus...

  The key to the real core and core, he will not say it out loud...

  To a certain extent, some of the most core reasons are retained, the most important being the all-purpose red ball...

  Such a thing beyond this dimension, such an almighty wishing machine, it is better not to be known by Hephaestus.

  I saw his body blooming with the divine brilliance of the heaven of that world on that timeline...

  It is different from this world to a certain extent~

  When Hephaestus saw it, the whole person also fell into a kind of thinking...

Chapter 338


  "Why are you so interested in something like this..."

  "Could it be because of Hestia's relationship? But that's not the kind of interest you should show..."

  After Kanzaki Yang finished speaking, he regretted it. In his impression, isn't Hephaestus such a woman who is interested in most things~

  It's just that he showed such interest at such a critical moment, it really made him a little ashamed~

  "Okay, okay~"

  Looking at Hephaestus' look of contempt for him, he knew he was defeated.

  Where can one resist such a soul's gaze?

  This is an unbelievable thing for him, maybe a little bit can be revealed~

  Then he told the general situation, but just covered up the real reason a little.

  With his current ability, it would be better not to mention the almighty red ball.

  In case the propaganda goes out invisibly, and the almighty red ball is passed on, it attracts the attention of that AI intelligence.

  This is not just a simple matter of making a fire, it will be full of more complexities~

  "So are you going to flirt with other women?"

  Kanzaki Yang's words did not explain the second reincarnation. Hephaestus, as a woman, saw the point on this...

  Although the current temperament is indeed so different, it looks more noble, and the feeling of such a high god can be touched and out of reach.

  This kind of momentum is unique and cannot be touched~

  It's like there is a layer of barrier that cannot be broken by blowing, and it is very solid.

  When Kanzaki Yang heard her sarcasm, he couldn't help but rolled her eyes at her, why did he like to be sultry so much...

  This is a doubt, but also a question about my heart...

  But he didn't think long and quickly rejected it.

  He was someone with big plans in his heart, so how could he care about these things?

  "Okay, now you should talk to me..."

  He showed a very strong interest in the situation of the Holy City and the development of this kingdom after it was established.

  Hephaestus also put away the ridicule, and the whole person's face became solemn.

  "It's not very good...Maybe it doesn't match the highest perfection in your heart..."

  She remembered that the boy in front of her had mentioned it to her a little, and she still had a trace of impression in her heart.

  For Kanzaki Yang's expectations, that kind of perfection is like a heaven and an earth compared to the present...

  "Oh?" Kanzaki Yang raised his eyebrows, also a little surprised.

  He had traveled the world beforehand, at least on the surface, there was not much of a problem~

  But he knew that Hephaestus would not aimlessly...

  If you look at it this way, there are some problems.

  "I would like to hear about it!" He quickly continued to ask, hoping to get some more accurate answers~

  Since there is no need to worry about the almighty red ball locking him again, then the problem of cutting the world of Chi Tong is well solved!

  The only kingdom that has been established with great difficulty, wants to have its own system of gods.

  With this wonderful experience, he would not allow others to easily destroy it!


  "Those of us didn't have much problems before, but we used some tough methods when we completed the unification~"

  "Most of the people are still very loyal, and their piety envelopes the gods."

  "Even some people lead by example, influence, and pass on everyone around them, like a spider web, and continue to expand in that way."

  "But for some savage areas, it may also be near the Holy City, but I don't actually feel the existence of gods..."

  "As time goes by... the crime rate has increased again some time ago... Without the surveillance of gods, it is equivalent to not having a pair of eyes on their heads, paying attention to their every move, you say that such a country, how can it meet the Your original heart..."

  When it came to the end, Hephaestus sighed.

  She looked at the young man in front of her with some affection, but she just left for a while.

  The degree of control is still not enough. Once you can't feel the attention of the gods to them, there will be such a situation...

  Once such a situation occurs, if it expands, it will be very difficult for him~

  Fortunately, at a critical juncture, if you can come back in time, you may be able to completely improve this situation.

  "The holy kingdom of heaven has been established intact. As the children of the gods, are they so uncontrollable?"

  This matter was not easily discovered by Kanzaki Yang, it seems that it is a good thing for Hephaestus to stay here!

  She was right. Under such circumstances, it is indeed necessary to come back and re-rectify.

  You can feel the presence of gods all the time, so that you can maintain the kind of awe in your heart all the time.

  "How can it be so simple..."

  "Like our world, now there are many gods walking all over the place, and there are too many to count, but I also encountered this situation in the beginning... I don't know the specific inside story..."

  Hephaestus shook his head. This has nothing to do with self-control, but has a great relationship with human desire.

  Human desires are inexhaustible, especially for such a living being, there are so many things that can be thought of.

  He left in such a hurry again, and the series of systems and systems that continued after the 560s were not so perfect.

  Naturally, without the attention of the gods, the greed and other thoughts in the heart appeared all at once...

  This is an indisputable fact, even if he has to face it calmly.

  The only thing he was happy about was that the Holy City was more in line with his original intention.

  As for those barbaric areas... it looks like it will take some time to indoctrinate...

  Those places have been occupied too quickly, and the education has not changed, and the teaching has not been listened to. Now the signs of this have appeared, and he must solve it!

  "I see, thank you for what you said."

  Kanzaki Yang smiled lightly, and after thinking about this, his heart felt much more at ease.

  "You are... thanking me... It seems that you have flirted with a woman, and you have learned to be polite..."

  When I heard such politeness, I actually felt a little worried in Hephaestus' heart!

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